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Leap of Faith SFW?
I've been keeping myself updated on your comments from last week's poll. Even though a #SFW rework of LoF was downvoted, I was honestly surprised by the interest in it.

I know that by having a vote that doesn't have a landslide victory, I've set myself up to upsetting either end by trying to satisfy either those for or against, but I'll have a quick look at converting LoF to SFW by simply removing NSFW content. If this is something I can do by not causing u4ia a significant delay I'll give it a go. By that, I mean a few days, not weeks.

I also think I made myself misunderstood, as this is not something I'm looking into for financial gain. These last few years I've learned from the countless messages I have received, that LoF has had a positive impact on so many. If just one person reads an SFW LoF version and connects with Cece as so many other has, I'd see that as a win.

My render rig has been going through a lot of animations this week, and has now started working its way through the story renders. I'm at 1,225 story renders and 11,074 frames of animation.

The girl below is the first Genesis 9 figure I've been working with, and I've been having a blast. As you can see, it's an improvement to the current Genesis 8.1 that most of us are using, and the main goal is to convert every character in the story to Genesis 9 as the story progresses, and more Genesis 9 3d assets are being made available.

I also spent a day making sure the financial rapport for 2022 is done, as it's not something I want to spend any time on during tax season when I most likely will have my hands full with the release or testing. It also allowed me to set a budget for the music. U4ia, episode 1, has the same music budget as the completed version of Leap of Faith.

Next week, I'll continue the rendering and start the huge job of contacting musicians. I have a list of songs I want to use, and one of them is from a more mainstream artist. Would love to see that song in the game, or at least in the trailer.

As Porky Pig would say; That's all folks. Have yourself a wonderful weekend, and stay safe out there.

// Drifty




I like the sound of the LoF SFW message.


I think "upsetting either side" sounds a little bit harsh. I have no interest in a SFW version myself but I would definitely not be upset if you spent time with it and I'm certainly not alone in this. But with the reason you just gave for a SFW version, I now think you should do it. Although I will never play a SFW version myself I know several people to whom I would recommend it.


I really hope you bring more Talbott Brothers music into u4ia. Their catalog alone would be worthy enough. A little bit of patience can do us all some good. Please take as much time as needed to extend LoF to the masses. Cheers!


I voted for a SFW version for the very reason you discus. I have a few friends and family I would like to try it but the NSFW version is not their cup of tea.. I personally would probably never play it. I would buy it as a gift on steam for several people. maybe an R rated version vs PG would be more doable


Also voted for a SFW, cause a couple of non-gamer friends of mine may be interested in this simply for the story, how touching it is. But like you said, a majority voted against, if you can't, you can't, U4iA sure is awaited anyway.

Stuart Dollar

I think it's great enough a story to want to make it SFW. I support it, and hope it comes to fruition.


Thanks for doing this SFW version, I mostly play VNs for the story, and a story as good as this one has to find a larger public. Thank you again for your work and can't wait for future releases.

Darryl !

I had voted for no SFW version but I was rethinking over the last couple days and came to the same conclusion. I'm sure a lot of people who aren't into NSFW stories and even teens would find that connection to Cece and how she and her friends deal with what she's going through.


I voted pro SFW rework. I won't be mad if you decide against it. Cheers.


I think that the NSFW adds that extra grab. although I could see a mopvie being made of the storyline (hell if they can allow 50 shades then this could easily be worked into a movie!) Making it SFW i think although incredibly well written, would turn into just another segment of mental health weekly.


Personally I'd love to see a SFW version or like mentioned an R version. My wife would see me playing the game and think it's for the "porn" and it's not. I love this game and would love to share it with her and my friends, but they'd be turned off by the NSFW parts and honestly, it's one of the best and engaging games I've ever played. I'm sorry you had to go through what you did 7yrs ago and clearly Cece was a big part of that. I would love for others to see her story and who knows, maybe stop someone from going that route. Either way I really hope you make a SFW version is what I'm trying to say.