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What does Chel have to do with Christmas? Well, it all starts back some time ago, when you guys were asking for updates. I wasn't sure when I would had the time to to them so I made a whishlist back in June to be sure of what was worth remaking:


Mr. D. remembers - u -. Oh yes he does.

Shay, Frankie and I had thought of doing something for Christmas. Shay has some goodies for all of you so go check her out (Shay).I thought I'd just finish Chel for Christmas. I had been working for a long time on Chel doing everything you'll see in the mods and it all lined up quite nicely in the end.

I really wanted to add something more to the release and I'm very glad I learned headmods on time for Chel because she required it. There was no other way of doing her lips and her nose but to do a headmod. In the end, I love Chel and I love the way she came out and I hope you like her too.

I also wish you the best for the upcoming celebrations, New Year and all that. I know this is a bit late for Christmas morning, but it still counts ;3 Again. check Shay's Patreon for more Christmasy stuff. I believe Frankie couldn't pull it off but I thought,  "why not mention him too,?". Check Frankie.

Thanks to all of you who have kept supporting me as my patrons ever since and waited for this release patiently and  thank you all - the new members - for your support. Seeing our Patreon grow is the best Christmas present for me. :3

Enjoy! Happy Holidays! U w U




this looks amazing!


Looks Fantastic, I still hope a rework of Jasmine is still going to happen and maybe Nani but I'm sure glad to see Chel better then ever.


Lookin great