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Hello hello everyone!

The next download patch should be ready next Friday (expect bugs though, probably).

Time is passing so quickly at the moment. It feels that way since we are really getting a lot of work finished (although I feel like I say that every time, but it's true I promise!!!). We did a lot of cleaning on the interaction system as Jack remade the entire thing in the past 1-2 weeks or so. The old one was a bit yucky and now we have something much cleaner and should see performance improvements. This was sort of important for us as you know we really hope that every potato can run our game moving forwards in the early access. 

WIP of the new interaction system. Allows us to add icons and just have overall more options, flexibility and less lag. Good job jack!

The electronics store is currently in the works and we are probably going to have a poll to vote on how to name it. All our name suggestions atm ngl are kind of bad. So next week sometimes probably we will do a poll. Berry's is just not hitting for me, eh. Still, take a look at the WIP stuff where all electronics will be sold (for now). Stoves, fridges, computers etc!

Ronnel did a fantastic job here. Ofc it's all WIP and not ready yet but it gives a rough idea. A little uninteresting at the moment but don't worry it'll be all pretty as we close in on the final details. 

The library is shaping up quick nicely, I think. Actually, I'm sure I've been saying that for like the last 1-2 months in every patch lol. Sorry to sound like a broken record but it's taking a lot of work to get right. The issue is, it's easy to plonk down buildings but much harder to implement meaningful gameplay beyond the sheer basics. Once we have all the absolute necessary features of a Sim game (getting close!!!) we will add much deeper gameplay for every building in the game. Our game might look cute, but we are going deep in terms of gameplay and replayability!

Not 100% happy with the size, I think it's a little big but eh, what do I know. We'll test it and see what you guys think soon. This is the University Library in London, where once upon a time the younger Terry used to study IRL. A little nostalgic for me!

The furniture store is actually in our test build now and working. NGL it's fairly janky right now since the UI are still in potato mode. Arthur and Ronnel are doing super good for the store. Lucas is remaking the build mode as the 'free build mode' is being completely replaced. We do still have plans to have a free build mode with no gameplay though for the moment, so you can test builds still. Oh, yeah of course your houses will be demolished probably once this update hits, sorry...

The upside, besides all of you guys becoming momentary homeless in London is that money will have really significant meaning soon as you need to start using the moolah to buy furnitures. The furniture will be somewhat RNG like in Animal Crossing. For the moment we don't have plans of recreating the Sims monsterous catalogue as it's not the design we are aiming for. However, we will compete in terms of furniture number counter I think in the coming years as we are going to create hundreds if not a thousand unique furniture in the future so... look forward to it!

Yeah, the UI is super jank right now. Don't worry, we'll fix a lot of it before the next patch. Blame Arthur for anything wrong all give me all the credit for the good stuff. Just kidding obviously! Still, this is HYPE! More gameplay!!!

I have quite a big announcement for everyone soon, actually. I don't want to say much until it's fully finalised but uhm, just wait for it! Hopefully next or the week after? It'll be hype hype.

So that's the update and sorry for being late. It's 3am in London and I'm exhausted. Been working really hard on stuff recently. Don't feel bad for me though, we chose to make this game for you guys and really we want to home run this and make it a top Steam seller. Anything less isn't good enough!!!

Love you all,

Terry & Team (Arthur, Jack, Michel, Ronnel & Lucas)



This all looks fantastic! So excited!!