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This is the last chapter of the commission but it is by NO MEANS the last chapter of the story. Burpstorm will return!

The moment they heard concerned voices entering the theater, Martha pulled Richard to his feet and shoved him towards where the emergency exit should be. Since it was pitch-black, he bumped his face against the wall with a loud shout. She apologized and helped him go through the door.

            They were outside in a back alley in the warm, stifling summer night air. Richard nursed his nose as they hurried out away from the theater.

            “Ssssshit, shit, shit, shit!” Martha uttered over and over again. Blood coursed through her body as she panicked. She had played a dangerous game. She wanted to feel normal for once and try to be on an actual date and enjoy actual normal things. She could have nearly killed the guy.

            They ran to the far corner to an adjacent back alley. There, they stopped to catch their breath.

            She scratched her head. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m SO sorry! Fuck. I guess you now know who I am.”

            Richard was still rubbing his nose. “No…it’s okay. I’m sorry too.”

            She gave him a look. “What? Sorry for what?”

            Richard took a few more breaths to calm down. He mumbled a bit. Scratched the back of his neck. His eyes wandered. “I uh…”

            Martha finished for him. She said flatly, “You knew who I was from the beginning…didn’t you.”

            Richard looked ashamed. His eyes were downcast. He shrugged. “Yeaaaah.”

            Martha sighed. The panic from minutes ago had started to subside and they both stood in silence, hearing only the distant city life. Richard couldn’t seem to look at her in the eyes. Deep down, she knew she wasn’t stupid and that he had to have known who she was. But she had gone with it anyway. Not because she was stupid. But because she wanted to feel normal, even if it was with some dude who might have been a stalker.

            “I understand if…” he began, “if you don’t want to see me. Ever again.”

            Martha crossed her arms. Her mind went on a pause. She didn’t really know whether to be upset or not. Instead, she was inquisitive. The only thing really on the back of her mind was:

            “Why did you stalk me?’

            Richard sighed. “Ummmm.”

            “I mean…of all the people to stalk – you stalk the woman who can kill a man with a single burp. That’s a pretty dangerous person to stalk. Yeah? I mean. I think it is.”

            “You remember who I am?’

            Martha nodded. “Of course I do. I wasn’t sure whether you knew that I knew. I mean. It was very coincidental that you just so happened to find me. I thought it was coincidence at first. Then when you kept coming back and obviously talked to me a lot…I had a feeling.”

            “When you saved my life that time…I dunno. I just…really felt something different.”

            Martha nearly cringed. “Please don’t make it weird.”

            He shook his hands vigorously. “No. No. I mean. I know it’s going to sound weird. But not in the way you maybe think. At least. I hope. I don’t know if you inadvertently triggered something in me or if like I just always had it in me. Then again, you doing it probably triggered it anyway in a sense so I guess you were still the catalyst.”

            Martha got lost. “What are you saying?”

            Richad blurted out, “Ever since you saved my life, I suddenly like it when women burp! Okay? There. I said it.”

            He stared at her for a couple seconds before his face turned extremely redder – redder than she had ever seen a man turn red. He looked downcast again, avoiding her gaze. The back alley felt super quiet even though they could hear the distant city life.

            Martha huffed. It could have been worse. Frankly. A lot worse. She did gain some celebrity so no doubt there were people out there wondering who she was and attempting to figure out. Richard was by no means the first to think to look to her. She bet some weirdos out there were fascinated with her. Still, she had autonomy and the right to privacy like anyone else. She feared if she was trying to rationalize his stalking.

            Then, suddenly, Richard shrugged and started walking away.

            “I-I’m sorry. Your secret is safe with me. I won’t bother you ever again. B-bye.”

            He walked down the alleyway alone towards the street. She leaned against the wall thinking about how she hadn’t had that much fun in a night in a very long time. She sensed something in him that she hadn’t in any other man she had met – devotion. It was crazy but she somehow knew he was the kind of man to literally throw himself at her feet with respect and doe-eyes. Nobody had ever looked at her the way he did, even when she unattractively gobbled down a large bucket of popcorn.

            Fuck, Martha. Maybe you’re going to miss out on something good here…Besides, if he is weird, you can defend yourself, right? You ARE Burpstorm after all. You can handle yourself.

            Before Richard could disappear around the corner, she called out, “Hey! I didn’t say you could leave yet! The night is still young!”


            When Martha began testing out her powers years ago, she would sneak out into the harbor where the shipping docks were. From the highway, she always noticed an abandoned factory with grimy windows and a wide empty space; a place nobody ever went to but casually spotted from a far, far, view. Weeds and other plants had long overrun the cracked parking lot. The area had been condemned with a fence. The old factory was the perfect place to be able to use her powers to break things without getting into trouble.

            Martha took Richard there to hang out and show him her powers. This time, she drew pleasure in sharing her secret with somebody for the first time ever.

            She chugged a Coke bottle and forgot just how fucking good it tasted to have a nice cold soda again. That was what she desired so much – being able to do this and still be around someone who wasn’t afraid and knew the risks.

            After she tossed the bottle aside, she quickly blurted, “Okay, watch out!”

            Richard stepped back and covered his ears as she emitted a glass-shattering belch across the empty space. What little broken windows there were left broke off into a million pieces.

            She smiled, satisfied. “Ahhhhh. Next!”

            Richard happily tossed her another soda from a chilled four-pack they got on the way there. He eyed her stomach, which had become visibly bloated by now from a whole night filled with a great meal and junk food and soda and alcohol.

            “You into belly stuff too?” she said, before sipping the next soda.

            “Um. I mean. Sort of? I guess? The two things go hand-in-hand. Burping and bloated…ness. So. Yeah.”

            “That makes sense.”

            He sat next to her and was completely entranced by her. The way he stared at her with hungry eyes gave her goosebumps – the good kind. This man wanted her, and she basked in that fact. He wanted her so bad but still respected her space. He didn’t do any of that typical shit like “accidentally putting an arm around her” or “accidentally brushing up against her.” He showed restraint…and something about that enticed her. She wanted to tease him, put him on the edge.

            “C-can you…um…” he began, stammering, “I want to see how much you can hold in without burping.”

            Martha scoffed. “Not much. But…I actually never really tried out for sure.”

            Halfway through that soda, the urge to burp grew immensely. She tossed the empty bottle aside and fought the urge to let it go, quickly opening the next one and chugging it down. She couldn’t believe it but she actually made it to a couple drops before giving up and groaning, “Oh god. Stand back!”


            The relief was instantaneous, and the sound had a particular extra violent kick to it. The second it ended she gasped and sighed, collapsing on the floor. “Oh fuck. That feels so much better.”

            The ceiling creaked and they both looked up to see a steel beam come loose and fall down right in front of them. They yelped and jumped back, then stood frozen wondering if anything else would fall down. When silence returned, she realized she had been gripping his arm this whole time. Ironic being that she was the superhero and not him. They looked at each other and started laughing.

            “Was this place more put together before you started hanging out here?” he asked.

            Martha laughed. “It sure was! I broke ALL those windows. Those corners of the roof too. Yeah, pretty soon I’m gonna have to find another place to practice or else this will come crashing down on me.”

            “Wow. That’s…so amazing.” He did that thing again – staring with the intensity of wanting to pounce her. It made her feel so vulnerable in a good way. Nobody ever stared at her with such hungry eyes before. And to think it was over her superpower too! The one thing that most would find utterly disgusting.

            She batted her eyes at him. “Would you find me so amazing though even if I didn’t do that?”

            “Even if you were just a regular old person you mean? Fuck yeah. No doubt about it. The burping thing is just, you know, extra.”

            She caressed his chest, playfully running her hand across his body. “Good. That’s what I want to hear.”

            He kissed her. She was hesitant not because of the kiss but because she had an intrusive thought of accidentally burping in his face and sending him flying and killing him. She had tensed up worrying about hurting him. But he had fully given himself to her and she had missed the feeling of making out so much that she just relaxed and let herself be. She gripped his head and ran her fingers through his hair.

            Fuck. Oh, fuck yes, I haven’t felt this in so long…

            The made out more intensely, gripping each other hard. Soon, they sat on the floor again feeling each other up. She became mindful that the floor was dirty, so fucking there was probably not a good idea; he seemed mindful too judging by his awkward pauses thinking about what they could or couldn’t do in a place like this. He settled with reaching under her dress and fingering her. She practically jolted, not having been felt up like this in a long time. All of this was like being loved for the first time all over again – a certain juvenile excitement and uncertainty.

            Her guard had been so let down that her stomach loosened and the worst possible thing happened.


            The floor beneath them seemed to vibrate with the power of her fart.

            She pulled her face back, mortified at the sudden fart that had erupted from her bowels. It wasn’t dainty at all – a full loud manly artillery blast.

            “Oh shit, oh fuck, I’m so sorry for ruining the moment. Oh fuck. That sometimes happens. Like.” She struggled to find the words. “I should warn you if my burps are held in for too long sometimes, they come out as loud farts and---”

            But Richard held her face again and said, “Ssh, ssh, ssh, I like it. I don’t care. Just let it go.”

            Martha was flabbergasted. Utterly shook. He still had a boner and had not at all been fazed by her gross expulsion. He was already eager to make out again, kissing the sides of her face.

“R-really?” she said, cheeks red hot like they were on fire.

            “Really. Let’s keep going.”

            Oh…Martha you hit the jackpot…

            But of course, another interruption happened in the case of the entire building creaking and starting to fall apart. Apparently, those last couple burps and that last fart were the final straws for this old place. It could no longer take any more hits from her.

            Martha instinctively swept Richard up in his arms and carried him out of the collapsing building. The building came down a terrible groan and a shriek. She managed to carry him out before even the slightest little debris fell on them. She swore she might have also been endowed with super speed – but those regular workouts had really done her a favor.

            It could have also been the adrenaline, because once they were outside in the warm summer air again in the middle of an abandoned parking lot, Richard’s weight put a strain on her and her knees buckled and she half-fell on top of him. She heaved and they watched the building sway and crack in two. Some parts were still standing but the rest of the old factory had official bit the dust. Dust permeated and then settled.

            Martha continued catching her breath. She still leaned over Richard. He gawked at her, and then said dumbly, “That was hot.”

            “Wanna…finish this at my place?”


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