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🔥🍽 We're back with an exciting new patch that's sure to bring some cozy improvements to your gaming experience! Following our recent livestream event, we took a close look at your feedback and discovered a few areas that needed a little extra love. Your thoughts and ideas have been a huge inspiration, and we're thrilled to share some of the changes we've made.

We've given some of the most cherished features in Little Sim World a bit of a makeover to make them even more enjoyable. Cooking and reading, especially books that match your interests, have received some special attention. But don't worry, these updates are just the beginning of our journey to create the perfect gaming experience for all of you! Let’s get into the individual features new to this patch.

Download Link: Little Sim World v0.39

Installation Guide: Windows and Mac OS guide

📚 Books!

You may notice a bunch of new books on your next visit to the library, these aren’t just for show as the books relating to each interest are now trilogies! They need to be read in the proper order for the best results. However, you may ask… how do I read them in order when I can just read a single book endlessly and the answer to that is quite simple, you no longer can! Each book can now be finished and will give the player a permanent buff relating to the interest when read. Different books take a different amount of time to finish and the ones with the best buffs take the longest to finish.

On your next visit to the library, you might spot some exciting new additions. These books aren't just there for decoration—each interest now has a captivating trilogy waiting to be explored! To get the most out of these stories, it's essential to read them in the correct order.

But you might wonder, 'How do I maintain order when I could just reread a single book endlessly?' Well, the answer is simple: those days are over! Each book can now be completed, granting you a lasting boost related to their interest upon finishing. Keep in mind that different books take various amounts of time to complete, and the most rewarding buffs come from the longest reads.

These are just the first half of the changes coming to both books, magazines and the library so stay tuned for the rest!


Your brilliant mind is in for some exercise with our brand-new addition, the Archaeology Set, available for purchase at D&Y! This set offers you two intriguing options: you can harness it as an infinite source of Knowledge XP. Alternatively, you can choose to analyze the collectibles you've acquired, which will, in turn, enhance your Knowledge and ultimately raise the selling price of that specific type of collectible! Any collectible you analyze will bestow a price increase upon all collectibles of its kind, whether they are leaves, coins, toys, or anything else.

Your ever-expanding knowledge also opens up exciting opportunities to converse with the Museum's curator, who, in appreciation of your company, will guide you to the nearest collectible! Plus, these discussions will undoubtedly give your brainpower a significant boost. You’ll, however, need to be at his knowledge level to converse, which means level 5 or higher…

👅 Flavours

While hovering over the many foods we offer you’ll notice some new tags… these are Flavours! We had them before, but now they actually affect what happens when you eat. Each flavour hints at what happens to your stats when you munch on that food. Worry not though, your preferences will also have an effect on these same effects. Plus, you'll see a cool animation when you dig into your favorites!

🍳 Cooking UI

It's not just about flavors; we've revamped the whole kitchen experience. It looks stunning, and we've made it simpler too. You can now choose recipes you already know, and the game will check if you have the ingredients. You can even cook multiple of the same dish in a row. We've also added details on cooking time and XP earned. You’ll also easily know which recipes you’ve already made and which ones are new to you, with the new ones also giving bonus XP when you make them for the first time!

Recipes in the future will also be able to have more than 3 different ingredients as well as more than a few of a single ingredient… Can’t wait to add the Ultimate Salad which requires 10 vegetables to make! Definitely let us know which recipes you’d like to be added in the future, we’re always open to suggestions be it through Patreon or ideally through our Discord server.

We’ll also be adding a few more functionalities in the upcoming patches for an even easier time making your favourite recipes.

💭 Thought Bubbles

Every now and then NPCs will present their thoughts out loud… for some reason. But hey, they seem to always be something interesting so might as well hear em out!

While currently these are quite random, we’ll be adding more and more of them that will either trigger in specific situations or be prompts that you guys want added to the game. A lot of the current ones are the ideas from different people within our dev team so we really do hope you enjoy them and they make your playthrough just a bit more interesting.

📦 Dropping Items

Don’t know what to do with an item? Just throw it on the ground! Actually, don’t do that, that’s littering and not recommended. But if you really need to, you can, specifically in the area around your house. You can always come back for it later and put it in its proper place afterwards.

These of course aren’t all the changes, there are a bunch of other less flashy or big changes we’ve done and a boatload of bugs as well as general improvements to many systems that you can check out in the detailed Changelog below!

We really appreciate your support and we always love to hear from you guys so come talk to us on Discord and let us know what you thought about all the new changes or just hang out with the rest of the Littles gang!



Dropping items

Have items taking inventory space that you can’t use for the moment? No problem! You’re now able to drag and drop out of your inventory to drop them on the ground. This action is only restricted to the confines of your home though.


Ever wish your character could just wake up right before work? We’ve added new sleeping interactions that will give you a variety of options! You can:

  • Full Rest (Sleep until your energy need is full!).
  • Wake up in the morning (6:30).
  • Wake up for work (Wake up an hour before of work).
  • Sleep (sleep indefinitely - like a rock!).
  • Nap (sleep for 2 hours).

NPC thought bubbles

Ever wondered what an NPC in a simulated world was thinking? Well, now you can see! NPCs will display thought bubbles randomly throughout the world.

Animated Need Icons

Enjoy more visual feedback from the brand-new and animated need icons! Now you’ll exactly when a need is increased or decreased.


New curtain censors have been added when going to the bathroom/showering!

Leaves Collectibles

Catching leaves now might crush them, so be careful. Try to use a net to avoid this!



“Knowledge is power”, and what better way to acquire it than reading? To reflect this wise saying, we’ve made some changes to the books:

  • Books are now finishable and give a small permanent buff when finished.
  • Interest-related books will now all have 3 tiers (sequels) that give progressively bigger buffs and slightly more XP.
  • Other knowledge books have the same buff but with smaller effects.

Knowledge Interest

  • New interactable decoration - Archeology Set! You can now sacrifice collectibles to get a higher amount of knowledge XP for a limited time and increase the said collectible’s sell price at the pawn stall. Try it out!
  • New curator interaction - Discussion, unlocked at knowledge LVL 5! This interaction can only be done once per day, gives a high amount of knowledge XP for a short time, and can show you where the nearest collectible is!


Mmmm…something smells nice! What’s cooking in our cooking update?

  • Some leaves will now be edible. The higher the rarity, the better the effects/hunger increase.
  • Recipes are visible in the stove UI and will automatically add the correct ingredients for the chosen recipe when it is chosen.
  • You can now multiple of the same meal one after the other by using the UI.
  • 5 ingredient slots!
  • Food has flavours now! Assign a favorite flavour to your character to gain special benefits when consuming their favorite food, with a unique animation to boot!

Updated Working-Time hours

Most shops have received an update on working hours. Check the new working hours in-game on your map!

Levels Uncapped

All levels have no cap now, so level up your favorite interest….forever!


Fines have been updated with different prices, so be careful. It might just not be worth it to jaywalk…or avoid paying your fines!


The gym has received a new layout and a couple of new furnitures. Try them out!

Bug Fixes

  • Recycling without gloves no longer softlocks controls.
  • Pressing M again after the map is open, closes the map.
  • Picking up a new leaf does not display 2 notifications anymore.
  • Picking up a leaf will no longer randomly display an egg sprite.
  • Book Reading works on all saves.
  • Subscriptions issues encountered by some users have been fixed.
  • Colliders fixed at certain spots in the city (Gym, Royal Snail etc.)
  • “Browse internet” animation randomly stopping fixed.

Thanks it for now!


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