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Kayla Cornell was thoroughly frustrated.

            Her roommate Mary Keller took two fucking hours to get ready and finally leave. Kayla had hoped she would have had a moment in the morning to masturbate to some great new fart porn she found. Instead, Mary took too long and Kayla had to go to class.

            After class Kayla had to run to her advisor meeting, a typical humdrum meeting about her choice in major. After her advisor meeting, she had to run over to the soccer field for practice. Once practice was done it was time for dinner. Then she finally returned back to her dorm only to find Mary there working instead of going to the library like she had mentioned before.

            “What’s up?” Kayla asked, trying hard not to sound angry. “I thought you were going to study at the library.”

            Mary shrugged. “It’s too quiet in there.”

            Kayla couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Yyyyyyeah. It’s a library. It’s supposed to be quiet.”

            Mary shrugged. Again. “I know but that’s what makes me feel weird about it. I need to hear some noise. Otherwise, it feels like I’m somewhere…I dunno…too quiet.”

            Kayla stood there in silence – the entire room was silent, and the hallway and their dorm hall. She clenched her fists and said, “It’s pretty quiet in here too.”

            Mary looked up from her laptop screen, gave a lopsided look staring at the air, and said, “I suppose it is.”

            Oh my god. I fucking hate living with this moron. I can’t have a moment alone to myself.

            Kayla sighed. She stared for a moment at the standing mirror in their dorm, at her round face with its long blond hair, and patted her bloated gut in her tight pair of jeans and tight green tank top, having just returned from the cafeteria. She felt mildly aroused…and considered having some fun but then remembered Mary was still here and felt frustrated again. She plopped down on her bed and begrudgingly looked up fetish porn in secret on her phone, plugging in her earbuds.

            Her secret fetish – that of eating and being gassy from both ends – stemmed from a long-forgotten cartoon called Margo and Me. Margo was an imaginary friend of the main character Judy. While Judy was a nice clean and proper girl, Margo was a wild unruly imaginative friend who looked like her but crazier. Somehow, Margo was able to manipulate matter around her, so it was never really clear if she was truly imaginary or not. One episode, Margo ate everything in the fridge, including Judy’s sister’s birthday cake. Judy was mortified and tried to figure out how to bake a cake in time for her sister’s birthday. All the while, Margo sat on the couch with a bloated gut, unable to move, burping and farting.

            Something about that cartoon triggered Kayla. She watched it way back when she was five years old. Next thing she knew, she was drawing fat cartoon characters in her school notebook. Not the best artist but she got the round shape, which was always important. She always said “om nom nom nom” at a family dinner and pretended to burp.

            Then, in high school, just as when everyone was developing their identity and their sense of fashion and their likes and dislikes – Kayla began to experiment. She found herself purposely wearing tighter clothes to feel full faster. Her parents once thought she gained weight but in reality, she just wore tight jeans and tank tops.

            The fabled “Freshman 15” definitely hit her hard once she entered college. She gained a whopping thirty pounds. But while she enjoyed popping the buttons off her clothes and developing a notorious reputation for burping and farting in front of virtually anyone, she realized she didn’t necessarily want to become fat. No, she wanted to be bloated. She wanted to be both thin and chubby at the same time. She wanted to look down and see the contrast between being a womanly figure and having a manly beer gut protruding from her clothes. Then she would burp and fart it all out, get slim, and then repeat the cycle all over again.

            Was it akin to bulimia? Kayla did wonder what drove her impulse to feel bloated and stuffed. The satisfaction from letting herself go felt like an orgasmic release. She had no interest in boys or sex or wanting to feel intimate. Instead, she felt intimate with her own body once she overate and produced gas. Farting in particular was the greatest of guilty pleasures. It was the most central taboo surrounding bodily functions. Burping was starting to become normal. People burped all the time. It didn’t matter who. Popular girls. Loser girls. Boys. Nerds. But farting? That was still the biggest taboo of all. Her cheeks always felt red hot with excitement and embarrassment at the thought of letting it all out in front of people. She liked to excuse herself no matter what, because somehow it felt enticing to try and be polite and be excused despite the fact that she had let out such a horrendous noise.

            She blushed fiercely with arousal whenever she thought of her last two roommates during her freshman and sophomore year. She practically sent them running with her gaseous expulsions. Right off the bat, her first roommate Patricia – your typical skinny snooty girl who dressed nicely – screamed whenever Kayla farted or burped out loud. Patricia’s reactions were priceless – annoyance bordering on legitimate anger.

            “JESUS CHRIST KAYLA! What is WRONG with you?”

            “KAYLA. God. You sound like a cow. Stop burping!”



            “EEEEEWWWW! KAYLA!”

            Freshman year was a lot of fun. Everything felt looser and more disorganized, but in a fun way. Although Kayla realized she wasn’t into gaining, those first few months gorging on whatever she wanted at the cafeteria were sublime – without having to worry about her parents judging her. She ate ice cream for breakfast and pizza for dinner. Pizza in particular did a number on her stomach. She suspected she might have been lactose intolerance from some accidents in the past. But now that she was in college, she could become free and unfiltered – literally.

            Patricia didn’t want to room with her again during sophomore year. She was very open about it, saying, “No. I don’t want to be near your fucking farts ever again!”

            “Oh…okay. Sorry.”

            Kayla snickered on the inside.

            She paired herself up with a nerdy small girl named Kristen for sophomore year. Kristen was much tamer than Patricia. She didn’t scream or shout or yell. In fact, Kayla couldn’t ever imagine her raising her voice. But she was flighty and nervous and irritable. She tolerated Kayla’s burps, just scoffing or rolling her eyes, but she gagged whenever Kayla farted and covered her nose. Kristen oftentimes said she needed to study elsewhere for the space but in reality, Kayla knew she was bothering her. Unlike Patricia, Kristen tried to be nice about why she didn’t want to room with her again come junior year.

            “Oh. Um. Well, I’m sorry but I already got involved with three other girls sharing a suite. Yeah. They had someone drop out at the last second and they needed someone. Also, they are part of my anthropology class so…it would just be convenient to stick together and study.”

            Kayla cackled to herself – another one bit the dust.

            She couldn’t wait to see what her next victim would be like.

            Mary was, to put it bluntly, a blank slate. As far as Kayla could tell, Mary didn’t really have a friend group and simply did her work and ate and slept and went to class. She was short, had a very bland face, curly hair, and a straight expression. Kayla really couldn’t put a finger on her.

            The first time Kayla ripped ass in front of Mary was after a night out with the soccer team. She had just turned 21 and wasted no time in drinking until she got hammered. She staggered into the dorm late at night. Mary was still awake reading from her textbook.

            “Whoooooooo!” Kayla said. “I. AM. FUCKED. UP.”

            Mary smiled glumly at her and continued reading.

            Kayla had sported a lovely beer gut – she had drunk almost ten beers and so her belly had produced a noticeable bulge behind her tight black dress. She hobbled in her high heels over to her bed and sighed when she collapsed. Already she could feel gas swelling up from all the beer. She smiled thinly, turned over on her side so that her ass was facing Mary’s direction, and let go of one of the longest farts of her life. It sounded like a goddamn trombone holding a note. Her cheeks flushed – again feeling that mix of arousal and embarrassment.

            “Oh shit, I’m sorry,” she said, groaning in deep satisfaction.




            More seconds passed of absolute silence.

            Kayla turned her head to see Mary’s reaction.

            Mary was still reading, absolutely unfazed by what had just happened.

            Kayla cleared her throat. She was bordering on acting now. “Man, I just ripped ass so bad. Did you hear that?”

            “Hm?” Mary replied dumbly.

            The fuck? Was it my imagination or was that fart NOT the BEST fart I ever ripped?

            “The fart. I just farted. It was really loud.”

            “Oh,” Mary said listlessly. “It happens.”

            Kayla narrowed her eyes and stared down at her, wondering if maybe Mary was putting up some act and would shortly start laughing or something.


            I’m going to figure her out…

            Kayla tried burping – maybe Mary found that more annoying. Any chance Kayla got after a party night of heavy drinking she made sure not to hold back. For someone who loved to burp, Kayla funny enough never got the hang of burping on command. The thought of it didn’t really appeal to her as opposed to the thought of a belch that had swelled up from the confines of her stomach, swirling with bubbling chemicals.

            But still – Mary’s reaction was nothing short of that of a rock.

            It didn’t take long for Kayla to get fed up with this. She couldn’t believe it. Who would be so unresponsive to burps and farts? Mary fucking Keller, apparently. She tried not to judge too hard at Mary’s seemingly boring life. What turned her on? What did she liked to do for fun? Didn’t she have any fantasies? Boys? Girls? Both? Neither?

            Kayla came to realize that there were just some people like that in college – really weird quiet people. Offensively quiet. So quiet that it hurt to be in a room with them.

            By that time, Kayla had come to known her soccer team much better. She got reactions from them all the time from her burps and farts. A few were grossed out, others not so much, and the tomboyish ones laughed and said, “Good one!”. None of that really had the same effect on her though. She wanted something…different. Something was itching at her and she kept thinking about it the more she watched fetish porn on her phone.

            Several girls out there were making bank stuffing themselves with food and burping and farting. She sought endlessly for that “perfect video” that would give her the “perfect orgasm”. The rare ones that did were those involving two girls. One of them would be teasing the other and stuffing them with food, and then laugh or be grossed out as she burped and farted. Videos along those lines really enticed her.

            She tried to catch any of their attentions. Of course, everything these days was run by money, and if she had no money to offer (broke college student) then they had no interest in indulging her or responding to her.

            Coincidentally, a little app made its debut around this time called Discord. Kayla saw it pop up more and more on fetish accounts. As a place where people could build their own community, beyond just video games, Kayla started to become obsessed with it. She finally was able to talk to people about her kinks in niche servers. The chatting became like a drug – always searching for girls who talked about gas and bloating, and trying to chat with them.

            She got a quick fill from many, but one girl stuck out to her the most.


            She had a profile pic of Ezra Scarlet from Fairy Tale.

            Unlike most other people she talked to, ScarletFox kept in contact and messaged her out of the blue to tell her about how much she ate or farted or burped. She single-handedly kept Kayla awake at night well until the birds started chirping for dawn. It wasn’t like Mary had any objection, since she hardly objected to anything to begin with.

            Things heated up when ScarletFox started posting pictures. She didn’t show her face, but she showed a pleasantly voluptuous naked body with shots from under her belly, just shy of showing her full tits.

            “Damn,” Kayla murmured, “those are some tits.”

            You like ‘em? ScarletFox messaged.

            Fuck yeah, Kayla typed.

            She saw that ScarletFox was typing. It took her a while to send her next message – the typing notification going on and off – the anticipation killing Kayla.


            Just curious but where you at?


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