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Hey everyone! Today's video is actually 2 episodes in one plus an OVA, so there's only 2 posts today. 



Yay editors for making these episodes bearable 😂😂


Why the filter ?

ALi Karam

the worst 2 episode flashback


Props to the editor lol


They also aren’t even canon filler lol. It’s studio filler :p


Don’t worry y’all 221 will be here. :D


Why the filter though.. This isn't YouTube.


Normies really said f*ck the triple drop, we'll upload a mix of flashbacks and fillers in one video instead. 😂 I kinda feel bad for people that are paying only for this.


Damn always look forward to watching these, but this week....smh


You’re a true 90’s kid if you remember the triple drops at the end of every month


This is why Sasuke took so long to get water in the forest of death ;p


Wtf is this 😂


Ahhh cmon Nahid you're sounding like an old man! I'm older than you and embraced the GOOD content TikTok has to offer (Of course with all mediums there are good and bad). Adapt, my man, and seize the future!

MC zsn

the hell is the filter for? to the fan who edited this, YOUR TRASH


Ah the whole "if it ain't broken, don't fix it" idea. Literally nothing was wrong on the previous vids this month, yet they do this for what reason exactly?

Johnny Blue

You're welcome. Also, the filter is for YouTube strikes and not done by me. Put your tampon back on.


I wouldn't have mind this but what is up with the eyes on the screen smh 😂


Shout out to Johnny 🔵


Feels like a wasted Naruto week🙄. But that’s the shows fault.

Johnny Blue

You're a true 80s kid if you remember they were called Talking Thrones before the Normies.


I’ve watch naturo for years it’s my fav I’ve never seen this Karin backstory lol

Opera Baritone

Fantastic edit, Johnny! I really liked the stay tuned for the OVA part! 🤣🤣🤣 Also, Neil Kaplan is the voice of Tobi/Madara per you all’s query in the video! Lol fun fact: he also voices Optimus Prime in the Transformers cartoon so have fun with that image haha!


So no more triple drops, and we get a fan-cut filler episode that the studio created for padding. You guys are falling off. I know you are simply doing as your advised, but you need some better input quite clearly.


Jesus Christ did you have a stroke?


There is barely any of episodes 212 or 213 here , a scam !!! da fuq is this shit , some bullshit fan editied OVA not even part of the narruto anime !! ALL OF THE FILLER YOU SKIP AND YOU REACT TO THAT ONE , BIG L !!! I ONLY HERE FOR NARUTO , STOP RUINING MY CHILDHHOD LOOL


This was disappointing 😐

Trey Milliner-Williams

Is this really the best filter one could come up with Jesus Christ. I fill like these reaction channels need to ask other reaction channels how they do it cause what is this lmao

Loic Reviews

chill the fuck out. god damn. just because you support them with money doesn't allow you to be a fucking jackass. let them watch the show just like they want to. they have a whole discord with people suggesting them and curating them a list of episode to go through. so shut the fuck up and sit your cry baby ass down.


^ can this guy be banned somehow. and yeah. Its a bit disappointing to only get this. However, no need to spoil the whole show.


It just hurts my soul.


Discord sucks !


I will say I was a bit disappointed with this week's drop. I still watched it and I will say I changed my mind on it a bit cause I wasn't familiar with Karin's back story, and the way your editor cut it up did make the impending meetup between Squad 7 seem more cinematic with the flashbacks cut in. It just would've been nice if we could get some kind of Patreon poll before you guys film to determine if it's something we'd want to see. Or, at the very least, do an editor's cut of the filler and at least drop 1 canon episode reaction.


Some people here need to chill and stop with the capslock…


This is disappointing


Lol I thought we went over fillers equal bad already? Anyway hope you guys at least enjoyed it, be back next week!

Quinton Campbell

not once have i ever thought "rape" when watching the Karin imagery


It is so weird. Idk what formula Blind Wave figured out because filters have never been a thing for them and even when YaboyRoshi does them it's not as ridiculous as this. Idk what's up with this channel.

Tony Touch

Waited a week on my "Friday" for this?


I’m gonna kill my fucking self, I paid for naruto and it just keeps getting worse


A lot of people don't like the filter I guess

Queef Burglar

ok im un subbing this is terrible

Lyric Laude

Hmm. No cap, I get it.. trying to find that balance between making Patreon, YouTube, and discord happy... All the while trying to enjoy the show yourself while having multiple other shows to watch and edit.. the Naruto challenge is tough. But hang in there guys/gals because the payoff is worth it. Well, at least in terms of the show, idk about the people lol.


This was a good edit. I enjoyed it.


I swear yall "fans" are the whiniest group of people on the planet. Boo fucking hoo they reacted to *SOME* filler. Unsubscribe and go cry to your parents about it if you take it so damn personally. "oH wElL i pAy MoNeY tO wAtCh" I refer you to the third sentence.

Peter Shim

Lmao damn some of these anime incel boys are real salty about this week's drop... hope they don't see any of these spoilers!


I feel like most shonon have weak female characters because the target audience is teenage boys but also naruto gets a lot of shit for weak female characters when most other shonon are the same way with them.


Isn't there usually a 'clean' version as well?


the next 10 or so episodes are really fillery it sucks


the edit wasnt bad but they should have added a canon episode as well.

Kevin Kovacs

well... better then watching them react to the whole flashback of Sakura and Naruto!! we watch the edit version of it which was better then the SP did..

Kamina 1

Hey, keep ya head up Johnny man. I appreciate your work on this edit 🙏


Asides from the weird background Itachi eyes thing, I don’t see what was so bad about this one? We got some good reactions and Karin’s backstory. And a good edit of putting it all together into a single batch. Edit: just found out the YouTube versions have that that Itachi eye thing. This made me realize I have been only watching uncuts since it started lol.


sorry to interrupt bro but literally it's not. it's like don't watch the corny dry ass long winded parts and you're good😂


Itachi eye thing only appeared on this cut episode. Never it was a common thing on previous episodes.

Shadi Ødegaarden

The only whining I see here is you man. When you are paying for something you have a right to complain when something is shit.


does anyone know if Karin's backstory in the manga? It's been forever since I read it


And most of the women in Naruto are powerful asf, for some reason because they don't walk around acting like men with wigs everybody has to call them weak, how can you look at Tsunade, Konan, Mizukage an even Sakura an think there weak lol. Are they as strong as some of the stronger male characters no, are most women strong as most men ? No. Honestly I'd understand the criticism more if ppl just said they don't like Sakura's personality an leave it at that.

Keenan Cummins

I dont really care about the reactions but yall acting like people cant be mad is crazy . Lol yall so tough behind a keyboard for what . If somebody like it let them , if they hate it let them . its really that simple keyboard warriors


Not gonna lie, when I saw “OVA” in the title I got super hyped because I thought you guys were going to watch the NARUTO X UT OVA that came out around this time in the show. It’s a crazy well animated 5 minute recap of everything that’s happened up to now, and big teasers for what’s coming 👀


Wow i actually forgot how good some of those scenes were from the anime. It definitely got me in the feels. Also Karin's backstory is pretty good

Keenan Cummins

and dont get under this post being a keyboard warrior cause I really dont care . Would I like them to get to the best parts yes I would , but they choose what to watch and they watch it once that happens aint no changing it so 🤷🏽‍♂️


Guys, this isn't meant to be targeting the Normies maliciously at all but seeing as how so many people are disappointed with the naruto upload this week, if you want to show them you are upset and disappointed that hteyre taking 'advice' from the wrong people recommending on discord, the best way to do that is with your wallet. So unsub from them for a month. show them you mean it. Maybe then they will take hte loss in triple drops and fillers taht people dislike more seriously. The change doesn't come from childish idiots spamming anger or spoilers but from speaking with your money. as consumers you CAN influence people to give you better product without resorting to childish behaviour. Again, I love the normies and i harbor no ill will but I just wanted to provide some input . cheers. Like this if you agree. if you do not, at least keep it civil please.


Karin's backstory always gets to me💔


Nah because I love everytime we learn more about Karin, like her story and relationship to men as a whole feels grossly realistic and upsetting. Sasuke was the first person to give her real choice and be somewhat respectful in the beginning, he saved her in the forest without asking for anything in return. If I had her trauma I'd wanna suck his dicc too damn


Wow the amount of hate in this comment section is disappointing as hell. Some of y’all are toxic and entitled for the dumbest reasons. I understand that they are doing different things with the reactions and if u don’t like it just unsub and leave. Literally posting spoilers and hate isn’t gonna do anything but make all naruto fans look bad like for real.


214 could’ve made it in this


Also Naruto, if you need someone to take that magazine from you, I know someone who'd be into that 👀👀


I think key takeaway from this episode is the quote from Jiraiya "Even I can tell that hatred is spreading. I wanted to do something about it…but I don’t know what. I believe… that someday the day will come when people truly understand one another. If I can’t find the answer, it will be up to you to do it." And it's ironic that this episode is all about Naruto's realisation that he never understood Sasuke, yet people try to shut each other up in the comment section. Those who aren't negative and those who are negative. To think about it, if you are truly a fan of the show you would try to have a civil discussion and try to understand one another, but no, we all end up to name calling and pettyness. Johnny blue thanks for the work and edits, you did good. Everything is well. But I have to admit "Itachi eyes" wasn't really a good choice. Many people already pointed it out that a poll will be a good idea to resolve those kind of issues. Thank you for coming for my Ted Talk xD


Alright but Chris's shoes are clean af


Are you guys really upset because the editor added a bit of a backstory instead of the flashbacks? Karins backstory in that scene where Sasuke was saving her from the bear was already in the manga, the editor just made it better by adding more to it. It adds to her character, so much better than watching dumb flashbacks we have seen so many times. Great work Johnny, I think you could left some spacing between scenes though, when the episodes fly by with fast pacing, sometimes everything is hard to absorb. Otherwise the editing is great.


Hey I was trying to find the list of Naruto episodes that you guys planned to watch on the Discord, but I couldn't find it. Can you guys or anyone else guide me to it? 🤔 I plan on unsubbing for a while since I know a wave of filler is coming until we get to the parts I like seeing people's reaction to.

Kenneth segovia

This editing wasn't good , and I'm not referring to the eyes , I just don't feel like Karin's whole back story was needed , the part they showed was good as it is, and even if it was , it was poorly put in on the edit , yea flashback is a big thing this time around but that ok for you guys because it's your first time watching Naruto so embrace the suck just like the rest of us did when we first saw , but this fan episode edit was not good , I'll subscribe again when you guys are father ahead


Wow! What a mature behavior!


Will the Normies watch Itachi's famous OVA? It's cinematic masterpiece!


It's very fucked up that the grass village used her like that, but remember that every village other than the 5 big ones are poor as fuck. They are forced to wage war to defend themselves against these big nations, and they're not equipped to do it, that's why they resorted to abusing a child's power, doing that they probably saved a lot of lives. (Of course they still shouldn't do at all)

Runner Up

Are they still doing polls on Discord only or on Patreon as well? Just asking is all


A wave of filler is coming and probably going to be reacted to so see yall next month :)

Zachary Longworth

Man I am seeing a lot of hate on the naruto drops this week. I personally loved the reaction to these episodes because of the emotional context these episodes have and the way the normies reprocessed older scenes in the context of the current known information. Love the reactions normies, excited to continue watching your journey through the naruto experience!!

Mike Drop

Imagine just being subbed for your own benefit and not to support the people you like watching. Back to schedule next week numbnuts, unsub for a week. Save 1.25 dollars broke bitch


Man the discord rly out here fucking us and the normies lol 🤣


Yeesh, not a fan of the edit or this week's release in general. Really hoping for that triple drop to get things back on track...

Aidin the SEX GOD McDickens

Ladies, Gentlemen, and that Technicolor Rainbow in between. Welcome back to the cringefest that is the Naruto Fanbase. If you wanna watch Naruto 'your' way, why are u watching reactions? Go watch Naruto 😂

Dominic Caciappo

I find it just as cringe when people can't speak out for things they don't like, as long as they don't do so in a toxic and completely unconstructive way, Understand that some complaints can help the Normies and you don't have to protect them from everything. I am not even one of the people complaining in comments, but the Itachi overlay is a bit much.


hi everybody


Just me or is it customary for people to complain about not having a triple drop!? yall have too much expectations from someone


Don't get me wrong i have watched some Naruto filler and some of it is good but most of it i and the majority don't like, this falls into that category. also i hear that they're going to be reacting to a wave of upcoming filler if that's true let me know so i can unsub until it's over because i won't be watching any of it. May resub in a couple months or something when they're at a good part and i can quickly catch up and enjoy good weekly content


I don't even want to go to the discord because the majority of people there are the ones giving the bad advice and anyone who goes against them will probably get shut down


I for one enjoyed this edit. I don't mind them watching these fillers. It gives backstory to the characters. I actually never watched the Karin one before because its in that filler 'period' in shippuden. The fillers in that 'period' were definitely the best ones during the show though. The person who edited it did well to stop them from watching any spoilers. Props to you man!

Golekane (Dark Ocean)

The edit was great, I wonder if it would be possible to do it for future episodes. The upcoming arcs are riddled with filler episodes, I wonder if you could find someone to edit it down into about two episodes or something.


As fillers go this is pretty interesting. Would like canon stuff though

Anas Ghadfi

Hey man nobody cares about fillers. Apart from that, i get the copyright struggle but that filter aint it. Please find another way.


Good edit. Bad episodes. Waste of a week.


Stop googling voice actors. Finish all the episodes, then google them. There could be spoilers.


Bro there's a bunch of canon stuff in this episode tf u going on about

Jamil Hicks

Whoa gotta love fillers and the YouTube version 😁


No cap this was a waste of a week. It's all filler and a recap episode. Y'all can do better. I'll think about buying back in. But not to sure, Y'all need to up y'all's game Normies. Very disappointed


It's natural, Naruto fans be complaining about the filter as if they're watching the show like it isn't a market substitute. This edit was great Johnny Blue thanks for skipping all the BS, Normies: y'all gotta triple drop soon so bitches stop complaining last time u did it it was Iruka fillers...side bar: navi sit on my face

Queef Burglar

My issue is that the majority of people that are sub for naruto reaction aren't subb to watch backstory fillers..they should do a separate post for this..and don't robb the people who wanna see the main story..I believe that's fair

Keep It Zen

Karins backstory is one of the most tragic. Glad you guys saw it. Thanks to Johnny for the edit. Turned out great!


Never seen the Karin OVA, looking forward to see it. Remember, this isn't a market substitute.


A lot of mean people in the comments. I didn't mind how they did it. Honestly, when this anime was going week to week, as a manga reader, i stopped here with all these filler and just waited months to binge. For the reactors i don't know what people expect, in the anime they really pad it out here. theres like an episode coming up that is like 5 min canon and rest flashbacks. Like i dunno what you do lol


Shout out to Johnny Blue for including that OVA at the end

Yung Cooper

Never do this again


No cap this is rude af. They can watch filler if they want. While there's a lot of poorly placed filler in the show, not all filler is bad and can definitely be fun watching through the first time. You need to step your game up Rangel. Very disappointed in your negativity

Vic Valentine

hope you wont use this overlay again, cant see things very well

Dayvon Rose

I care about the fillers because they give context and backstories to characters I like.

Dayvon Rose

Was this confirmed or are you just listening to rumors spread by hateful people? I wouldn't take what some of these people say to heart.


I for one hate fillers but in this case especially after they just saw what sasuke did to Karin I think this was necessary.


Navi I can’t lie, you turn my wheels🥴


Navi stay looking good 😳


I thought the point of the edit was to exclude episode 213 and get straight to 214..... but no the flashbacks of 213 was replaced with other useless flashbacks. sure karin backstory was good but the rest was crap


Sakura is so fucking annoying Can’t believe kishimoto had the audacity to give this bitch a happy ending buuuut… I actually like her in boruto 🤪🤷‍♂️


9:48 ranas denial face got me ded


Yeah, they should just be thankful for the content, simple as that, what if they decided not to post anything this week at all? That would be way worse,

Michael Diaz

Wait... I'm pretty sure they already said Jugo was the origin of the curse mark. This is a flashback of Karin as a kid, so it was probably before Kimimaru and the Sound 4. I don't know why that would be confusing. They also weren't like Jugo going psycho and crap. lol

Dayvon Rose

First, you don't need to call her a bitch. Second, she's literally doing what most in her situation would do. If she was stronger and a male everyone would be cheering her on. Hell, most of the time people stand around and don't do anything (Like the pain fight) people complain that they aren't doing anything at all despite how weak they are.


It’s filler. Basically made up and non canonical. Really wish they wouldn’t waste time learning incorrect/non-canon lore


That imagery lol. It’s really perverse and not canon so extra weird. But Sasuke did recognize Sakura Idk if I remember he said he doesn’t know who they were.


Idk if you qt’s meant it but the saying is. It’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.

Jin Thao

Hello discord my old friend...

Abdul Manneh

She is basically useless from here on yeah its sad but her character doesn't go anywhere from here

Abdul Manneh

Damn yall naruto fans wild out here. Im disappointed too but chill yall


Karin is literally worst person in the series...


What about the child groomer or the guy with a clan's eyes implanted in his arm or the complete trash that is Sakura


Let’s not give Sasuke too much credit for the five Kage summit. “Toe to toe” is a bit of an embellishment. He only competed due to his bs visual powers being groomed by his brother and Madara. Every technique he gets is for free, and he still nearly gets bodied despite the plot armor

Gershwin Alessandro Farao

Why is everyone byitching about this week's drops? They weren't bad at all


If you’re going say this, keep the same energy for Naruto’s fights. Especially the one against Pain. Naruto had ALL the help in the world and still almost loss. He had detail intel on Pain abilities before the fight, help from the frogs, help from Hitana, help from his dead father.. l mean damn! Lol


Nah just unsub if you're gonna complain like a bitch


Please react to a compilation of all the ova



Dallas Winston

Just because you worked under oroichimaru doesn’t make you a instant villain he was literally a Salve master. Besides from kabuto or the brainwashed kimimoru who followed him out of loyalty, everyone is his slave one way or the other

Chaos T

I hated these episodes so I'm glad The Normies did it this way. It's not Masashi Kishimoto at his best. Also, counter to what many have said here, these episodes aren't filler. From episode 197 to 222 the episodes are canon.

Chaos T

Please refer to this list as to what's filler and what isn't filler. Honestly the stupidity shown in this comment section really proves how stupid the anime community is at times. https://www.animefillerlist.com/shows/naruto-shippuden

Chaos T

People still believe their policy before the quarantine has any validity as if world events are just a suggestion or something.

Chaos T

Again... another list showing these episodes as canon. This isn't discord fucking over Patreon (as if there's some weird agenda). You're just ignorant of the thing you're bitching about. https://www.nofilleranime.com/filler-guides/naruto-shippuden/

Chaos T

Oh look... another list showing these episodes are canon. https://www.readhoot.com/naruto-shippuden-filler-list/

Chaos T

Maybe people from Discord actually know what they're talking about? Some of you all are worse than Star Wars fans.


This edit fucking slapped


You never become an insider. Your kids can be an insider though. As someone that's moving to a foreign country, I never expect to be an insider, and I don't think I should be. I come from a chaotic place and am going to a better place, and I don't WANT them to accept my culture or the place I come from. I WANT them to stay better.


Naruto fans such as yourself, often use the word filler to mean "not canon", but that is not the normal definition of the word filler. You got to bear in mind that the word filler was not invented by Naruto fans. The word filler can be used to describe shitty scenes in any TV show. The word has nothing to do with canon in its original meaning.

Lively Nili

Bruh y'all are complaining way too hard. Edit was surprisingly good, it has canon and a little world building to it so of course they're gonna react for themselves and others who haven't seen it. They could've done a poll or had it as a seperate drop to accomodate somewhat, but if you're that mad that "1" of the drops for the month wasn't one you wanted and rely on cussing, name calling and shit talk please grow up. 15 bucks ain't that serious my g, and if it is then maybe this ain't the place to put it towards then.

Gabriel Reynisson

why the filter over video? thought we didnt need to have it here on patreon,(not complaining just asking :) )


// tw Karin's backstory always gets me sobbing as a victim of CSA. It's uncomfortable to watch but definitely represents the feelings of it well.


@The Normies You now understand what Karin had to go through its very sad shit indeed I'm glad you watched that episode. By the way you guys are right her obsession does make more sense than Sakura's with Sasuke I never thought about that. But yeah when I first saw her backstory it made me sad and disgusted the things she had to go through!!!! Can't wait to see you react to the rest!! By the way when I first saw Karin's backstory I was like hold on was she really in the chunin exams lol or did they just now through her in there lol

Johnny Blue

I think people are just bitching because they didn't get exactly what they wanted. If this edit didn't happen, they STILL would've gotten the exact same 2 episodes but unedited so 2 full episodes of flashback hell. They'd be bitching about repetitive Sakura flashbacks instead, and asking why the editor didn't edit these out. Damned if you, damned if you don't. Either way, there will be bitching.At least this way, the Normies get to enjoy a backstory they won't otherwise see and cut down 20 minutes of flashback hell at the same time. If I had this edited option while the series was still airing in subs, I would've been super grateful to Crunchyroll and Studio Pierrot.


Man i hope they dont read the comment section so many spoilers


Children, literal children Also what's going on with the other 30 something end scits they didn't see? Were not all of them dubbed?


where's the clean version

Arindrajit Sen

Okay I don't if this would be a spoiler or not someone just tell me. But before that I'll state this fact and this isn't told in the anime. Uzumakis had to leave their village Uzushiogakure(Village hidden in Whirling Tides in the Land of Whirlpools) due to drought and they scattered in different places but mostly in Konoha coz the Senju were the leader and they were technically distant relatives as Ashura was their ancestor too. That's the reason the Uzumaki crest is on the konoho shinobi uniform. *Spoiler* Karin's a Uzumaki and that's why they called her an outsider. Uzumakis red hair and have high chakra reserves in general. Even Naruto without Kurama's chakra has a higher chakra reserve and they are a master of sealing techniques too. That's where Minato learned the sealing technique he used on Naruto. And the one that 3rd Hokage used in OG Naruto that Reaper death seal was also from the Uzumakis. Now coz of the high chakra reserve is why they are able to use Karin (not her blood but her chakra coz it's life force) to gain back chakra coz otherwise a normal shinobi or even shinobis of other clans might die with lack of chakra. And that's one fo the reasons Karin didn't runaway or kill them probably coz she was always in a weakened state with chakra being taken out of her. *Spoiler*

Arindrajit Sen

Where are you from coz even though If I move out to a foreign country I'll definitely miss my birthplace my country the heritage and traditions but not the shitty people though. Also I won't say any country is better than other each has its own problems to some extent. Ya some countries have it too rough and I get it why you might not like it but I hope you still love the good things you got from their coz that's a part of you and it's nothing to disgusted by but rather a prideful thing to wear on your sleeve :)

Arindrajit Sen

18:00 The Kaguya clan guys. Don't you recognize the looks, the hairstyle. Kimimaro remember him??? He's from that clan.