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I've been writing these dev updates from the time I had 7 Patreons back at the start of 2020, and I never really let it sink in that I have a much bigger audience now than I used to back then. And with this post being open for all, well, that number is quite a bit higher.

Christmas for me is always about being able to sit down and think about what I've got, instead of what I could have had. I don't have a mansion to live in, but I have a nice house still. I don't have a Ferrari, but I enjoy my 10-year-old Ford. My fridge has food and the house is full of laughter. I don't have the three children I once put into this world, but I love the two remaining ones dearly.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't wish for anything. Instead, I had Cece light a candle for all of you, and I wish you the best for the holidays. Merry Christmas to everyone whether you celebrate it or not. May you all get the presents you want, but most of all, that you are happy and in good health.

...and stay safe out there.

// Drifty




Merry Christmas to you Drifty. Thank you for creating such a wonderful game with such a fantastic story. I wish you and your family a very merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas to you Drifty

Jonathan Hang

Merry Christmas to you Drifty and to everyone reading this


Merry Christmas drifty and fellow patreons. I don't know much about what happened to your child other than what I have seen mentioned here on occasion but I do understand depression and loss. I was 23 years old and 5 months pregnant when my husband was killed while on duty. Most days it still feels like it happened just yesterday but the holidays are by far the most agonizing days. I wish for nothing as much as having my husband here to witness his 2 year old baby girl open gifts and I am sure you have very similar feelings. I really do hope that you and everyone reading this has a very happy and safe holiday season.


Merry Christmas, Drifty. I wish you all the happiness possible and more


Merry Christmas and a Happy Peaceful, productive New year to you Drifty and to your family and loved ones


Honestly, taking this into account and just your general interactions with everyone, you've got to be my favorite creator fullstop. Merry Christmas to you and yours buddy!


First of all, I'm truly sorry for your loss, and to have it happen in such a way I can't even begin to imagine how that impacted you. I know very well that holidays can be especially demanding, but it's also a time when we lower our shoulders a bit and can take the time to sit down and remember and talk about those lost. It's a poor comfort that the loved ones aren't there anymore, but at least they can still bring a smile in remembering them. And in a way, your lost one gave you the most precious gift of them all. I wish you all the best for the holidays and the time ahead.


Although late, I hope everyone had a merry Christmas. My birthday is close to Christmas and this year, I kid you not I got one of those "Best Dad" Mugs. Not from my daughter but from my wife. I laughed hard and was very happy about it because I remembered the story you told about yours. Now everytime I pour my coffee I send a cheers to you and your daughter wherever she is. Stay awsome Drifty.


Leap of Faith made me feel anger, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, contempt, helplessness; I've laughed, I've cried. It started with a simple desire, turned into something very emotional and me realizing how lucky and grateful I am to live a life where I touched depression and suicide in fiction only. Here is to those with less luck! Drifty, you have my deepest thanks.


I'm sorry for coming this late ((┌|o^▽^o|┘))♪ I just want to say.. Merry Christmas, Drifty! And to all of you, friends! I wish you all hapinness and every dreams of you all come true! Be reunion with family and friends, and together remember all the good memories we all share with each other on this Visual Novel!


Yeah, what Callisto said. I dropped my unfiltered emotion into the Discord though, right after my first playthrough. My heart was all over the place, yet still confined inside my body.