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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 4x18

Reaction: https://youtu.be/p4Ti8IVd_0E

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (pg. 9) 

Young Justice 2x2 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/a2_b8p_Kb9s

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-premium/ (pg. 4) 

Angel 1x18

There will be no premium angel episode today because that buffy episode is sandwiched between other buffy episodes and it would break the chronological order if we released that angel episode. 




Yikes, well...I think they got the message. I'm sure there will be an explanation/apology in the Rundown. Next week, y'all!


#SundayRundown - For the first time the team travels into space and different planets. It was dope seeing how M’Gann & Gar/Beast Boy have become closer. I thought it was clever how mixed the comic boy’s origin for Beast Boy’s powers and fit Miss Martian’s abilities into it. In the comics, As a child, he contracted a rare illness in the story called Sakutia and was cured by a serum from a green monkey. This serum had the unintended effect of turning his skin and hair green and gave him the ability to change into any animal form. His parents were soon killed in a boating accident which he felt could’ve prevented. His full backstory is one of the more tragic ones.

Annah Suarez-Domit

They also did some fun stuff with his post childhood backstory. His parents in the comics were different from Rita Farr in the Young Justice cartoon. In the comics Rita was Gar's adoptive family and a former actress from when he joined Doom Patrol. The writers really are clever for mixing and matching backstory elements to make it all flow together while still giving homage to the parts they couldn't really adapt.


how do I get to watch the uncut version? The website blocks the content even when I have the membership and link my Patreon account.