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Subaru chats with all the witches and finds out Roswaal is not the ally he thought he was.

Reaction: https://youtu.be/UWVfV9MuQbM

Uncut: video above


Jesse Collins

More information about Roswaal will be answered further on. So your questions about him will be answered. As for Satella. We still don't really know that much about her, even now. So don't worry, you're not the only one's still wondering about what's the deal with her. Besides the part cut out that she has a split personality. And the Witch's sin do align with their characters and Authoritys (their abilities). Just not in the way you would think. Also, it looked like Otto was floating. But in fact he was sliding down that hill Subaru tumbled down from. And what was taken was his qualification from Echidna to do the trial. Not his Return by Death ability. He made the resolution of not ever committing suicide again and not use it as a tool, basically not to discard his life too easily. As those he leaves behind in his previous deaths, are a possibility that they still in fact do live on that world.


This is a great episode. Hope they can understand at least a little of it lol. Haven't watched the reaction yet but I am about to.

Adam Lenarduzzi

The whole Emilia satella thing is uncertain an interesting some people have theorized is Emilia might be a clone of satella created by echidna or something. Or satella herself. It’s worth noting also that the witch of envy and satella are the same person but different . Basically satella was most likely incompatible with the envy witch factor so it caused a personality split. It’s theorized that before satella became a witch she was a very kind hearted person akin to Emilia. The way I see it Emilia is either a clone of satella or a split of satella (of her bad side and good side) and in a world of magic that’s theoretically possible. Personally I hope Emilia isn’t satella in any way since I feel it’d be far too predictable and also kind of lessen the weight of the prejudice she faced in the royal selection, and in general simply for the way she looks. It doesn’t exactly lessen the prejudice but to some degree it does I feel


The second half will give A LOT of answers


Okay Marketa where are you getting any idea that Roswaal knows Satella? Also where are you getting that he can manipulate her into getting that power himself? Are you confusing echidna for satella? Roswaal only has spoken about his connection with Echidna. In no way has he said anything about Satella and having any actual connection with her. Just wanted to make that clear if you haven't noticed it for sure at this point.


Also their is a big difference between the qualification to take the trials and subaru having his return by death. Echidna took away his qualification so he couldn't do the trials anymore. That part did not mean anything about his return by death. Only satella has the possibility to take the return by death away from subaru.


In response of that last part, the idea that the people live on after he dies isn't confirmed. It's a possibility that can't be confirmed or denied since there's no real way to know. Subaru just doesn't like to (and tries not to) think about it because it's what he would want the least. Which is why the 2nd trial almost broke him.

Axl Jones (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-17 03:16:21 There are currently some spoilers in the comments that have not been revealed yet in Season 2.
2021-06-30 22:04:28 There are currently some spoilers in the comments that have not been revealed yet in Season 2.

There are currently some spoilers in the comments that have not been revealed yet in Season 2.


I think it's worth elaborating on some of the cut content that explains why we know Satella has a split personality. When Satella first made her appearance in the tea party, one of the witches (I think it was Minerva) asks her who she is, Satella or The Witch of Envy. Implying that even though it's the same person, it's two completely different personalities/people.

Adam Lenarduzzi

I don’t see any spoilers. Other than people letting them know some stuff will eventually be answered

Jesse Collins

Yeah. You're right. I forgot that the trial meant to show him the grieving of the result of his mistakes. Not to make him feel responsible for the sins of his mistakes. I was momentarily thinking it does continue by the way Minerva said that he'll just continuing dying and making everyone cry about him and when Satella told him to remember that there are those who are effected and grieve when he dies. I would like to think it's happening. Makes the whole dying thing even more depressing. Which is why he steels himself to never committing suicide or to throw his life away too easily again.

Jesse Collins

Yeah. I see no spoilers dude. Just comments about them getting answer's eventually and also stuff that was cut or not explained too thoroughly. Before Mikey starts to think even more that there's no point of him trying to listen to the story. Letting him know that there will be answer's eventually.