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 ScarletFox had agreed to meet her at a Starbucks on the corner of a strip mall. The strip mall looked normal enough. Kayla had been worried that the meetup would be in a bad part of town. As she neared her destination, she became more at ease to realize how normal everything looked. A Starbucks, a Chinese restaurant, a Shop Rite, a barber shop – all your usual American faire in any small town. People came and went and all “looked okay”.

           Kayla wondered if she would wimp out at the last second. She sat there gripping the steering wheel staring through the window of the Starbucks, wondering if any of the people she saw was ScarletFox, but none of them had red hair. She said she would be sitting was wearing a cream tank top and yellowish short shorts.

            If she drove away, Kayla would return to a disappointed, frustrated life. The thought of opening the dorm to see Mary was enough to set her off.

            She stepped out of her car and walked into the Starbucks.

            It was quiet with low smooth jazz music. She stood there dumbly in response to the barista asking her what she wanted. Kayla instead scanned the tables and her heart stopped when she saw a redheaded girl sitting alone by the bathroom. She was gazing out the side window. Something about her struck Kayla as familiar – like she was comfortable to be around. She had thick thighs like Kayla and those breasts were definitely the same size as in the pics she had sent. As Kayla neared her, she saw that ScarletFox had freckles, and had never before been attracted to someone with freckles. She was glad to experience a new attraction.

            ScarletFox turned her head to face her and her lips immediately turned into a confident smirk.

            Kayla cleared her throat. In a low voice she said, “Scarlet…?”

            The redhead nodded. “You can call me Stephanie. You’re Kayla, right? Sit down.”

            Once she sat down, Kayla realized there were two cups of coffee on the table. Stephanie had already begun drinking hers but the other one was clearly for Kayla. She gulped a little, wondering if Stephanie would drug her. But they were in public. Would that sort of thing kick in that fast?

            “I take it you’ve never done this before?” Stephanie said, taking a sip.

            “What? Yeah. I have,” Kayla said suddenly, albeit with a shaky voice. “Once or twice.”

            Stephanie’s scoff told her she didn’t believe it, but she put it aside and continued, “I got you a drink. You said you’re lactose intolerant right? I made sure it was whole milk.” Stephanie stared straight into Kayla’s soul with a piercing, dominant gaze. Her voice was deep and a little raspy; it tickled Kayla’s nerves. “I want you to drink it right now.”

            Kayla reeled a bit. She felt a sting of apprehension but also butterflies rose in her stomach. The cup was a venti – the largest size they had. She rarely drank coffee and when she did it was usually a small cup. The thought of drinking all that already made her feel bloated…

            “If you don’t drink it…” Stephanie leaned forward a bit to make sure only Kayla could hear. “I won’t stuff you with food. Ever.”

            Kayla’s blood rushed through her. The butterflies went up her stomach to her chest, making her breathe deeply. It was as if she were being touched. The hairs on her body stood up very still.

            She grabbed the cup and started drinking. She coughed a little since it was a bit too hot, so she slowed.

            Stephanie sat back with a pleased smile. “Good. How long do you think until it kicks in?”

            “Honestly, not very long.”

            “I want you to drink every drop.”

            Kayla blushed. She eyed the people around them. As if reading her mind, Stephanie shrugged and chuckled. “What? Nobody cares.”

            Stephanie’s confidence brimmed and already had a hold on Kayla. When Stephanie asked her how the drive was, she could hardly contain her infatuation, mumbling nonsense before settling with, “It was alright. Just…just light traffic. Ahem.”

            “You’re cute. Real cute.”

            Kayla nearly coughed up her coffee. “Oh my God, stop,” she hissed.

            “We’re definitely going to have fun later.”

            Kayla got a little nervous. They were going to spend the whole day together in a hotel room a couple blocks down. She liked how Stephanie had gotten straight to the point and was no-nonsense. She was there for the real deal, no backing down. She had set up the hotel herself and told Kayla she could pay her anything she wanted, but that the real payment would be stuffing her like “a fat pig.” The phrase made Kayla want to squeal with excitement. She couldn’t fucking believe this was actually going to happen.

            Stephanie had a plan in detail on what they were going to do – she was going to tie Kayla up to the bed and feed her black beans until she was too full to move. Then grope her belly to move the gas around and make her fart. All topped off with beer to get her burpy too.

            “Do you…want me to do anything in return?” Kayla murmured, keeping the cup close to her lips.

            “You’re doing it right now,” Stephanie said. “Just drink it all up.”

            Kayla had never drank a coffee that quickly before – less than ten minutes. She had made sure to have only a small breakfast, so the coffee was hitting her hard in her stomach. Already it was feeling swollen and uncomfortable. The milk weighed heavily down there. Kayla shifted in her seat and then sat up straight suddenly when her stomach made an audible gurgle.

            Stephanie snickered. “There we go.”

            Ohhhhhh. Fucking hell, I have to fart.

            With every second that passed, the ball of gas inside her stomach grew bigger and bigger – too dense and heavy to contain!

            She got up to go to the bathroom, when Stephanie shot her hand and gripped Kayla’s wrist tightly.

            “Don’t…” Stephanie said.

            Kayla stared at her wide-eyed. “Don’t?”

            Stephanie hissed, “If you need to fart you do it out here…”

            Oh God…

            It occurred to Kayla for the very first time that she had only burped and farted in front of people she knew. Farting in front of a whole crowd of strangers was a completely different ball game entirely.

            Stephanie glared. “If you go to the bathroom, I’ll leave right away and call it off.”

            Kayla nodded. She sat back down and bit her lip as the knots in her stomach tightened. Stephanie smiled, turning innocent again, and then casually struck up a conversation as if nothing were wrong.

            “You said you played Kingdom Hearts, right?”


            “I love that game.” Stephanie’s voice was borderline sarcastic. Kayla knew she didn’t give a shit and was just acting to get into this…roleplay. “The latest one killed me though. The way it ended. Didn’t you think so?”


            “Sora’s in Smash now too. I never played Smash though. Have you?”


            “What shows do you watch? I don’t really watch any of those girly shows like Bridgerton. But I love trash TV. I can’t get enough of MILF Manor. And that one show where the people have to be stuck on an island for only a short time without fucking each other. What was that called again?”

            “Um, dunno.”

            “Gosh. It’s on the tip of my tongue.”

            Kayla heaved. Her stomach felt like it was rolling with fire. She no longer could focus on the conversation at hand, even if it sounded made-up and for show. She wished she could continue roleplaying but the coffee was absolutely tearing her up.

            “You haven’t told me anything about yourself,” Stephanie said, resting her chin on her hands and staring devilishly at her. “Tell me something.”

            “Um. Well…” She winced. “I like anime.”

            “Oh, really? My favorite is Fairy Tale. If you haven’t noticed by my profile pic already. And the name. The fox part is just something catchy I thought of. Red hair I guess.”


            Stephanie beamed and cooed at her. “Aw, is something wrong?’


            “You look a little…I dunno. Disheveled.”

            Kayla realized she was sweating. She wiped her forehead and said, “I’m fine. It’s just hot in here.”

            “Is it? I thought it was rather cool. They have the AC on and everything. Are you sure you’re okay?”

            Kayla held her breath as her stomach suffered a spasm. She was quickly approaching the limit of holding in a fart. The longest time she held in a fart was about five minutes in class. She had raised her hand to excuse herself since she was ready to blow, but her teacher quickly shot her down, saying that class was almost over and she could hold it in.

            I gotta fart. I gotta fart. I gotta fart. Ho my God. Hooooo my God. My anus is going to fucking explode.

            Her nervousness to fart in front of everyone made it worse. She wasn’t one to get nervous farts but this time it really exacerbated the situation. Mixed with the butterflies of being turned on by humiliation – her stomach had never been in so much turmoil before. A couple minutes ago she had subtly unbuttoned her shorts, but her tummy still hung heavy without relief from any pressure. It was, quite frankly, amazing how quickly milk turned her stomach upside down. The instantaneous reaction from a flat stomach to a round beach ball continued to turn her on. She shifted in her seat feeling wet in her crotch.

            I can’t hold it in any longer! Maybe if I just…try to…let it out…quietly…

            Kayla lifted her right ass cheek from her seat, leaning a bit to her left. Stephanie had stopped talking and stared at her with hungry eyes – she knew what was about to happen. Kayla still held on for a couple seconds longer before finally trying to push it out.

            There was no chance in hell that it would come out quietly. The fart that erupted from her echoed across the entire Starbucks. From the corner of her eye Kayla could sense movement as people swerved their attention. Her cheeks went red hot the longer the fart dragged on – a disgusting blast that sounded like the death rattle of some wild animal. She figured that if she kept staring into Stephanie’s eyes she could brave through the embarrassment. Stephanie looked as though she was fucking orgasming, her eyes half-closed looking at Kayla dreamily. She bit the side of her lip too.

            Kayla never felt so vulnerable and embarrassed. Not only that but she felt as though she had lost control of her sphincter. The fart had dragged on for maybe ten seconds and there was still so much more that Kayla couldn’t control it. Underlying the embarrassment was the sheer pleasure of letting go, the feeling of her stomach lifting with relief. She imagined a meter dropping and dropping and dropping…satisfied that it was no longer at its limit.

              When the fart ended, the two girls continued staring at each other. The patrons at the Starbucks continued going about their business, although Kayla thought she heard some hushed discussion about what had just happened and a few astonished snickers. For a moment though, she wondered if what had just happened really happened.

            She stammered, “E-excuse me.”

            Stephanie continued staring at her with the most orgasmic expression – and then all at once changed. She grimaced as if she had seen the most disgusting thing imaginable, put her shirt over her nose, and yelled, “EW! WHAT THE FUCK, KAYLA! GOD! IT REEKS!”

            Kayla’s heart stopped. She dared not look around at the reactions from people’s faces as Stephanie got up to leave in a hurry, cursing along the way.

            She waited maybe a full minute before she got up, not even bothering to throw out her coffee cup, and left the Starbucks with her head down not paying attention to anyone in her periphery. She simply beelined out of there.

            Stephanie was nowhere to be seen. She hadn’t caught sight of where she went. She half-wondered if Stephanie really was disgusted, because she was at a loss now. Did she already go to the hotel?

            Kayla shrugged to herself and went back in her car. It had warmed up a little inside since she arrived. She shifted in her seat and brimmed with excitement at what had just happened. She looked back at the Starbucks but the patrons were already back to minding their own business. Still, the experience roused her, and she began rubbing her clit through her shorts.

            A loud knock made her jump.

            Stephanie had knocked on the passenger window. Kayla scrambled for the door lock and let her in.

            Stephanie was cackling like a giddy kid. She flailed her arms in excitement, squealed, and tapped the dashboard several times. She had become a different person entirely – one who had found joy in what they were doing, as joyful as Kayla was.

            “Holy FUCK, Kayla. That was the hottest fucking thing I ever saw. That was AMAZING. YOU’RE amazing.”

            Kayla blushed. She had never been complimented before. “I don’t think I EVER farted like that in front of anyone before.”

            “Damn.” Stephanie sat back and closed her eyes, as if trying to relive the moment. When she opened them again, she looked to Kayla and said, “Do you wanna make out before we head to the hotel?”



Holy, this story looks like it's gonna be soo good! Can't wait for the next chapters!