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Man Sasuke is the worst. I cant stand his character. I always felt like Naruto and Shikamaru make way better friends.


221 is coming

Redding Tier

@callie You may not like him but even the author has said that without Sasuke, there is no story.


Man you guys have so many freaking episodes left to watch. Lol


oh man I'm just excited to see them react to upcoming episodes. Also I'm happy they're watching some fillers because they really add a lot of context and feelings to certain episodes.


Am I the only one that was disappointed that Kakashi vs Sasuke wasn’t completely finished yet?


These episodes got a bad adaptation. This is one of the biggest problems with Naruto anime. The studio makes a bad use of flashbacks. I mean sometimes they are good, for example, when Naruto was received as a hero by Konoha, but other times, like this episode, you can see that they only want to fill time .


I dislike their conversion! It just didn’t go anywhere


Imagine how many Root members were released with Danzo's death.

Gabriel Moreira

I think there is a crucial diference from this talk to the talk in the classic show... its that now Naruto is saying to Sasuke "hey man, i get WHY you are doing what you are doing" back them Naruto was thinking only in hinself "I will not let you go" "i will not lose you to oroshimaru" I i i i... never really trying to get why Sasuke was getting away.. Now, after Pain, and really LOSING people, he can understand the HATE that consums you. You can see how its different because it gets to Sasuke this time. He said "I know the truth and i get you, I think what you doing is understandble" Now Naruto really is talking from a place of empathy, trying to understand Sasuke, instead of forcing him...

Chaos T

Not a fan of these episodes but one positive result was now Sakura and Naruto how far Sasuke has fallen.


“There’s gonna be one guy that’s gonna be a whole ass mummy” -Chris

Queef Burglar

I don't think people were saying you guys should skip the fillers, just do them as a bonus or on your own time..people including myself was upset that you guys skipped a week of the Canon with a filler...remember when rana and naiad used to do separate post of the naruto fillers? But we still got are weekly Canon drops..just go back to that format

my new name

I’m glad that Karin learned to let go of Sasuke. It’s one of the more satisfying decisions of the anime imo.


These episodes are so frustratingly full of flashbacks, but considerng how much content there was after the Pain arc - the Kage summit, Danzo's fight - I kinda get it. You need to balance it out.


There are still people who don’t want to understand Sasuke is the product of the Shinobi World’s dark side.

Anas Ghadfi

Yeah they milked the fuck out of this. Flashback shippuden.


Suraj where did you get your shirt?!

Kevin Kovacs

they were just frustrated by the flashbacks that they had to watch so maybe that's why it felt it's not going anywhere! XDD plus not much happened in this episode as well...

Kevin Kovacs

well you can watch the fan made one! That is much better then this one!!


In the fight at the Valley of the End in the finale of Part 1, Naruto didn't tell Sasuke this information. He told him he valued their bond and he did try whooping his ass, "breaking his bones and dragging him back to the village" against his will. It didn't work. So he's trying harder to relate and understand his situation which he has more ground to do since so much has happened since then like Jiraiya and Asuma dying and losing bonds that he previously built up. I don't think he's saying their situations are as Mickey put it, "EXACTLY" the same, but that the isolation and comtempt they had for those who ostracized them is similar.

Richard McClure

I’ve missed those streams and that is exactly when I joined and loved the way it was formatted but then the pandemic hit and shit hit the fan

Abdul Manneh

Told yall war arc one of the weakest arcs in the show. It has good moments tho

Eric Seitz

Sasuke has the best character development in the show IMO and I can’t wait to see what they think of what he does from here until the end


Ngl these guys make me happy even on my worst days I just throw on a Normies vid and I feel better lol thank you guys and stay awesome


You guys are very slow, did you forget about Narutos entire arc against Pain? Narutos true goal is to attain peace for the world. Getting rid of that hatred Sasuke has is now more part of that journey.

Quinton Campbell

this could've been a triple drop week given the episodes


Where is Nahid? I miss his reaction


They should react to an edited version of some later Naruto eps, since the anime added so much padding


Ngl evil Sasuke is still bad ass, still a bitch, but still bad ass lol

Michael Diaz

"White people are being subjugated in our time.... Just kidding." Rip to all the white people who actually are having a hard time because of racial frictions. X'D

Michael Diaz

lol They're saying it's not the same but then the rest of us are like "Well I mean..... Gaara.... so..." It's kinda the same. Not the same scenario. But an equal amount of negativity capable of turning someone evil and crazy. Not to mention you still don't know the details about what happened to Naruto's parents in order to leave him all alone with the fox inside of him making him also an outcast. And to make it worse, Sasuke's pain just makes you look at Naruto's pain and completely dismiss it.

Michael Diaz

ALSO I agree, Suraj. There are some fillers that you should watch.... I just don't think the Iruka ones were necessary. I think they'll cover all that later anyway. But whatever, it's all good. It would just be nice if you POSTED more than just the fillers. lol You can watch all the fillers you want. Though later on there are some "fillers" you should definitely post. I think they're considered fillers but aren't technically since they're storyline that's in a novel.


Micky missed the point entirely lol he put too much hope into talk no jutsus lol like it works everytime


Micky, Naruto isn't saying he knows EVERYTHING he's going thru ...he just gets why he's doing this. After fighting pain..he understands being consumed by anger..it's a experience Naruto has felt all his life and just recently ..that could be used as relatable. You can be relatable to a Nahid who knows bro 🤷


Nahid should react to episode 216

Alex cleveland

9:52 Suraj, ur Danzo voice impression is fucking immaculate😂😂😂

ZureZule Miyazaki

Something I would just posit, for Suraj to keep in mind. Not only was Naruto hated, alone, and treated with NEAR absolute contempt his every waking moment from the moment he was born until /some/ people started to keep an eye on him and be kinder to him ala Iruka and Kakashi and the others, but he also had the Ninetailed Fox in him. A literal rage monster(as they've mentioned before) that haunts him his every moment in the back of his mind. Sasuke living his life happily and losing his family is tragic, but honest Naruto's upbringing vastly dwarfs Sasuke's tragedy in my opinion. One of them was openly acknowledged while the other was disregarded. As far as they could tell, one had a future still(sasuke), the other had nothing(naruto).

Gabriel Moreira

But then we came back to what chris talked one time "its worse to be loved and lost then never be loved at all"


There's some stuff that technically filler, but it really does enhance the story quite a bit. If anyone is throwing a hissy fit over it, they don't know how to watch Naruto.


Any1 else experiencing sound issues? I keep getting gaps of no sound at all


But yeah these flashback episodes with a tiny bit of plot were so annoying. Long shounen like these would never survive today's anime scene.

Dark Danny

i feel like Gaara out of everyone knows whats sasuke is feeling even if its not the exact situation. It's funny that they dismiss Naruto's childhood cause usually it's the opposite and people say Naruto's childhood is worse. all I'm saying is if i had to choose between the 2 struggles im picking Naruto's

C Nichole

everyone that I see reacting to this seems to disregard this lml he literally took on the prophecy n chose to help bring peace to this world yet every reactor don't remember to touch on that 🤦🏾‍♀️


Bro Suraj and Mickey need to stfu. Honestly just absolute fkn know it alls. They ruin these reactions tbh. Mostly Suraj tho.

Weston Coley

I see many people belittle Naruto's childhood, and insist he wasn't that lonely because they saw him play with Shikamaru and Choji in a filler episode. But Shikamaru doesn't become Naruto's friend until the Chunin Exams, that is when Shikamaru truly started to respect Naruto. People dig on Sakura, but Sakura was willing to give up her chance of being a Chunin for Naruto early on.

Weston Coley

There's a brief flashback in Ch.154 (Rasengan training arc), where you see a young Naruto goofing off with Kiba, Chouji, and Shika. But they aren't friends, exactly. Just the class clowns.


Yall pretty heavily overestimate Kakashi ngl

Vic Valentine

how do You skip over one of the best And most emotional Openings In all of naruto

Lively Nili

Sasuke falling this far is one of the most realistic things in the entire anime. The majority of people would do the same if they were in his shoes. People hating on him and saying his actions don't make sense are the same people that see Good and Evil as Black and White when it comes to the Humanity in a person. It's never that clear cut. Seeing your parents and clan get massacred over and over by your beloved elder brother in a Tsukiyomi at 8 years old, is pretty traumatising if you ask me. The type that doesn't go away. Only to find out years later after killing Itachi in vengeance, that it was his mission given by the upper echelon of the Hidden Leaf, when Itachi was only 14. Some heavy mental fuckery there. So if you're up to this point and still saying he's a whiny edgelord or his character is badly written and sucks or his actions make no sense, then we'll just assume you're trolling or too shallow minded to see the bigger picture. Not to mention he's 16 and the Uchiha are genetically predisposed to growing stronger in power through Hatred and getting lost in it.


"There's gonna be a whole-ass mummy" 😂👀


Black Clover did lol. The only reason the anime "ended" was because they caught up to the manga.


About Karin right now, two words , "Stockholm Syndrome"


It's gonna be a real trip when they find out how to actually pronounce The Nine-Tails' name 😂😂

Darren Metts

He’s a whiny edge lord bro yes I’d be mad too but I’m not going to kill people that had nothing to do with it plus he already got the one who was the soul proprietor of it all Danzo sasuke is just a clown


No one is saying to skip filers... we're saying do them in your own time or dont make them take up paid episode slots...

Dominic Caciappo

Your not my crushhh, woooooohhh wohhh


This right here. I hate that they victimize themselves when we're paying and they also have a side series of rona and nahid reacting to fillers. Put those reactions there.


Naruto never claimed that their backgrounds were the same. Just similar and that what Sasuke is doing is understandable. Jfc


Sasuke still has itachi's eyes waiting for him. Before he left to capture be Madara asked him if he wanted to implant itachi's eyes and Sasuke said "I want to see the world with my eyes"


Imagine the uproar if Sakura was the one who held Kakashi back and charged towards Sasuke.


Oh no, it's not the same. It's a completely different but very equivalent pain. Some of yall have never been shunned and alone in this world, and it shows.

Matt $

Damn Rana 😳


@The Normies yeah I said the same thing when I was watching Naruto yes Naruto knows what its like being alone and hated but he doesn't know what its like seeing your whole entire race slaughter ya know but yeah

Arindrajit Sen

Ya live being alone especially at the tender age he was and then come back. Then come and dare say the same thing.

Arindrajit Sen

Stay alone for years guys or better make a kid stay alone for years with that much hate towards him and let's see if you can say the same thing that it's not as deep as losing your family and clan. Both types of pain are different and Naruto never said they are but both are immeasurable pain and that he understands what that much pain feels like. It's not like one is superior or inferior to the other. Coz most of us know what it's like to lose loved ones or have seen others suffer from that we immediately think that if someone lost their whole family or clan would be the ultimate suffering and pain but since most of us haven't been lonely(not alone) at Naruto's tender age in OG Naruto and been hated and ostracized by everyone who just have feelings of killing you we think it must be not as big of a pain as Sasuke experiences.

Arindrajit Sen

Ya like be lonely and feel hated at that age and then come and say that it's not painful. Both pains are different definitely but doesn't mean one is more than the other both are immeasurable.