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First of all, thank you very much for the kind and heartfelt messages I got in response to the last dev diary. I know that there are always people who will not see eye to eye with the story I wanted to tell with Leap of Faith or how I went about it, but you certainly put a smile on my face.

Other than that, it's pretty much back to normal for the development on u4ia for this week. I've started the more fun scenes, to which I've been posing animations, and they are running as we speak. Next week I have to focus a bit on the Christmas customs for the top-tier supporters so it's nice to have the render rig working on animations as I do that.

The girl up there is the last girl I designed for now, and plays an important role in the story. That means you will meet 10 of the 12 girls in the first episode of u4ia. One of the last two girls you will be able to design by Patreon votes for episode 2.

I'll be back with one more Christmas update next Friday, and once more before the new year arrives.

Have a BaD weekend (well, not literally, but if you have a bit of experience with AVN's, you know what I mean) :)

// Drifty




Thanks as always Drifty for the update. Take care of yourself as well. Yep it is indeed a BaD week 😉 cheers!


Good one drifty. Will be anxious to see what you've been doing.


You're a good guy Drifty, just remember that those telling you horrible things says more about them than you, just ignore them totally, they don't deserve a sniff of attention. You've probably read it hundreds of times already, but your story was great on many levels. Thanks for the update, and for the BaD shoutout ;) Cheers !

Scott Dunn

Haha, all ready downloaded and halfway through it on my Jill play through. Don't think I'll get much sleep this weekend. Cheers Drifty.


Welcome back. Raising a pint to you as we speak. Cheers!


The BaD weekend reference is just one more reason you are awesome.


Love the shoutout to BaD, its one of only 3 AVN’s I have played (the other being that creator’s first game, and of course Leap of Faith). The BaD group on reddit is where I found out about your game as I saw many people on there recommending it.


This donating to you was looooong overdue(unfortunately in my current situation I can only go for curious tier).Cant thank you enough for Leap of Faith, it is a breath of fresh air in mostly stale VN genre, and I cannot wait to see where this next project takes you. Due to time constraints I am still to finish LOF, but I am at least safe in the knowledge that what awaits me is a trilling conclusion to a fantastic work of art...stay safe and stay well Drifty, and bless you for letting the world know of the depths of your talent and craftsmanship.


Hi Drifty, just wanted to drop in here and extend my thanks for making Leap of Faith. I wrote a (very positive) public Steam review, which I hope you read at some stage. I initially picked up LoF on Itch to have a look at it, then got to the scene in the club where the MC smells Steph's perfume and I saw how that plays out, with all of the potential for hurt and bad decisions made in the moment. Having been there, smelling the favourite perfume of an ex and hijack of emotions it causes for far *far* too long after we broke up, I went "Fucking hell, this guy *gets* it" and went straight to Steam to buy the full version. I wasn't disappointed. I'm awed. I've never cried so much during a game in my life. I'm not sure how much I was crying for Cece's story, or you and the stuff you've dealt with that I thankfully never have had to, or for the shit *I've* not dealt with. I also really appreciate how you've managed to make the women in LoF 'real', in that they're by no means perfect, but they're great. It's obvious that you *like* and see women as human beings, which is by no means universal - in adult games or in real life. Thanks for making such powerful art.


PS - I understand why you might not want to open public posts or comments here yet, especially in the context of the kind of abuse you mention receiving in an earlier post ...But I think finding a way to tease the progress and content of the next game is going to be important for you (not least for building interest and eventual revenue additional to Patreon). Maybe a couple of public posts here in future with less detail than for paid subs. Maybe an external website with blog / dev posts with comments disabled. Maybe Steam Early Access, even if you don't open up the revenue option or put a release date there yet. Hopefully you find a way - I'd really like to be able to check in on the progress of the game without a monthly dip into my Credit Card. I am 100% going to buy your next game, but not via a Patreon subscription. I personally *hate* the subscription model of Patreon, even though I'm here writing this, and I think it opens up to a lot of bad practices on both sides - e.g. Devs dragging their feet, missing deadline promises, and never quite finishing their projects, because that means turning off the revenue tap of their fans. (Not that you're like that. In a world of endless v0.XX games you've finished a masterpiece!) On the other side, overly entitled Fans feeling like they deserve to interfere with and Own the creative vision of the game because they're bit-part Producers of it (And, looking at the pasting CP2077 got as an example, gamers in general are a horribly over-entitled and emotionally stunted crowd considering the small amount of $$ they risk on a purchase). Stay true to your vision. You've proved you've got what it takes to write powerful stories that people love. I thought your comment in the LoF DLC in the scene at the lake with CeCe and Linda; about wanting to do a 'girls only' scene and regretting surrendering to fan pressure to insert the MC into it, was telling. o7