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Attack on Titan DUB 4x17

Reaction: https://youtu.be/uFCikMrZMKg

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/attack-on-titan-dub-premium/ (pg. 9) 

The Office 4x3

Reaction: https://youtu.be/x2KwSQCnRGg

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/the-office-premium/ (pg. 7) 

The Office 4x4

Reaction: https://youtu.be/qcYOGnh_UI8

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/the-office-premium/ (pg. 7) 



my new name



I love The Office reactions! I look forward to Tuesdays because of this.

Andre Maestas

I was looking forward to watching their reactions to the new intro "The Rumbling" in AOT and they skipped it. Lame


That makes no sense, but than again when have they made any sense here.

Michael Jefferson

They're skipping the OP for spoiler reasons, people. jeez

Andre Maestas

We know. Just saying the sub crew didn't skip it and the dub crew didn't skip any of the other spoiler heavy intros.


Idk if this is still happening or not, but Suraj did say that the dub crew was going to react to the music video as well. So it could be they're waiting until after 4x21

Not Amused

It’s easy to miss but at 10:07 in the AOT reaction, the camera goes THROUGH Galliards wound as he swings towards Eren. I thought it was a cool detail


The opening is super spoilery


Suraj trying to be slick saying "payback" instead of "cycle" 😏

rickie woodson

"it was a peck on the cheek"..........uhm yes. done in public. as a display of affection.......its not like he said it was sexual........

rickie woodson

so friends dont respect each other? come on pat


Ryan was always kind of a douche though let's be honest 😂

The Normies Staff

My understanding is that there are parts of the OP that are (at least minorly) spoilery? I believe Suraj skips it for that reason, but it should be back in the 4x22 reaction. - Dustin the Editor.


Just curious; was this reaction filmed after suraj watched the newest aot part, or before? 😊


Not really. It was at this point that the writers started making him that way though unfortunately.

april 🍏

I would say it's majorly spoilery. (spoilers below obvs) It straight up shows Annie, ymir, and the wall titans being released. I think it's a good call skipping it. Also, if I remember correctly, a poll was done to vote on whether or not they should watch it or not.

Chaos T

They had to do this with Naruto Shippuden OP's due to the amount of spoilers in them.


I always found him douchey, even in S1.

David Butt

For clarification about the writer's strike and The Office, the first 12 episodes of season 4 were filmed before the writer's strike and then every subsequent episode was filmed afterward. So that should give you some idea for what episodes were made before and after.

Kage Uzumaki

it is what it is though from a viewer they should have seen this coming, so watching it and then saying they were spoiled is imo dumb, people can roast me all they want its not gonna hurt my feelings


from his comments in the newest episode reaction we know that they got at least to Episode 19 before he saw the special

Manny D.

You can thank other viewers. The Normies did a poll and a majority of voters said to skip the intro for now.

Manny D.

Because I don’t want to reply to everyone: they did a poll on YouTube, and a majority of people voted for the dub crew to wait to watch the new intro. I agree that they should have just watched it, but the majority of people asked them not to