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Hello, Sunday Normies 👋

As you know from our last Sunday Rundown, either Rana or Suraj will be missing from one of the following three rundowns but have no fear. We have found you more than adequate replacement hosts after extensive trials. Feel free to leave them questions for the upcoming weeks, and we will have them answer as much as they can with the time we have 🫶

Your upcoming hosts:

8/11 - Navi

8/18 - Nikki

8/25 - Marketa




Nikki one is gonna be chaos, I can already tell. I will be there.

Quinton Campbell

would love to have seen those "extensive trials" 😂


Am excite 🥲


Can't wait for the Nikki one (well all of them, but Nikki's in particular!)


1. I love the The Sunday Rundown! 2. I love these three guest hosts ❤️ 3. An idea for featuring appearances of other Normies crew. When Rana and Suraj are reading through comments, one every few comments could feature a video of a Normies crew member reading that comment. 4. An idea for a Sunday Rundown segment. Competition between Rana and Suraj, showing eachother viral videos/memes, they laugh they lose.


General questions for Navi, Marketa, and Nikki: What would be your final meal? Dream vacation destination? Celebrity hall pass lists? If you could get drunk/high with any celebrity, who would it be?


Another question: If you could go back and be part of a couch crew for a show/movie The Normies have reacted to that you were not part of, which would it be and why?


#SundayRundown Red Arrow is the daddy Jerry Jerry Jerry! Speedy Speedy Speedy!