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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 4x18: 

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy/

Edited reaction: https://youtu.be/p4Ti8IVd_0E

Angel 1x18: 

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/angel-uncuts-only-ea/

Young Justice 2x1: 

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-2/

Edited reaction: https://youtu.be/222dbhSSVnc




hey guys, keep the good work. Just wanted to leave a recommendation: "The King" From David Michôd is an amazing movie that went under the noses of apparently every one. Beautiful photography, amazing soundtrack, good depiction of medieval combat and 10/10 Acting.

Courtney Scott

I can’t believe you 90’s kids didn’t react to the Felicity haircut line. Lol, that was such a big deal back then. But then you all knew the lyrics to the song Giles was singing 💕


Faith devoured in 5x5


Maybe have on screen what Suraj says not a market substitute as a disclaimer or he can were a T shirrt that has all what he says before every episode

Catradora fan

Young Justice season 2 is gonna be wild 😆


Definitely super late to this had to stop watching right before one of my fave episodes.. I hope you've changed your mind since BUT Faith has only technically killed one human by accident, and then a shady demon who we don't necessarily know enough about. She's not a serial killer or really a murderer, if anyone she's a manslaughterer and serial battery..er.. she did torture Wes and that's def fucked up as shit, but she didn't deserve to be killed for her crimes, she needed someone to care and have "faith" in her to be a better person.