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First Chapter 4 Dev Diary.

As you might know, I had planned a week vacation after the release of Chapter 3, but it's hard to keep my hands off the project when I enjoy doing it so much.

This week has mostly been scripting the routes of Lexi/Cece, and posing animations. Seeing as Cece has quite a healthy lead in the polls, I have put the most work into her scene. Knowing of her popularity, I also know that I have to get it 100% right. After all it's not a FWB scene with Robin or Kira, or some hastily sex with the ex.

To be honest, I almost bit over more than I could chew with this one. If you look at the picture above, there's a lot going on in addition the the body movements. I wanted the clothing to be so light it reacts to even the smallest breath of air, and in the background (not visible in the photo) is a pool with moving water.

I spent a total of 3 days posing the animation, more or less frustrated by the things I haven't learned in Daz studio yet. But I think I finally nailed it, and I'm very happy with the result. Watching a test-scene I put together with the visuals/audio/dialogue - it was really powerful.

The numbers are not very flattering this week due to my focus on getting the animation-posing right, but at least I've started. 50 static renders and 184 animated frames.

And with that, have a very nice weekend.




I didn't realize the MC was that dark. Or that buff.

Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update Drifty 🖤


I want cece's skin to be white in its original color in the final version. Even if the surroundings are dark...


She looks awesome. Cannot wait to see it in game :)

Alexander Hochbaum

MC told before Chapter 3 that his out of the picture father was from the middle east or something like that.


might be she' got s tan my friend, she is in LA afterall


Looks awesome mate

David D

Great game, I'm very excited to play the next chapter.


I remember him saying that, but, the previous renders didn't show him that dark or buffed.


Thank you, bro. I am korean. So I lacked the understanding and concept of LA's climate and tanning. Still, I'm playing this game by interpreting English hard&using Translator because of the white skin of CECE and the face with oriental feel unlike other heroines. So I want CECE to show an important scene with its original white skin. Anyway, today I learned that LA is strong in the sun. Have a good day, Bro.


MC is quite dark skinned, and get even more so in a night light setting. You can also see this in Ch1 if you decide to go along with Stephs wishes and end up sitting under a tree afterwards. That will show you the same thing. MC has the excact same settings in all of LoF, but with situational usage will appear more buff on closeup, than ea. standing next to Matt (which is bigger, but less defined).


Cece has quite white skin by default. Her being at Lexi's place with the story I have scripted includes her spending a bit of time in the sun, resulting in a slight tan. The picture in this post was the first test-render I did, and her skin is darker/more yellow appearing than the end result was, due to me only putting one extremely warm spotlight in there to bring her a lot of highlight/shadow contrast. I did adjust her skin color in the final version.


Thanks for your kind explanation. Anyway, CECE is my favorite heroine, and eventually I will love your work.

David D

Yes, I agree with you. Cece is my first choice, although I have to admit some nostalgia for Linda.

David D

I'm having a hard time completing a lot of the task. I hope this doesn't turn into one of those games where you have to slavishly follow a guide to do anything. Couldn't you make it a little more intuitive?


Many in game events and tasks originate by using your phone. I'm trying to divert your attention to the phone when they are available by things such as the MC becoming boored, or you getting a notification/text message. That is a good indication that you check out different things on your phone. For the most part they are very forgiving events (where you ea. loose out on a few reputation points with a LI - there are plenty to play for), except the Plane Party event in Chapter 3 of course. Also, you can't see everything in one playthrough, so a guide won't really do you any good (I think the mod and walkthrough makers pretty much hate me by now) :). So my best advise would just be to enjoy a different pick of conversation choices the next time you play. Be a bit less daring here, a bit more there, and later choices (and character conversations - and pictures/scenes) will change depending on your choices - adding a lot to replayability value. Anyway, I do hope you have a lot of fun playing it. I will add an in-game walkthrough in the final release, but even that will require several playthroughs.

David D

Actually I have done several playthru's. Still can't contact Lexi.


In the store when Linda and Cece are trying on clothes and Chris falls asleep, bring up the phone and check out Chris' Nuke. :)


I can't begin to tell you how happy this makes me. I'm late on the reply here, but I have been busy learning my own route of coding, hah! Buuuuuut, that being said, I absolutely love how MC and Cece met. And how they came to impact each other's lives so much. So far.... "After all it's not a FWB scene with Robin or Kira, or some hastily sex with the ex." That right there is why I am so grateful to you the way you've done this. Most of the games I have fallen in love with that have an element of romance in them as well, have been ones where it's been heartfelt and deep, meaningful connections. My young self, back in 1996 and on was playing Planescape: Torment, and I will never forget the feels and how they got punched so hard by Annah. Ever since that bar was set for me, romances in games have been rather 'meh' or, in light of these kinds of games/stories, very rushed, or sex fueled, with love coming much later. There are exceptions to that rule, and your game has been a shining jewel for me in that regard. So I appreciate the work you do.