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The Duchess of Mandalore is set up, luckily she's got a Jedi on her side!

Reaction: https://youtu.be/qr776TVlJME

Uncut video above


Edwin Ayala

Fun fact: in this episode, when Obi and Satine meet in the park following the warrant for her arrest, you can see a rock in the middle of the park. That is actually the HIGHEST natural peak of Coruscant and the only remaining exposed part of its surface. Coruscant is SO built up that it’s cities have surpassed the natural highest point. The only reason they can breath so high up in that atmosphere is because of the infrastructure.


In The Mandalorian flashback that Suraj mentions, it was in fact Death Watch who rescued Din Djarin when he was a child, you can see their symbol (the same they used after the bombing some episodes prior). Also, The Mandalorian takes place a couple decades after Clone Wars.