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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 4x20:

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (p. 9) 

Edited reaction: https://youtu.be/zesRypcahyw

Angel 1x20: 

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/angel-uncut-only/

Young Justice 2x4: 

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-premium/ (p. 4) 

Edited reaction: https://youtu.be/n2IAaNmKc30



Casey Van Duin

For me the whole point in Angel coming to Sunnydale to apologise rather then call was fan service. The writers did not want to leave to leave them in a bad place following what happened in LA m. This episode is when I started disliking Riley. Telling Buffy she can’t speak to someone, not giving her privacy when she asked. Sure Angel was being a smug jerk but Buffy does not need Riley to order her around or protect her.

Daniel R

I love Young Justice so much! Where's that Rana solo stream to catch up??

rickie woodson

For Sunday Rundown: Fun fact: in the comics speedy became a crackhead. you can see him shooting up in issue 85 of green latern (1971). his disheveled and malnutritioned form are all nods to that storyline. and his daughter Lian was featured heavily in the late 90s comic "Titans" as most of these folks were actually teen titans from the 60s-80s and not young justice members. so the adult versions got back together, dropped the teens and ran new york. best titans era (after new teen titans)! Lian is chinese for lotus flower. she is totes adorbs and her future red arrow form is BOSS


For the #Sunday Rundown (though as I understand, it there won't be one for 2-3 weeks) I can partly understand why the gang seemed to think it felt a little forced that Angel came back and the brief interraction in the episode. The reason back then the crossovers happened this way was in large part hype and marketing, very true. They needed to sell the Angel spin-off, and they did it well imo. The crossover events were often hyped up for a whole week in constant commercials starting from right after the end of the episode the previous week as a "NEXT WEEK, ON BUFFY AND ANGEL" kind of thing. And these commercials aired the entire week, which just made us legit want to absolutely not miss it. And the meeting of Riley and Angel was entirely the selling point of that following week's episode over anything else. (It was a great way to hype up this episode, and they did so without revealing anything of the narrative content of the actual story, which in my opinion was very smart. No spoilers, tons of hype!) I found the very first one beginning season 4 of Buffy on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwGvaIV5U9E I agree with Suraj, this was a long time coming, and the petty squabble/straight up rivalry and "who would win" felt amazing seeing it on the night it aired, I was beyond STOKED. (For context, I watched Buffy as it aired, and even graduated same year as Buffy, so the Buffyverse was very relatable and important to me when it was original on TV) Also, I feel that despite it being a liiiittle forced, and it feeling very fast as an interraction, I get why he came. He was right in what he said in L.A., but he felt bad about how it went down, and he wanted to at least patch things up on how it went down. But how he and Buffy act, is straight up love, not seeing straight, heart broken-ness, petty ex interractions. (remember, he actually DID end up with her, and had to give that up, so it KILLS him how things are now, and her having rubbed her nose in it over in L.A. as a petty jab) The him leaving was right. He offered to help, and she felt since it was "her town, her problems", and the tension with the group, it was best she handle it, he couldn't really help. It was perpetuating the message over on Angel. They have their own worlds now, and he respected that. He stayed on message, and once she said no it's best you go, he 100% agreed, and respected her boundaries, but he still offered to stay and help before that.


A dope fiend* not a crackhead lol crack and heroin are two different things. Both terrible, but different


So I really love this episode for the Roy storyline, and seeing Wally and Artemis again. Seeing Wally and Artemis basically having their little happy ending five years after season 1 makes me so happy. I love how the show slowly unveils where everyone is and how different everything is after five years. Dick is now the leader of the team and has become Nightwing, Conner and M'gann broke up, and M'gann is going through her dark phase, Roy has become obsessive in his search for his *real* self and may be struggling with addiction and also married and had a kid with Cheshire, Kaldur found out Black Manta is his dad and is now on his side, Zatanna and Rocket joined the Justice League... and Wally and Artemis retired and are going to college together. But speaking on the Roy Harper stuff from a comic perspective. In the comics, Roy Harper goes through a heroine addiction, and his reaction to Speedy and his search for him five years later is a clear reference to Roy in the comics having a heroine addiction. I would say most likely in the show he has that right now, but the show is not allowed to say it while it is still on Cartoon Network. And Roy and Cheshire having a daughter is straight up a thing from the comics. Everyone was hyped for she showed up and that the show would be adapting that part of Roy Harper's story from the comics.

Vicky N

I’ve got the impression that Suraj and, to a certain degree, Rana, don’t like Buffy very much based on their gleeful reaction to Angel being a dick to her.


I think they do they just like angel more


Nope, Buffy was in the wrong here. She had every right to be upset, but Angel had every right to set boundaries, which is what he did. And Rana and Suraj acknowledged as much