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*This is the beginning of a (likely over-ambitious) project to create some little Halloween themed mini-sequences. A group of partygoers is transformed by the punch at a college party. Original, right? In any case, some of these didn’t quite come out like I hoped, and I tried to use a mix of models in the different sequences. I hope you all enjoy! More to come tomorrow and the next day!

There are a few un-edited bonus images at the end that didn’t make it into the sequence, but are fun anyway. Enjoy!

“She surveyed the party around her, snickering inwardly at the absurdity of college life. These people were all beneath her, and she knew it. Deep down, they all knew it, too. She relished the ‘mean girl’ attitude, and more than lived up to it. She was prettier than any of these women, and whenever she wasn’t, she bullied her way through with an excess of confidence. This was HER party, and they were all lucky she had even shown up here. She watched them scurry about, all trying in their own ways to prove themselves worthy of getting laid. She knew better, and it was they who had to prove to her that THEY were worthy. She sauntered up to a pair chatting next to the punch bowl. The girl was clearly obsessed with the guy she was talking to, happy to even have his attention for the moment. When the woman walked up, she enjoyed the look of disappointment on the younger woman’s face as the guy shifted his attention to the woman in the witch costume. The woman smiled and feigned interest in the man until the younger girl stomped off in obvious dejected disgust. As soon as she was gone the woman dropped her smile and ignored the man, filling her drink and simply walking away from him, leaving him wondering how in the span of 30 seconds he had gone from two girls interested in him to none.

She sipped her punch and began picking another target to play with…”

“Suddenly the punch tasted sour in her mouth. She looked down at the glass, wondering what had changed. Nothing inside…

She took another sip, and it tasted to her like a rotten version of sour green candy. She spat it out, setting the cup down and heading for the door. Enough of this ridiculous party, time to go find somewhere more interesting to spend the evening.

Crossing through the kitchen she felt a wave of heat pass over her, accompanied by a warmth and a pressure in her chest. She paused at the counter for a moment to catch her breath, noticing that each breath drew her costume right across her chest. She found the sensation odd since despite her very high opinion of her own beauty, she had a very slender build and nothing was ever ‘tight’ across her chest. She breathed in again, and stood, placing a hand against her chest to steady herself.

The warm swell of breasts under her hand gave her a start, and she recoiled, thinking somehow she had bumped someone. She looked down at her hand and found herself staring into very respectable cleavage fully filling out the cups of her once-loose costume. She breathed in sharply in shock, noticing as well that the breasts staring back up at her swelled, pulling the fabric of her costume taut and stretching the fabric. She felt the sensation of the silky costume sliding against her warm, form breasts, her nipples growing hard as she stared down in disbelief.”

“She rushed from the kitchen as another wave of heat washed over her, making her way into a side room where she could find some privacy. Each hurried step brought the sensation of heavy, warbling breasts reverberating through her, and the silky fabric slid tightly across her nipples, sending bolts of arousal shooting to her loins. The heat pulsed through her and she was nearly overcome by a sudden jolt of additional pressure as her breasts grew again, swelling outward agains the fabric and stretching it to its limit. She paused, leaning against a door jamb to catch her breath. Her breasts swayed heavily from her chest, their warm weight pulling at her skin and sending waves of increasing pleasure through her body. She felt herself becoming turned on, her body quivering internally with each pulsating wave of heat and growth. She heard the stitching of her costume beginning to groan with strain, popping one after another as her heavy breasts pressed forward.

As the waves continued to wash over her, she felt another sensation as her hips began to expand. Once slender and lacking curves, she felt her hips blossom out into beckoning curves, her dress covering less and less of her expanding flesh. The sensation were growing more intense as each moment brought additional growth, expansion, and wave after wave of pleasure coursing through her.”

“Finally she could take no more, and, worried her dress would give way and tear open, she yanked the fabric from her breasts, baring them to the room around her. She could finally breathe, and thankfully no one had noticed her hurried flight from the kitchen. She was alone in the side room and could momentarily catch her breath. As soon as she felt normal again she could slip back into her dress and find a way out of this crazy party before anything else happened to her. It must have been that punch, she thought, trying to recall her night and what might have caused her sudden growth. She had to admit, however, that with her new assets and figure, there was truly no one who could hold a candle to her at this school. Once she got out of here and found the right costume, hell, ANYthing she wanted would be hers. She could wear a burlap sack and still go home with anyone on campus. The thought calmed her a bit, and she almost chuckled. Whatever was happening to her had only made her better, she thought, which of course is what she would have expected.”

“A sudden, intense itch on her hip drew her attention, and she glanced down while scratching absentmindedly. She shrieked and recoiled in horror at a patch of green skin spreading outward from her hip, across her stomach, and up toward her shoulders. A twinge I’d fear crept through her as the green color spread, but she was distracted by the sudden resurgence of her growth, her hips and breasts expanding yet again and stretching her costume past its limit. The sounding of popping stitched assaulted her ears as a final gasping breath ripped her dress in several places and she felt the cool air caress much more exposed skin than she would have liked. Despite her fear and confusion, the growth brought with it renewed waves of pleasure which crashed over her now as her body co tinier to change and grow. She found she could not focus on the spreading green on her skin while her body quivered internally, nearly vibrating with change and pent up energy.”

“The woman was overcome with the magnitude of changes, the swelling, growing, bursting, expanding, and the pleasure, the PLEASURE of it all! She felt lightheaded, wobbly, and she sank to her knees in a heap, her heaving breasts wobbling as she hit the floor. The green was continuing to spread across her body, spreading down her legs now, but she found she couldn’t care less. The pleasure assaulted her in wave after wave, and she was lost to it, her mind clouded as her body continued its transformation. She breathed heavy, feeling the weight of her enormous breasts, and found herself moaning with the overwhelming pleasure choking out her other senses.”

“As the green color spread further across her body the woman found herself increasingly overcome. She closed her eyes and relished the sensations that surged over her, the green skin enveloping her only seeming to increase her sensitivity, driving her wild and pushing her to the brink. She arched her back, letting the sensation wash over her as the green continued to spread and her body continued to grow and change.

The spreading green skin brought another sensation with it, and the woman felt…power…welling inside her. At first it began as a sense of strength beneath the pleasurable waves, but as the sensations grew together the woman could feel something else there. A sense of other realms, of a power beyond any physical strength, a control of darker forces…and this new strength amplified the pleasure even more. The woman was nearing the point of no return, her mind swimming with a concoction of emotion, feeling, growth, and power. It was boiling over, the cauldron of her mind scrambling to make sense of it all and find a path forward, but all the woman could find through the darkness was - release…”


The word pierced the cloud in her mind, the boiling cauldron of mixed emotions, pleasures, and the exquisite sensation of her body growing, changing, swelling, and stretching. She could feel every remaining tatter of her costume, straining value truly against the onslaught of flesh pouring forth from her body. Her ass joined her hips in growing outward, shredding the remaining pieces of her costume and bringing further waves of pleasure crashing over her.

All at once, her body stiffened, quivered, and she felt it - release. The orgasm that struck her was unlike she had ever experienced. It was an endless wave of warmth, pressure, and trembling flesh. Her muscles tightened, spasming rhythmically with each pulsing peak of ecstasy. She cried out, no longer aware of her surroundings as her mind shut completely and the orgasm wracked her body with an intensity that verged on painful, aching, surging and cascading over her. She could do nothing but arch her back and let it fill her as she came again and again and again…”

“At last it was over. The woman breathed, feeling the soothing itch of her spreading green skin filling in the final remaining patches of her body. The power that coursed through her slowly brought her back to reality. Through closed eyes she heard the sounds of partygoers rushing into the room, brought by her ecstatic cries.

Everything was suddenly so clear, so crystal clear that she ached with the knowledge thrust upon her. Power, power over all jumped to the forefront as she realized the strength within her. Ohhhh, she thought, those mortals would understand NOW! They did not realize she was the best among them before, but certainly they would not be able to deny it now. They would see the forces they had unleashed, and would understand their power.

The woman rose, taking in the silent, slack-jawed faces gaping at her form. ‘As I drank and was reborn, so too shall all of you! Drink from your cauldron, my pretties, for it will be MY witches brew!’ She cackled, leaving the stunned college students to question what they were seeing, many wondering if they had had too much to drink already…”




This is an amazing sequence AND we get a great short story! Awesome! I really like that you put the images in a sequence, and also included the bonus images too. Great stuff!!!