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Hello Hello Everyone! 

Hope you awesome people are doing great! We're making this post to tell you that the newest patch is already out! This update involves huge changes in both the economy and the looks of the players, we're updating the whole wardrobe and adding a new store, Banana 21!

We brought some patch notes for you, improvements, yay!

Installation Guide: Installation Guide • Little Sim World
You can download the game:
Download Link 

New Content:

  • Clothing Store:
    A whole new building is now available! The Clothing Store! This includes the following mechanics being added to the game:
    Buying Clothes: The player can now buy different clothes that will be obtainable through the clothing store right by the Gym!
    Dyeing Clothes: Added a Dyeing mechanic that allows the player to change the colour of their clothes at the Workbench!
    New Wardrobe: The wardrobe got updated! Since now you don't own every kind of clothes, you now need to buy them. Customizable outfits are now implemented into the game too!
  • Gameplay:
    BuildMode placement is now improved, and selecting is more accessible now.
    Added a selection offset when picking up the furniture.
    Minor world layout changes.
    There's a new alley right by Bloom Sports, this alley is a passage between the new store, Banana 21, and Bloom Sports.
  • Visual Updates:
    A new UI has been created for the wardrobe! This will show all your currently obtained pieces of clothing, outfits you've made and more!
    Updated the progress bar for some time-consuming interactions, instead of that we now have a progress circle.
    Most objects now have an icon showing how stackable they are and how many you need to fill the inventory slot.
    Added an Orientation Arrow to show where our currently selected piece of furniture is looking at.

Updated Content:

  • Gameplay:
    Updated the Gym subscriptions. Tier 3 Subscription is now 24/7 availability to all the Gym features.
    Furniture Colouring: Added support for the colouring system to consume premium paint buckets if basic paint stock is insufficient.
    Furniture Colouring: Default colours now only cost one basic paint bucket for each colour type, no matter the item tier. The system now only charges if selecting a different colour from the asset's original colour.
    Furniture Colouring: Implemented the “Save Colour” button on Color Customization Menu and made it preview the current change even when the respective colour button is not selected; the “Exit” button restores the button colour back to its previous value.
    Furniture Colouring: Made colouring UI display basic buckets cost as premium bucket cost ONLY when the player lacks basic paint buckets and premium buckets stock is enough to afford the colouring.
    Closed Stores: Stores now won't allow the player to interact with their furniture and/or counter while the shop is closed.
    Stores: Pedestals now won't repeat the content in-between each other.
  • Visual Updates:
    Furniture Colouring: Updated D&Y fee sprite inside Colouring UI, it now updates size dynamically.
    Furniture Colouring: Added “Select” button to Color Customizer Menu. It also updates size dynamically.
    Furniture Colouring: Fixed the UI positioning.
    Furniture Colouring: Inserted D&Y fee inside the Colouring UI.
    Repositioned some of London's benches.
    System now auto-selects colour buttons if any match the assets' original colour. (Furniture Colouring)
    When placing an object on the workbench, the Furniture Colouring UI will check if the furniture has a preset colour and will auto-select it if it does.
    Added tooltips on paint buckets stock/cost.
    Updated some map zones.
    Merged Simon's Pub and Bedford Square's blocks.
    Moved Berrys' up north a bit to have a better lineup with its neighbour stores.
    Moved D&Y up a bit to give more sidewalk space.
    Fixed fridge quick snack to set held item as buttered toast.

Bug Fixes / Dev Tweaks:

  • Fixed workbench back view to mask entity when painting.
  • Fixed time control from not being able to fast forward while idling.
  • Fixed a bug that disabled some of D&Y's wall colliders.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the reading animation to be handless.
  • Fixed a bug that caused vehicle spawn overshooting.
  • Fixed a bug in the main menu that caused infinite loading.
  • Fixed some vehicle colliders.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player to faint when it's phone was out. Now the phone closes.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the oven not to open on its first interaction.
  • Fixed some map area positioning.
  • Fixed some memory leaks, much improvement, wow.
  • Added a new system, Store Handler V1.
  • Added support for equipable tooltips.
  • Added an FPS counter that's only enabled for debugging.
  • Adjusted atlases compression to improve performance.
  • BenchPress Bar animation position adjustment, no more air-lifting.
  • Improved the lights system, now the player must be close to them in order to be turned on.
  • NPC Performance optimization.
  • Major script cleanup and renaming.
  • Updated the 'Feel system' to v3.7.1
  • Updated the NPC avoidance grid to accommodate all the pathfinding changes.

In conclusion:

This update means that you'll no longer have all the available clothes in the game inside your wardrobe from the beginning, you'll need to buy clothes in order to have clothes.

This also means something special that's coming up…….
OUTFITS! Now you can change your whole outfit with a single click on the Wardrobe! You're not only losing clothes here, don't worry!

With new things being added into the game come the issues. At the moment the player can't colour their clothes, they can only buy clothes that are already pre-coloured from Banana21, go check out the store every day to see your favourite clothes with the colours of your liking!

Because of that, we'll be adding a Colouring system for clothes next patch too, don't worry. Just FYI, buying 50 times the same piece of cloth might fill up your wardrobe! Every piece is a slot, buy a better wardrobe for more outfits and clothes slots!

That's about it for us, buy your clothes, make an outfit, even show it to us! We'd love to see how everyone may come up with great ideas for the best outfits!
You can name them and swap them pretty easily, enjoy!

Expect more news soon~~ LSW is going having maaaany changes in the near future.