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Hey guys! Navi recorded solo uncuts of her reacting to episodes 58, 59 & 60. All three episodes are in the same video for easy access! Enjoy :) 

Uncut link: https://vimeo.com/845093900/ecff36a9e2?share=copy




And there it is. The most poorly written anime antagonist in anime history, Aizen. The manga ended over 7 years ago but memes are still being made about how poorly written Aizen was. It got to the point where Aizen's writing didn't make people angry anymore, but all we could do was laugh. It is that bad. Of course don't Google Aizen or the memes, there are a ton of spoilers.


I’ve never seen Bleach. But I’m watching this


I've never seen any of what you're talking about


Then you're probably an Anime-Only. During the period when the manga chapters were releasing weekly, the general consensus was that Aizen was poorly written and Kubo didn't know wtf he was doing. I wish I still knew the links to the manga discussion threads. lol The poor writing after the Soul Society Arc is one of the reasons that solidified Bleach as #3 among "The Big Three." If you think the use of deus ex machina as a plot device is fine, then you won't see any issues. However, most people are only cool with it in small amounts. Kubo used an EXTREME amount of deus ex machina to keep Bleach interesting post Soul Society. Entertaining to watch, but poorly written.


I was a anime only but I do remember Kubo getting slammed for his writing. I don't remember anything Aizen specific but I do remember everybody loving this twist.


Talking shit lmao, i was a manga reader and people loved Aizen. The writing criticism was more about the series in general, nothing to do with Aizen. I'd even go as far as to say that Aizen was the most popular Shounen villain back then during the Big 3 era's heyday. And yes there were memes about him, but not out of mockery. People LOVED him and his bs, so memed about that. So idk what this comment is about.


@Solebat You're right. Everyone did love this twist. The Soul Society Arc is peak Bleach. Most of the problems with Aizen aren't apparent at this point in time. I did say the anger towards Aizen eventually turned to laughter. You can enjoy something and still be aware that it's bad. And yes, the memes were in fact out of mockery. People criticized Bleach because of Kubo's excessive use of deus ex machina. Aizen was just the icing on the cake. I can't go into detail without spoiling, but it was comical. I'm sure several Normies will agree when the time comes. Regardless, I'll agree that Aizen was very popular and people did love him, but it was because of how poorly written he was making it increasingly difficult to take the story serious. Hence the endless memes.


just shut up and enjoy the material. You havent explained anything... all you are saying is its bad and i'm not gonna explain because I don't want to "spoil" lmao.


I never claimed to have explained anything. Posting spoilers isn't allowed.