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Time for a progress report again. :)

As I did a lot of pose-work last week, this week has been almost a none stop render marathon, focusing a bit more on animations than usual, due to the 60fps animations that are in ch4.

I've also done a lot of work on the scenes, but they do take a bit of time to gnaw through. Mainly because they all are together and enjoying themselves, so there's a lot of people to focus on in every scene.

I've also completed the first "mini-roam" scene. This is not a full fledged roam-game-type of scene, but closer to that inside the airplane - with you having more choice of what you are going to do/who to speak with/move around to, with different things going on depending on who you talk to and in which order - and your earlier actions in the game.

Render count is at 143 static renders, and 608 animated frames.

Normally I would release the sneak peak 2 weeks after the last chapter, but because of the logistical nightmare that is Chapter 4, I still haven't quite decided which scene will be the sneak peak yet, but should have it ready soon.

Nothing more to add this week, but to wish you all a nice weekend. Oh, and say hi to Holly up there. You might remember her from the Chapter 3 bonus scene. :)




"mini-roam"? So, sandboxed? Will this be an ongoing thing?


Not extensively, no. But sometimes on crowded scenes, yes. Also, sandbox is stretching it. The 'mini-roams' work by instead of giving you three choices in a menu of who to talk to when entering the scene, you can look around the room and go to your desired choice instead. What 'mini-roams' are not: - talk to person 1. - talk to person 3. - person 3 asks you to get a coffee - you go back to person 1 and pour a coffee - you go back to person 3. - person 3 says 'oh, no. this won't do at all, I need milk in this'. - you go to the fridge getting milk - you go back to person 3. - on the way there you notice a note on the floor. - you pick up the note. maybe it's a clue. - you reach person 3's location - person 3 is not there, because person 3 is only availeble at certain times of the day.


I don't see the difference tbh. I get what you're saying. I just prefer the normal process. Usually when there's 'mini-roam', the choices are limited. So, if you choose to talk to person 3, you miss out on talking to person 5. You run into person 2 and miss out on talking to person 1. I'm not saying that's how're you're doing it and I'm sure there's other ways of writing it than what has frustrated me in the past and why I don't play 'mini-roam' or 'sandbox' games.


Ah. I get what you're saying. There are two of these scenes planned for Ch4. The first is all in your control. It lasts until it's done, or you call it off. Nobody leaves. The second is ment as an expanded "go with (insert favorite LI's name here)" menu selection.


Sounds good. Just have to see how it plays out and since I know this is a Cece & Lexi update, will there be a choice to not go with either of them? Because, well, Linda. lol


That's a good question. And though there might be surprises popping up while I finalize the script, most likely you'll be walking down the lone road path if you choose not to persuit Cece or interract with Steph in the first version of Ch4. :)


Well, good thing I have saves for a few of the other women.As for Steph, I already took the choices to end it.


Enjoy your weekend Drifty, Gday from down under keep up the great work

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update Drifty 🖤

Touhara Kiminonawa

Always love to see your hardwork, Drifty. Can't wait to see what awesomeness you have instore for us!


LOVE YOU , will support you more I promise


Is that Holly in this render? Regardless, love the hair color! Thanks for the update and keep up the great work!


Thank you. She was going to be ginger at first, but she needed something a bit more flashy to match her personality. :)