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*Before anyone gives me too much shit about this sequence (lol), this is not an anti-police thing, as I come from a law enforcement family and am married to a cop. This sequence was actually suggested by my police officer wife. At the end of the short sequence I threw in some additional (unedited/cleaned up) bonus images. Enjoy!


“The officer hated following up on noise complaints. It was often nothing more than a grumpy neighbor who couldn’t stand to see a bunch of college-kids having a good time, and the solution was usually ‘Just turn down the music a notch and keep the yelling inside rather than out on the deck.’ Simple enough. But merely showing up at a party often made things contentious, and it sometimes went downhill from there. This time, however, the officer found the partners to be pretty friendly and relatable, perhaps because of her own youth and looks. Her partner was as gruff as ever, and actually making the situation unnecessarily tense. The woman asked him to step outside and wait for her in the squad car while she handled the call herself. Grumbling, he nevertheless stepped away.

‘Hey, Miss…’ one of the partners said once her partner was outside, ‘we’ll keep it down a bit. This isn’t the first time our neighbor has complained, but we never let it get too out of hand here. Thanks for being chill. Do you want some punch?’ The officer initially thought to decline, but…with her partner outside and the partners being relaxed, having a sip of punch might just build the little bit of rapport she needed to keep things happy. She looked around, feigning a conspiratorial glance, and said, ‘Sure!’

The punch was delicious at first, but she found it quickly soured in her mouth. The partners around her had already returned to what they were doing, seeming to have forgotten she was even there. She watched them for a minute, took one more sip of the terrible punch (What the hell do kids put in drinks these days!?) and moved to set her cup down.”


“As she set her cup down and turned back to the door, she was hit with a wave of nausea that made her pause. It came and went quickly, and she took a deep breath to steady herself. ‘Damn,’ she thought, feeling the constriction of her shirt, ‘what is going on with me?’ She looked down at her shirt, thinking perhaps she had caught it on something, and noticed the growing expanse of breast flesh swelling out before her. Shocked back to reality, she now felt the sensation of her breasts growing steadily, pressing outward against the taut, cheap fabric of her uniform. The buttons strained with the effort of keeping her growing breasts contained, and she could feel her bra straps beneath her shirt pulling on her shoulders and making it hard to breathe.”


“Several sudden ‘pops’ rang out as the top buttons on her shirt gave way in quick succession, each one failing as her breasts burst out of her shirt. She looked down at her massive cleavage, thinking surely she must be hallucinating, something in the punch, maybe? Her breathing quickened again and she was suddenly certain she was not hallucinating; she could feel the tug of the tight shirt on her warm, growing breasts. She could feel her rock hard nipples pressing into the silky fabric of her bra beneath, could feel the shirt and bra sliding against each other as her breasts swelled ever continuously outward. The sensation was incredible, and were it not for the circumstances she would have found it pleasurable…even…arousing…”


“The officer moved toward the door, intending to get outside, call for her partner, and reach the hospital before something went wrong. The movement was too much for her straining uniform shirt, which gave way and burst open along its length. Her enormous breasts spilled out of her shirt, barely contained by the valiant, and failing, efforts of her overstretched bra. She moaned with exertion, feeling the weight of her breasts pulling her forward, filling and overflowing her bra as she struggled to regain control of herself and the situation. Her face felt funny, felt…scrunched up. She huffed for breath, feeling so…disoriented and uncertain. She felt her face and recoiled, unsure what was wrong with her nose, but feeling it was a completely different shape. Further above, she could feel something else different, something growing, something pulling at her scalp. She reached up, shocked again to feel something attached to her, fleshy, floppy…ears, EARS! ‘Holy fuck…’ she muttered, groaning again, and renewing her efforts to get outside, back to her partner, to help…”


“Before she could reach the door she was thrown off balance by the sudden tearing of her bra, unable to restrain her burgeoning breasts any longer. Their weight suddenly pulled her forward, mountains of wobbling flesh, and she dropped to her knees, catching her fall on her hands. Her face continued to contort, and the officer was reaching a panic. Beneath her fear, however, an undercurrent of pleasure began to grow within her. Her breathing continued to quicken and she felt a pulsing warmth in her loins. Unbidden, a moan escaped her lips and she felt herself arching her back and letting her mouth drop open as a wave of pleasure crashed over her, enveloping her in warmth and tingling sensation that momentarily broke her focus on the door, outside, and anything beyond the overwhelming sensations that assaulted her.”


“Her breasts surged outward again, and the officer could tell they weren’t the only part of her body growing. Behind her she could feel her ass and hips swelling outward, her uniform pants beginning to split as her unyielding growth expanded beyond their limits. Her waistband dug into her flesh painfully, but the pain was a dull nothing compared to the aching lust coursing through her. A wiggle from her tailbone told her, undoubtedly, her tail had escaped the confines of her tightly stretched pants. Each flick of her new tail sent shivers up and down her spine, and the contraction of the muscles that controlled it sent vibrations through her loins that nearly pushed her over the edge. As her pants tore from her body she felt her skin exposed to the air, could smell her arousal, and could feel the changes nearing their completion. Everything was building within her, growing and pulsing with her body, and she found she could focus on nothing else. Nothing mattered beyond the intense pleasure she felt as her transformation continued…”


“The officer shook her head, clearing it momentarily. She felt her new ears flap and the sensation brought her back to reality. Outside…she had to get outside. She had to reach her partner, get help…

As she crawled through the threshold of the door and out onto the porch, she was struck anew by the sensitivity and sensation of her new body. The cold October air swirled around her and she felt it caress her swollen breasts, their flesh tightening agains the cold, drawing tighter and firmer, her nipples hardening into dots of intense pleasure. Behind her, the air wafted over her exposed inner thighs, tracing light lines along her swollen thighs, ass, and…her overripe loins. Her tail flicked back and forth in the air and the woman felt that she would pass out as the incredible sensations from every part of her swollen, changed body hit her at once. She couldn’t take it any longer, overwhelmed by her experience, and she felt her entire body tense, quiver, and then release in a wobbling, shaking intensity she had never experienced before.

Recovering, she picked herself up off the porch, sitting upright and trying to collect herself. She looked down at her new body, past the visible profile of her new nose, and tried to wrap her mind around what had happened. The air still drifted lazily against her sensitive thighs and she glanced back in the door, where the revealers continued their party seemingly unaware…”



Shifty Imp

Very nice, I'm always here for women in suits or uniform turning into sows. :D


Ha, thanks! I’ll have to explore that theme a bit more once I have some breathing room!


I'm not a piggirl fan, but women busting out of a uniform is very hot.


Same, honestly. I put off doing a pig for a long time, but when my wife suggested this I thought I’d give it a try. The uniform is what makes it, right?


Love it. Thank you for the story too.


Love a woman in uniform and growing out of one.


Same man, it gets me. I’ve done three or four cop TFs at this point, lol