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*Sorry these are late, this week got away from me in several ways! One more Halloween sequence after this, and then back to regular content. I’ve added some alternate images that didn’t make it into the sequence, but are fun anyway, lol. Enjoy!


“The girl thought the party had been pretty…weird, so far. The vibe was off, and people seemed to be acting a little strangely. She made an educated guess that someone had spiked the punch, maybe with something other than alcohol, and it was causing the weirdness. She couldn’t put her finger in what was wrong, just…the vibe. She walked over to the punch bowl and filled a cup to investigate. It smelled ok, she thought. Color was normal. She held the cup up and inspected the contents, finding nothing out of the ordinary. She decided to take a small sip as a test.

The tiniest portion of punch touched her lips. She swished it around in her mouth cautiously, feeling no tingling or other signs of trouble. She swallowed, noticing the punch wasn’t as sweet as she had expected. Another, slightly larger sip, and it too went down easy. The girl shrugged, thinking she must just have been overthinking it. Another swig from the cup, and suddenly the punch tasted sour, as if someone had dumped throat spray into it, or something mentholated. She swallowed the punch, despite herself, and found herself eager to set the cup down, already feeling odd. Shit, she thought, there really was something off about the punch…”


“No sooner did she think ‘I should have been more careful about the damn punch’, then she felt a surge of pressure in her body, nearly everywhere at once. It was the strangest feeling, an internal pressure, surging outward and making her feel woozy. Suddenly, she felt a tightness in the skin of her chest, as her breasts began to grow larger, swelling outward and expanding before her eyes. The girl looked down in complete shock, unable to fully comprehend what was happening. The incredible sensation of feeling her chest expand, her skin drawing tight even as gently wobbling flesh poured forward and stretched her costume. Within a short while the girl found herself looking down into sizeable cleavage, a completely new experience for her, as her breasts hung from her chest, weighty and full, tightly stretching the faux satin fabric of her cheap costume.”


“Caught up in the sensation of her incredible, growing breasts, the girl had almost not noticed another intense pressure in her head. Two painful points of pressure formed on her temples, followed by a sliding, pressing feeling, as if something were growing out of her. The girl reached up to find two bony horns, thick and curving, extending from her temples and reaching up over her head. She paused, catching her breath, and trying desperately to make sense in her mind what was happening to her body.”


“With a stuttering ripple, like a flag unfurled in a breeze, the girl’s dress changed color before her eyes. No longer the pink of Peach’s dress, it soon became the dark black of Bowsette, flowing downward as the girl watched. This was suddenly too much for the girl (how could this be happening!?) and she felt her knees go weak. She wobbled, and sat, hard, on the couch.”


“The changes happening to her were too much, too incredible to take in. She couldn’t understand what was happening to her, and somehow the change in her dress (her clothing, too!?) was too much. She took a deep breath, noticing not unpleasantly the feeling of her still-growing breasts pulling at the fabric of her black dress. She noticed the fabric itself had changed, no longer cheap faux satin, but a luxurious cloth she had never felt before. In fact, it felt…good, the girl thought, as it rubbed against her. Each breath caused another slight tug, and the girl felt her body beginning to stir, a knot in her stomach becoming something more…a tinge of arousal moving into her loins. She was suddenly aware of the cool leather couch beneath her. She gently rocker herself forward, pressing her hips downward as she did so and reveling in the gentle sensation of her sex rubbing against the couch, the luxurious fabric of her dress facilitating the gentle slide and sending shivers of arousal skittering up her spine.”


“A sudden tendril of cool air across her chest brought her mentally back to the moment, and she realized her dress had slid from her enormous breaths, baring them to the room. She felt her nipples harden in the cool air, and tried to pull herself back into the moment, to flee, to cry out, something rational…but her body’s response to her changes reeled her back in. She was growing more turned on by the moment, struggling to keep from touching herself and giving in. Her chest heaved with trembling breaths, and the sensation of her wobbling breasts drove her further into the heat of arousal.”


“With a grunt, she felt the surge of real change hit her body all at once. Her breasts, already enormous, leapt forward from her chest, tearing the fabric and spilling into her waiting hands. With a pulling sensation that nearly drove the woman wild, her hips swelled outward, drawing the skin and muscles of her stomach tight and tending the luxurious fabric of her dress. She felt herself growing, stretching, and expanding everywhere at once, and the sensation nearly drove her insane. Intense arousal and pleasure washed over her body as the growth hit her. She groaned, the intense pleasure pulling the sound from deep within her, an uncontrolled response to the sudden and intense feelings she was experiencing. Her body continued its onslaught of growth mercilessly.”


“The girl sank from the couch to the floor, spreading her knees wide and thrusting her hips downward, feeling the cool air continue to caress her body, counteracting the heat that she felt radiating from her loins. Her torn dress still clung to her body, her growth continuing to stretch and tear the supple fabric as she changed.”


“As her breasts and hips continued to grow, the girl felt more changes beginning. Something was growing on her back, and further down on her tailbone. She tried momentarily to shift her attention to the new sensation, when her breasts surged forward again, the massive, firm gloves of flesh pressing against one another and thrusting her nipples forward. Her dress, torn and tattered, somehow still clung to her body. As she grew and changed, she tried to pull herself free of the fabric, but it would not relent, shifting on her body like a living thing. It was…a part of her, of who she was to become. It could not be fully separated from her any more than the horns or the crown on her head. It was integral. The girl strained against the changing fabric, trying in vain to feel her body, as wave after wave of heat and pleasure crashed over her.”


“The changes continued and the girl continued to struggle agains the dress. Competing sensations and priority’s battled inside her mind, the overwhelming arousal in her body demanding she relieve herself, while the sensation of growth in her back drew her attention elsewhere. She lifted herself from the floor, her mind nearly blank as impossible sensations clouded out any other thought.”


“Another wave of pleasure slammed into the woman, drawing a moan past her lips as she leaned forward, her hips unconsciously thrusting forward and down. The stretching and pulsating in her body threatened to drive the girl insane, but she suddenly felt certain she knew what the pulling sensation on her tailbone had been. Behind her, a tail pressed outward, growing thick and powerful, new musculature along its length, and as the girl waves it back and forth in the room she could feel the muscle contractions sending…shivers, pulls, up into the rest of her body. She squirmed as she neared release and gave her body over to the change.”


“Behind her, her tail continued to grow, thick and powerful, and the girl was acutely aware of something growing on her back. She arched her back, thrusting her hips and tail backward, as she clutched at her a enormous breasts. Her spiked wristlets (when did those get here!?) dug into her flesh, but the sensation only increased the arousal, pleasure, and LUST that coursed through her body. She was nearing a breaking point, unable to withstand the intensity of her change any longer. She moaned again, nearly a muted grunt, as her loins throbbed and a delicious quiver flashed through her.”


“She was overcome, unable to do anything but grip her changing body and let the incredible pleasure wash over her. Her muscles tensed, trembling, as she cupped her swollen breasts, her broad hips flaring beyond the confines of her infernal dress, tail whipping behind her, and the girl felt her body release. The orgasm washed over her and then crashed, dripping the girl to the floor in a shaking, quivering mess, sweat dripping from her body as she screamed and came, all thought wiped from her mind in the intense bliss of the moment…”


“The girl collected herself from the floor, her head slowly clearing and her thoughts returning to her. She sat, hand to her head as she steadied herself and took in the room. She felt…she felt GOOD…she felt powerful. Her body was strong, lithe, and regal. She slowly stood, noticing her dress had adapted to her new curves, supple and luxurious fabric cupping her enormous breasts, her flared and beckoning hips peeking out from high slits in the sides of her dress, and her shell and tail accommodated behind her. This was her true from, one that others would know…and worship. She breathed deep, the smell of fall, winter just around the corner, lingering in the air. With a regal and commanding air, she turned, and decided it was time to return to the party…”




Ah, Bowsette... the big N's best (and sexiest) publishing mistake! 😍🥰


Thanks for the great and sexy sequence! Awesome stuff as usual.


Thanks so much man, it means a lot to me that you and others are enjoying what I make. A little feedback goes a long way, so I appreciate it!

