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alex Cita

why so much naruto this week ?

alex Cita

love from France normies has really become true shinobies

alex Cita

I notice the last post with 3 episodes this week guys sorry .


Y'all forgot that people died during the pain arc? Kakashi died and before that Jiraiya died. Kakashi came back to life but nobody knew that until later. It was very real to Naruto that someone he considers fam was killed. The number of dead loved ones doesn't matter, come on guys. This is how he relates to Sasuke, he wanted to kill Pain through revenge.


Nahid should react to episode 216


No cap Sakuras character is as flat as her chest a little bump but that's it


what does that have to do with her lack of character? at that point you're just body shaming and objectifying her. nothing wrong with small boobs, but there is something wrong with people who body shame.


Sasuke's and Naruto's pain are not equivalent to one another, however, that doesn't make one more dreadful than the other. Sasuke had a loving family and supportive community with a great upbringing destined to be a protégé of his clan like his brother, that was until the village exploited Itachi's strong love for his little brother and he decided to kill his clan. Sasuke was left with the detrimental impact left after his family and clan were murdered, he became a scandal and many gossiped about the fate his clan faced and highlighted him being the only survivor. He allowed that unfortunate past to become his present and future as his hate burned up; he made the decision time and time again to let things negatively affect him exposing himself to the risks of the path he took. Even through all this hatred he had love from his brother, his team, his friends, and some people in and out of his village. He lost his family, but he never lost any resources or the support from the village. Anything he lost after his clan was a byproduct of his hatred, lack of morals, persistent unwillingness to forgive, and by him simply declining these offers for help from many. As for Naruto's story, you will learn more; however, it is evident that he was ostracized for something he had no say in and received minimal necessities from the government. No one had taken him in until Jiraya, and even before him he only had a few people who distantly supported him. Not only was he physically abused but he was mentally harassed on the daily from the moment he was born. He has his own personal struggles as the jinchuriki and he also was oppressed. Not only did he have no family, but he was restricted from knowing his lineage and no one from his clan reached out to him. He also had to put up with Sasuke's negativity -which easily rubs off on children- since he found someone he could connect to. Yet, aside from that he persevered and kept on pushing sticking by his morals helping people he loved, those he hated, and those who hated him. It took him near death experiences to gradually be accepted by his village and it wasn't until the battle with pain that people openly welcomed him.


you really arent being realisitc in the comparisons. Naruto himself apon finding the truth said hed likely have done what sasuke did if the roles were reversed. You undersold sasukes situation yet hyped narutos.