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I've been talking about taking some time off after Leap of Faith, and nothing came off it. On this Monday, I woke up to a particularly awful message about me and the game, and although I've got quite hard skin against opinionated comments differentiating from my own, this one really hit home.

I normally appreciate different opinions and welcome them, but this was very hateful and derogatory - a very personal attack not only against me but also against the inspiration for the game which you all probably know by now.

As mentioned, I've got plenty hard enough skin for this to normally bounce right off, but since it didn't, it made me think that we're just shy of one month from three years that I've been doing this, and all those three years I've never taken any time off rather than a sporadic day here and there.

So in the wake of that message and my reaction to it, I decided to take the week off and power everything down including myself, and I felt it was a very good decision.

I will be back to work on the game Sunday morning, and I am looking forward to it. But now I'm enjoying the time off with the missus, as she will be offshore during Christmas. Though in case I decide to take any real vacation in the future, I will let you know beforehand and pause the Patreon billing.

With that said, I hope you enjoy the weekend too, and I'll be back with a normal update next Friday.

Stay safe out there.

// Drifty



Haters guna hate... I pity them in a way. Im sorry you have to endure such things in the wake of such a wonderful creation. On the topic of time off though... Most 9-5ers a few weeks of vacation. Its only normal that you do the same. Take the time and enjoy! Im happy you are taking some time for yourself!


Take all the time you need friend. You've more than earned it. These haters are nothing more than little barking dogs


Hey Drifty, sucks you had to deal with a rabid asshat. If you needed a little positive to offset the negative... LOF is one of the exceedingly rare AVNs that is rated "Overwhelmingly positive" (97%) on Steam. You built an amazing, impactful story that most people love. As others have said your game is one of the AVNs by which others are judged. Keep telling your stories your way.

Mark M.

Leap of Faith is a brilliant story with incredible characters. I've only been moved so much by a story one other time (visual novel or other media). I've been brought to tears every time I play Leap of Faith. Maybe this tortured soul has been moved in a different and painful way. We can empathize with him/her, but let's move on without importing their pain. Enjoy your well earned time off.

Michael Arias

Shame on that person Leap of Faith was an amazing game. They are just jealous of you


dude, fuck that guy. LOF was awesome man!


Take as much time as you need; after three years, you deserve more than a week. While I think some people who are hurting like to hurt others, some are just assholes that get pleasure in inflicting harm on others - emotionally or worse, as they value nothing in life and only think about themselves. Thank you again for LOF (which is an amazing story, and pulls you in emotionally, very few VNs do) and for being willing to still share your stories with us.


If only there was a 'hater' filter setting you could turn on. Some people should not be allowed to post stuff, and if they are, there should be a way to ditch it without needing to read it.


Hi Drifty, I'm new here and new to VN's in general. LoF was the first i played due to thr massive amount of positive reviews! I just wanted you to know that this game changed my outlook on life. No hyperbole. My wife suffers from anxiety and depression...Cece's explanation to the MC opened my eyes. I can confidently say this game made me a better person! And I have you to thank! Take your time, enjoy life, and come back knowing you have support!Thank you for sharing your stories with us!


Sorry about that D. People who can't do what you do will huff and puff. Losers


I think people missed that point of being kind and don't understand how truly touching this game is


I try to compensate your awful message with my positive one below. I downloaded Leap of Faith from somewhere else (possible non legal copy). After playing over the game and feeling how the music and nicely written story put me several times to emotional state. So I decided to support those developper like payback for you of the time as I enjoyed the Leap of Faith.. The quality of picture/animations, the very well selected musics and the main story line which is could be compared to real life writers book story lines pleasure me. Other Virtual Novels I have seen a kilometers behind it. Yes, exactly as YOU provided high quality content so I give you my money to able create more high quality contents. And I absolute agree what is Charles S said in Sep 30th Dev Diary comments: "From an emotional standpoint I'm not sure any game has touched my heart more, at least nothing that I can think of right now. .... Cece will always be with me" Enjoy your relaxation and dont forget YOU have my support also: Keep the Faith