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I have been a bit offline on Discord XD but I am still working, just very very focused on the releases. I've been working on Urbosa, on Kyrstal (very tough one) and on Isabelle to get them all done as soon as possible. I wanted to be done by today with Isabelle at least but Christmas came hard and I was left with very little time today.

This is a small preview of what I got for now:

I still have to work on her face mainly. Most of the work went on trying to make the vest and the blouse work together as separate mods with the skirt included but the bones and shifts seem to be working so I'm just gonna be working on line maps, details and normals too but mainly on her face. There is time for feedback ;3

Apart from that, I wish you a great time during Chrstmas festivities. Eat drink and I hope Santa brings you nice stuff even if you've been naughty ¬u ¬

But we've all been nice and god-fearing so pat pats on all of your little heads.  U u U 




Take your time Santa, I will wait for this present


As I've pretty much made clear that I'm not really in any shape or form a fan of furries, I think Felicia from Darkstalkers is as close as it goes, but I'm totally cool with Furries being humanized, Curious if anyone has done a humanized Gadget or Peg yet. But this Isabelle is cute.