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Heyoooo! How's everyone doing? We're here to announce our next upcoming feature in Little Sim World! We're glad to announce that the clothing system will be completely reworked (This isn't even the final feature! Expect changes coming up soon!) 

We're really sorry we've taken some time on this update, we're actually taking a bit more time polishing and working on this one so expect it to be released by the end of October! Yes, a two-month patch 😮!

This may be one of our last patches on world-building, we are striving to focus more on full gameplay features after this. Expect to see more new exciting features next!

Let's get started with this patch then! The Clothing Store Update (Of course this comes with a whole Clothing System re-make hehe):

A brand new building will emerge in London! Banana 21 is a multi-national retail clothing chain. It specialises in fast fashion and sells clothing, accessories, shoes and beauty products.

As said before, having a clothing store will change a lot of the mechanics we currently have in the game, first of all, the players won't be able to wear everything for free, they now will have to buy clothes in order to use them. Although, character creation will come with many clothes, so choose wisely!

Sorry to all fashion-lovers out there! You'll now need money to look pretty <3

This is a WIP image of how the new wardrobe will work! The player will now be able to create their own outfits that can be saved and completely customizable! Our new shop will come with many different types of clothes, which can be bought with our usual In-Game currency.

Clothes that show up on mannequins will have their colour randomized! You'll be able to Colour your clothes at the Workbench! Just like with Furniture Colouring, you need a Dye to interact with the workbench and colour your whole wardrobe!

This means you can literally have 40 kinds of the same piece of clothing, just with a different colour! (Fashion you say??)

This is a small WIP image on how buying clothes will look like:

As said before, this isn't the final version of the clothing system that will be in LSW, we're currently building the base for it. Expect clothes to have a bigger impact on your London lifestyle in the near future! Hope you guys like this as much as we do!

Thanks a lot everyone!

Terry & Andy


Lisa-Marie Berzelius

Oh wow im in love with this! I have looked forward for a clothing store in LSW! And i love the idea that you have to buy them instead of just getting clothes for free, wow this is amazing, you are doing a fantastic job! ❤️

Star Zoë

Even for WIP it looks so good!


Yeahhhh we will be adding a whole clothes system and developing this over time. You'll have to achieve them over time <3