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Attack on Titan DUB 4x15

Reaction: https://youtu.be/p-kArSJFxZ4

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/aotdub/ (pg. 9) 

The Office 3x12

Reaction: https://youtu.be/frIzwyMuE8U

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/the-office/ (pg. 5) 

The Office 3x13

Reaction: https://youtu.be/MoZR6bWK_Ew

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/the-office/ (pg. 5) 



David Campbell

Shouldn’t we be up to The Office 4x3 and 4x4?


this is the Early Access post, they posted the Premium Access one earlier. Scroll down and you should see it.


Premium access (the episodes you’re referring to) were posted prior to this post.


i think it has more to do with reading comprehension than a fault in communication

David Campbell

Nah, it's a side effect of information overload. Naturally, we cope with the hundreds (thousands?) of emails/posts/notifications we get daily by filtering/skimming/skipping things. A communicator, especially one on a social media platform, needs to figure out how to broadcast important information in a way that will break through the noise.

Johnny Blue

Every week. Like clockwork. Reading comprehension is hard. Take a bow homie.

Manny D.

Please describe how they can communicate “early access” and “premium access” more clearly to you besides those being the first words of each post. We’d love to hear it.


My guy refuses to take the L. You didn't read, that's not "the communicator"'s fault.

David Campbell

Firstly, you assume that there is some clear distinction between "early" and "premium". There is not. The terms are easily interchangeable and many creators use the same or similar terms in different ways. Secondly, emails and posts are not a great way to communicate updates. There are many alternate options and I'm not sure what is best in this case, but it's also not my job to fix this. Finally, it's not an easy problem to fix. I've written a paper on information overload, have done 3 presentations on the subject, and made a task force at my company to tackle the problem for internal communications. What worked for us was to use a "document driven answer" approach. Some of the better Normies community members have done that here in response to my post. When asked a question, instead of simply giving the answer (or worse, replying with something like "per my last email" or "you need better reading comprehension"), we would give the answer and also point out where the answer is documented. If the answer is not documented, we took that as a queue to beef up the documentation so that it would include the answer.


TL;DR but wanted to let Mr. Communicator here know that (since different people have different communication needs) you can turn off the e-mail notifications to try to curtail what ISN'T working for you and that may be more helpful in you distinguishing between early access and premium.

David Campbell

That's a good suggestion. However, I poked around the settings and didn't see a way to filter based on membership tiers. BTW, I'm a fairly new Normies member. Is this how the community is? I didn't go back to what is apparently a weekly mistake someone makes, but is the typical Normies community response to condescend and insult someone for doing this? I'm wondering if I even want to be a part of this community.

Manny D.

My guy, they have Patreon tiers that determine your access. When you signed up for their Patreon, you had to choose which tier you got access to. How is this hard?? Also, they have a schedule. You know which days certain shows come out on. You don’t need to be emailed anything. I can’t anything this is so ridiculous.

David Campbell

Currently, I'm a Software Architect, but I've been writing/designing software for over 20 years as a Software Engineer. I know that if I have customers making the same mistake repeatedly, the fault isn't on them. It's on the design. I think the same applies here.

Twin Hallow

Its ok to make a mistake man. Just move on with the newly acquired information. Just take accountability.


They didn't make any mistakes tho. If you paid for Early access, you only look at the mails (or Patreon posts) titled "Early access". If you paid for Premium access, you only need to look at the mails (or Patreon posts) titled "Premium Access" . its that simple.


Also, for someone who worked in software for over 20 years, you'd think you'd be better at this website navigation thing

David Campbell

My software experience has made me less tolerant of usability issues. As for your comment about never seeing anyone as insecure as me, I'm not sure why you feel the need to personally attack my character. I'm wondering if this is typical of the Normies community as I am fairly new to it.

Fuiono Ching Sung

It is. You can either deal with it and move on, or just leave. But should you leave, please remember: This isn't an airport. No need to announce your departure. And if you stay - awesome! The more, the merrier. In the immortal words of Captain Planet (a throwback series the Normies might want to consider reacting to?) "The Power Is Yours!" Aloha.

Champion Bescos

Just laughed so hard with that unexpected but fitting “Aloha”. ☺️ Mahalo nui loa for that my friend

Chaos T

It's okay to admit a mistake and move on. It clearly says "Early Access" here. It's not a design thing it's a you thing.


Are they going to finsh You ?


I thought we were on 18 for Attack on Titan