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This week, my computer has been working its way through the render queue while I had to tend to quite a few other things.

Leap of Faith is coming to GOG.com
And since it was #NSFW-week on gog.com, I and my representative there decided to give it a push to get the store page up. It took slightly longer than expected due to some dlc problems and I no longer had the old promotion video, so I had to make a new one. And I had to keep changing it because Youtube kept tagging it as 18+ long after I had uploaded it. So in the end I made several revised versions trying to figure out which part of the video actually caused the 18+ tagging. Thank you so much for that, Youtube.

The store page is up at: https://www.gog.com/en/game/leap_of_faith. Release date will be 17th of February.

Motion capture
I've ordered a motion capture suit to help improve animations. But just so you're all aware, you won't be seeing lewd scenes in the game which are me and the missus acting out the scene beforehand in a mo-cap suit. :) It's meant for improving animations and poses generally. I've helped a local theater group with music arrangements, so as a return favor, they will be doing a lot of animation work to give me some data I can use for the game. The suit is still being prepped by the company who sold it, and they told me they do around a month of testing and calibration on the suit, so you won't see the result for u4ia episode 1, as most of the animation work is already done.

Cece best girl?
In a knockout style competition with 127 other VN girls, Cece took home the Best Girl award over at the AVN_Lovers sub-reddit. Here is the thank you render I did for those who voted. Big version of this image (and by that I mean, really, really big) attached to this post.

Steam Deck improvements for LoF (on Steam)
Valve sent me a Steam dev-kit Deck, so I will be adding some small Steam Deck quality-of-life improvements for LoF in the near future.

'Thank you for the music'
The musicians I used for LoF keep sending me feedback about how nice it is to see people coming from LoF and commenting on their youtube videos. Thank you for doing so. You show them that it's worth licensing their music for games in this genre.

Poll: Should I make a none adult version of LoF?
I get this question fairly often, and I decided to hear your opinion on this as you are all my investors and should have a say in how I spend my time working. If I do a none adult version of LoF, I want to put a bit of effort into it rather than just trying to remove everything that can be considered 'pornographic'. Which means some reworked scenes. If I were to do this, it would probably mean a 2-3 week delay for u4ia. So, for the poll, should I spend that time making a none adult version of LoF? I have also gotten two offers to make a movie out of Leap of Faith, but it's only initial talk/ideas, so it's far from decided or finalized in any way. And in case LoF ever becomes a movie, of course, it will not be an adult version.

Other than that, there's not much to add for this week. Have yourself a wonderful weekend, and stay safe out there.

// Drifty




yea i think as a SFW story, it would hit a bigger market, open some eyes to great story telling and maybe get them to dip their toes in the AVN pool.


A SFW version would be a good idea, but it would ultimately fail as it sets up an unrealistic expectation. Imagine people searching for more SFW game/story after playing SFW LoF and finding none, even a few years down the road. There's a few slow burn AVNs that are pretty good, but they are still NSFW. I don't imagine many authors would venture into creating or modifying their existing game/story unless they receiving overwhelming support for the extra effort...


Not like I'm a big streamer, but I would absolutely stream the fuck out of a SFW version. I think it's a story that deserves to be told, and I most definitely want to share it as much as I can. While I think the sex stuff is the cherry on top, there are larger themes here that deserve a bigger spotlight.


I reallty feel that in your work the NSFW moments are natural in the story. It isn't like some other adult work out there so I don't see why you should devote time on making a 'lighter' version.


Definitely a SFW version! I'm friends with the dudes over at Neebs Gaming and I've been trying to get them to voice act LoF. A SFW version might just be what it takes. This story really should be experienced by way more people too. Cheers!


I love the AVN_Lovers shoutout. As I said before, definitely a deserved win for (one of the) best girl(s)! :) As for the SFW LoF version, I think it's an interesting idea. I've always maintained the opinion that some of the best AVNs like LoF do not really need the NSFW content to be good; that's just a bonus on top for the genre. If you think this would help grow your brand and introduce more people to the story, absolutely - go for it! And if you're confident it will only take about 2-3 weeks, then that's really nothing in the grand scheme of things, merely a small delay. But ultimately as others pointed out, you should do whatever you think is the best course of actions - the rest of us will be along to enjoy the ride and offer support. :) Thanks for the update, Drifty!


To be honest - i loved to play LoF! It was incredible good with the Story and the Art. And i honestly believe there is only one Person to decide if to work on it again or not. So do what you´re best at - make great Games and good Decisions! Go Drifty go!


Wooo!! GO CECE!!! And I wish I could share this game that's meant more to me than any other media/entertainment with others, without the stigma/judgement of it being an AVN. But I also don't have any issue being selfish with all the others that have experienced it for themselves in our little pocket of space on the internet.

Geralt of Ashkelon

To echo a lot of people here, I would love an SFW version of Leap of Faith. Heck, I would play the shit out of that one as well. I also think that it would be a good way to introduce people to the AVN genre.

Karl from Norway

I'm torn here. Although Leap of Faith is an adult game, the story is one of the best I've seen in one, and i think you probably could reach a wider market by having a SFW version of it... .BUT! Exactly because I said the story of LoF is so good... I can't wait to see your take on a new game in similar or better quality as LoF.


Just imagine the SFW version Leap of Faith. Complete with all the audio tracks. It will be up there along with the cult classics like Doki2 Literature club and available to more audience. Plus dream daddy simulator, that KFC dating sim and others similiar to it wont even come close to LoF.


The game really affected me and I would like to share it with people that I don't necessarily want to include in my fantasy life. I would be equally happy with just the next game as well, so either way is fine., Thanks.