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Haley drove to a safehouse in Rome. It was almost dawn by the time they arrived. She parked in a secluded spot of a parking garage. They stripped themselves of the special forces uniforms in the van and ditched everything there, walking to the safehouse the rest of the way.

The streets were still dim with the faintest hints of dawn. Ross had never been to Rome before. He marveled at the ancient architecture from nearly every period of history, from ancient aqueducts to Renaissance flair to Cold War era brutalism. There were a few people roaming the streets, some shadowy figures making the hairs on his neck stand.

He then felt something slip through his left arm, and he jumped thinking someone had grabbed him; it was only Haley. He stared dumbly at her.

“Less likely to look suspicious if we act like a couple,” she whispered.

She held onto him tightly and he nearly gave away his feelings with a shudder.

“Cold?” she asked.

“A little.”

She leaned closer to him, rubbing her head on his shoulder.

Ho boy, Ross. Calm down. It’s all part of the act. Just like before.

At last, they arrived at the safehouse. They were in a slummy part of the city with dingy apartments that looked as though they would fall down if you so much as stomped your foot on the floor. They creaked up the stairs to the third floor. Haley knew the passcode to the keypad, and she also had to use a fingerprint scanner.

The apartment was quite spacious. It had the bare essentials, like a bed, a heater, a fridge with a freezer, some well-preserved food. And a coffee maker. Gotta have a coffee maker.

“We triggered a signal that let them know we needed to use this place,” she said. “A contact will arrive shortly to extract us.”

She then sighed, and fully revealed how exhausted she was by relaxing and slumping her shoulders. She collapsed on the bed. Ross went over to peek through the blinds, still a little paranoid about someone following them.

He turned around when Haley moaned. She clutched her stomach and curled up into a ball, pulling the covers over herself.

“Bloody Christ,” she murmured. “I keep farting nonstop.”

Ross blushed and looked away. The way she said the word “farting” because of her posh accent hit differently for him - “faHHting” without the “r” sound.

“Really? I didn’t…hear anything.”

“That’s because they were quiet. If they’re not loud then they’re silent. Not a moment has gone by where my stomach isn’t wound up. Ugh.” She gazed up at the ceiling, contemplating. “Alessio posed no real threat to the security of the world after all. He just wanted a way to enjoy his fetish by infecting anyone out there. Think about it. He was already rich and famous. If he wanted his favorite celebrity to fart around him, he could just set the infection on them.” She shook her head. “Sick and twisted dream. Men will do anything to get a woman to satisfy his needs. Good riddance to that prick.”

Ross grimaced to himself. Now more than ever he knew not to reveal his secret. He felt a little sad thinking about how Haley’s implied attitude to the fetish. He could never reveal how he managed to “brave through” that torture. In fact, just as he was thinking about it, Haley lifted her head at him and said, “You did wonderful on your first field mission. I commend you, really. They must have done something with that bacterium to not make it affect the person who farts. I can’t seem to smell it. But judging by how everyone else reacted to it, that gas is really potent.”

Another pang, accompanied by a loud gurgle, made her moan and curl up into a ball again. “What sucks is that we have no idea how long this will last. I hope it’s not…permanent.”

Ross wanted to reassure her. “I’m sure people back home can conjure up some sort of antibiotic.”

Without warning, Haley lifted her leg and let out a large muffled fart underneath the bed covers. After grunting, she said, “Sorry. Until then, there’s going to be a lot of that.”

Ross paced the room. He then asked, “How does it feel?”

Haley lifted her head to face him again, and seemed to raise her brow. Ross nervously added, “I mean, are there any other symptoms we should be worried about?” He further covered up his weird question by following up with, “Are you feverish? Congested?”

“No. It’s just this constant feeling of bubbling up in the pit of my stomach. Every time I fart, no matter how big and satisfying it is, another one immediately starts brewing. It’s terribly uncomfortable. It’s like there’s no moment of peace. I don’t know how I’m going to fall asleep. Can you check if there are sleeping pills anywhere?”

Ross nodded. Perfect timing, as he had become extremely hot and bothered by how she was describing her gaseous discomfort. Once in the kitchen, he took a moment to breathe and relax. He didn’t find any sleeping pills, but he was amused by a large bottle of Italian wine in the cupboard. He walked back into the bedroom holding it in his hands. He showed her with a sly grin. “They don’t remember the essentials but they do remember to stock up on wine.”

Haley sighed. “Well, it’s better than nothing.”

The bottle was a twist-off. She grabbed it from him and took a swig. She let out a satisfied sigh and smacked her lips. “Real Italian wine. That’s the good stuff. Want some?”

Ross shrugged and took a swig. He sat besides her on the bed, and therein they took turns taking swigs.

Haley sat against the wall; legs bent. She thought of something and scoffed. “I can’t remember the last time I was drunk. But I mean filthy-stinking drunk. Must have been…gosh…was it uni? That was so long ago.”

“Uni?” Ross asked.


“Oh. Duh.”

“All us Brits call college uni. Well. The Londoners at least. Dunno why.” She shook her head with a smile at another fond memory. “Pub crawls were always fun.”

She passed the bottle. “What about you? What were your years like?”

Ross sighed heavily. It was something he didn’t want to dwell on. Nevertheless, he answered for her. After all, he enjoyed being close to her. They hadn’t had a moment like this since he became a field agent. “They came and went. That was it.’

“No…interesting stories?” She spread apart her legs to help let out another fart. “Sorry.”

“No, none that are worth mentioning. It was all very…boring. I just did my work. Wasn’t invited to any parties.”

“Really?” she said, in a genuinely shocked tone. “I’m surprised. I can’t imagine someone like you leading a boring life.”

He raised a brow. “What? I’ve only ever led a boring life.”

“Everything you did back there says otherwise. If you led a boring life, you certainly fooled me. You were the first to talk to me when I visited Langley you know.”

Ross started to feel a little nervous. He averted his attention to the empty room.

“And not like the others, mind you,” she added. “I mean REALLY talk to me. Get to know me.”

“Really? I’m sure someone else talked to you first.”

“Every time I had to visit the states I thought ‘Ah good. I’ll get to see Ross again and have a beer with him.’”


She looked at him a certain way – a genuine glint in her eye. “Yeah.”

“Are you sure the wine isn’t getting to you?”

Haley cackled. “Oh, you have NO idea how much I can handle.”

“Mmmmm, I don’t know about that. You seem pretty buzzed already.”

Haley snatched the bottle from him. She reared her head back and chugged nearly half of it. She then stopped and wiped her mouth with her forearm, letting of a tiny burp. She handed it back with a smirk.

About an hour later, Haley was unable to speak without slurring a few words. Ross had found some cigarettes in the kitchen, and she smoked as well, commenting on how it had been so long since she felt this good. Ross himself was a bit sloshed, cheeks permanently held in a giddy smile.

At this point, Haley was letting out her farts casually without even acknowledging them. The most was a brief grunt after the louder one. She would muter a little, “Ah, fuck” after letting those out.

The touching started when she casually placed a hand on his arm when she laughed. She squeezed his bicep and said, “Look at you, Ross. Muscles and all.”

She sat next to him now at the edge of the bed. Her breath reeking of alcohol right in his face, mixed with the eggy scent of her constant farting.

“Gosh, you REALLY don’t mind me farting this much, do you?” she said.


“How do ya do it? You’re like—hic—like---ultimate spy. Yanno?”

The two of them burst into dumb laughter. Ross was slightly aware of where this was going. They were holding each other arm-in-arm now. Haley reached out and placed her hand on his cheek. She went in for the first kiss. Hot and a little rushed but delicious. She hiccupped and said, “Did that feel okay? I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. Are we going to do what I think we’re going to do?”

With all the assertion in his body, he said, “Yes.”

“Good. Because I haven’t shagged in God knows how long either, much less snogged. Come here, you. Where’s that fucking cock of yours? That thing was huge.”

She hungrily jerked at his pants. He helped her take them off. When his bare cock sprung out, she marveled at it, nearly watering at the mouth, and said, “Oh, fuck yeah. That’s what I’m talking about. Jesus, Ross, who knew you were packing that this whole time?”

She then went to town jerking it. Ross moaned aloud and said, “Wait. I’m going to cum. We haven’t done anything yet.”

Haley giggled sinisterly. She enjoyed watching him edge, and Ross found it all the more arousing. Living dangerously, just like their jobs.

She wanted to be on top. He didn’t mind either way. Fucking Haley in any way, shape, or form was good enough for him. A part of him wondered if this was some fever dream from the Italian wine. Was this really happening? Jesus Christ. There was a God indeed. Flashes of her walking down the office with that tight ass in those tight business suit slacks drove him wild. A long-held fantasy now finally bore fruit. And like fruit, his cock screamed to seed her.

Haley couldn’t contain her moaning once she entered him. Her eyes went wide as she rode him vigorously. Ross became a little worried at first wondering if she was too loud and might arouse suspicion. This was Rome after all. People were horny here all the time, right? Romans and all. This sort of sound was unheard of in apartment complexes like these anyway. He let go of his worries and moaned aloud himself.

The two of them locked eyes intensely as they fucked hard. It became apparent to Ross that maybe they were falling in love right there. He certainly was.

Haley had held in a loud moan. Her eyes widened in apparent shock. Ross thought she was going to cum, but instead she stopped to let rip another massive fart.


“Fuck! Oh God. I’m so sorry!”

Then Haley moaned even louder as Ross got even bigger. Her mouth turned into that perfect “o shape” as she became speechless.

Ross couldn’t help it. He shouted, “Fuck, I love it when you fart!”

They came at the same time. The experience was unlike anything he had ever felt before. Their moans clashed. They both filled the room with the sounds of mating. His wet hot cum filled her up and made a sloshing, slapping sound as she continued to ride him. Sweat beaded down her face and brushed up against him as she collapsed on top of him, holding him tight.

Gradually, they slowed. She still wanted him inside of her, feeling every bit of him even as he went flaccid. She had pumped every ounce out of him. He shuddered a few times, feeling overwhelmed.

By God, he thought wiping his brow, that was amazing.

Then, the realization of what he had shouted before cumming came to mind. He turned beet red and looked down at Haley, who was resting her head on his shoulder with a soft pleased smile. She looked ready to pass the fuck out.

Before she did so, she whispered in his ear, “I fucking knew it…”


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