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They fucked once more in the middle of the morning. This time it was more of a quickie, a coda to their earlier, bigger session. They did it sideways underneath the covers, Ross humping her like a wild animal. She heated up the bed with her noxious farts, creating a Dutch oven. Ross reveled in the heat and the eggy scent. It was a short satisfying fuck, where she rode off another orgasm and he came in her yet again.

They slept through the morning and most of the afternoon. They cuddled tightly, chuckling every now and then as she bit his shoulder or as he groped her ass. Other times, they stared deeply into each other’s’ eyes. They were fully sober by then so they knew very well that they wanted to keep going.

Haley held his hand tightly. “These sorts of things get messy, you know.”

“Of course. We didn’t use a condom.”

She chuckled. “No. Shut up. I didn’t mean that. You know what I mean.”

If there was just one thing spy movies got right, it was the complicated nature of having a relationship. They were also spies from two different countries. Granted, the United States and Great Britain were allies. But Ross was privy to secrets that even Haley didn’t know about how they kept tabs on her country. He zoned out thinking about this and sighed. “Yeah. I know.”

Haley bit her thumb. She seemed genuinely concerned. “What are we going to do about it?”

After a few seconds of silence, he shrugged with a smile. “Ride it out.”

“Are you capable to not making a pun for one moment?”

“No pun intended that time. Seriously.”

She rose slightly to hover over him. “I guess we can go on leave at the same time. For starters.”

“That would be nice.”

She lowered her head to whisper in his ear. “That is, on maternity leave.”


Haley laughed aloud and slapped him playfully on the shoulder. “I’m joking! I’m joking. I’ll take the pill first chance I get.”

They stayed in bed fooling around for another thirty minutes before finally figuring they should get up. Haley said that their contact should have actually been there by now to extract the, not that she was complaining about the time they got to spend together. She wondered what was taking them so long. The safehouse didn’t have any meals in the fridge or pantry, aside from cheap snacks.

Haley sighed, looking at the vials of specimens she put in the freezer. She then took out one of them, and Ross widened his eyes at her.

“What are you doing?”

She waved the vial haphazardly. “You know I would have actually blown this up.” She then looked away, blushing a bit. “I just uh. I thought about holding onto it in the hopes that my suspicions about you were right. And. Well. They were.”

Ross smirked. Then he frowned. “But…are you sure you’re okay with it?”

She gave him a look. “Yes. Why are you asking that?”

He scratched the back of his neck. “I mean. With…what happened with Alessio and all. I was worried maybe…maybe…”

“Maybe what? Say it.”

“Maybe you’d find some similarities between us.”

Haley frowned. “Tom, don’t ever say that. You are NOT like him. Alessio was a pervert, yes, but he didn’t know when to stop and crossed a fine line. You are not like him. You did what you had to do to save us. But you kept it to yourself knowing it would have been wrong otherwise.”

Ross sighed heavily. “I guess.”

“We knew each other. We…I mean…” Haley turned beet-red this time. “I know we flirted. You know. Right? It’s not the same thing.” She was rather adamant about letting him know. She stamped her foot and said firmly, “So don’t get any stupid ideas that you’re a bad guy, because you’re not.”

“Alright, alright.”

She smiled. “Good. Now…let’s go have some dinner. I don’t know where this bloke is but they’re late and I’m hungry.”

She fetched clothes from the closet, changing right in front of him. Ross was pleased that they were able to do that. So much had changed in the past few hours between them, and all for the better. A dam had finally burst. Their feelings finally out in the open.

Haley put on a fancy red dress, and handed Ross a dress shirt and dress pants. She farted loudly as she tried to pull the dress on over her butt. She then needed help zipping it up. Ross did so, and their closeness was enough to get then randy again for another quickie, this time up against the kitchen counter.

They both noticed that Haley’s farts had diminished. Indeed, her stomach had stopped grumbling as much and her farts were quickly becoming nothing more than poofs.

So before they walked out of the apartment, she took a vial from the freezer, and pocketed it in her purse with a sly grin.


A hefty man in an beige overcoat and gray cap hurried up the staircase. He huffed and puffed and cursed about the traffic in Rome. When he reached the right door, he entered the code in the keypad. He was in such a hurry that he nearly set off the alarm by entering the wrong numbers.

Once inside, he uttered, “Mi scusi! Il traffic—”

He stopped when he realized he was addressing a bare apartment. He gulped nervously fearing the worst, so he withdrew a pistol from underneath his overcoat.

After checking each room, he noticed a piece of paper hanging on the fridge door.

He needed reading glasses to see. In slightly broken English, he read aloud the note to himself.

“You took too long. Out for dinner late. Can’t wait? There’s coffee you can heat up 😊”

It was signed in a code that only the spies within their group knew.

The man finally caught his breath. With a disgruntled sigh, he leaned against the kitchen counter and took a coffee mug.


eric ortiz

This was pretty good. Honestly hope we get another story with these two.

Mack Zack

Thanks all for the lovely comments. I will definitely be using them in sequels and building up their own series.