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Now that we've successfully arrived at a finale of Season 4, we wonder what the seasons popularity scale is like! This poll includes seasons we haven't watched yet, but we're interested to see which ones are our patrons' favorites to see what else there is to be looking forward to! Please avoid discussing or mentioning any spoilers past season 4!

Can anything beat season 3 (Normies favorite so far)!? Let's see! 


Joshua Swanson

It will always confuse me that some people PREFER V5 to any other volume. Personally, though, V3 edges out above V8 and V9. V8 is really good, but I didn't like the Renora moment in Chapter 10 (I thought the writing behind Ren was very disingenuous and inaccurate), and some of the subplots carry on from poor writing decisions in V7 that sour my taste of the V8 subplots. And then V9 builds and builds to Ruby's breakdown with a relatively sudden shift in perspective. I understand there were production problems that cut out two episodes of the show, but still. But V3, I think, has perfect pacing and and is when the story and stakes really start to get interesting. We're introduced to the Maidens, the Silver Eyes, Salem, and two of our main characters get axed (along with some background or minor characters). The only reason V8 and V9 are as good as they are is because of the stakes that V3 set up.


Volume 8 is a roller coaster

Edwin Ayala

Rwby has a rhythm of setup setup payoff setup setup payoff setup “haha you thought you’d have to wait-payoff”


Volume 8 is just amazing

Justin Stanford

Just y’all wait! Things gets even more hectic and wholesome going on. Roller coaster is right lol. Oan: I love the openings but as much as I love them all I’d have to say Volume 6 is my favorite.


4 is still my favorite but 6 then 8 are close behind...then 7 followed by 3.....bottom line is from most of the votes you will be in for some incredible volumes from 6 on


I like Vol 2 for the food fight & train ride, but if I had to choose: Vol 6 then Vol 8, Vol 2.


Volume 4 all day


Vol 6 has the best start but vol 8 and vol 3 consistently great


7 and 8 are outstanding

luke nwagbara

rwby volumes tend to fallow a pattern of one season your just chillin and other season your leaning forward almost every episode. but 3,,8 kinda keep the lean forward energy all throughout. 3,8 just keep you wanting the next episode like bikeing down a hill.

Reilly Martinez

V8 is definitely my favorite, and that's not just residual hype from the finale back in February. I'm both excited and worried for y'all to start V5. Some people don't like the pacing, but I find it sits better if you binge it (I'm not asking y'all to do that, not everyone wants to sit down for ~3 hours).

Gray Dmitriev

Indeed, V5 works best as a movie rather than a Volume.

Caitlin Harrington-Robinson

I got spoiled on volume 8 and I got angry and rage quit. The show just isn't for me. I liked volume 6. Volume 4 and 5 are kind of a mess.

Bill Sutherby

Volume 2 is still my favorite as a whole. The classic RT humor, the fights, the multiple story arcs, the character growth... all seem to hit a sweet spot for me. And the title credits song (Time to Say Goodbye) is my favorite as well

Theory of Hope

No spoilers but why do so many people like Volume 8? The writing is atrocious in that volume in particular. As somebody who has been watching RWBY for about 5 years or so now, Volume 8 was a major letdown.


Top 5 for me are definitely 8,7,3,2,6 in that order


I thought the writing in V8 was great. There was a lot about the volume that I liked and some things I didn't. But writing is subjective so not everybody will like it. There doesn't really need to be an objective reason why somebody likes or dislikes something. And that is all I will say since I would be going into spoilers if I say anything else.


The "writing" has been getting better and more professional each and every volume since the beginning, which becomes apparent when you leave the RWBY bubble and compare how the story itself is paced and presented with most other shows. The issues that people who dislike the recent volumes seem to have is not with the quality of the "writing", but rather the events themselves (characters doing things some people dislike, predictions and theories not panning out, just a general bias against the show no matter what the writers do, etc.). I think it's fine to take issue with that kind of stuff, everyone has their own things they want from a show, but I find it kind of annoying when people try to pass off opinions like that as objective by calling the writing things like "atrocious". To me that just seems absurd, there are many shows out there with "atrocious" writing and they are borderline unwatchable. RWBY at worst can be generic or predictable, but even then it is still a solidly passable show and often reaches above that for many people who watch it, there's a reason it's popular. Personally I don't understand how one could think the writing of Volume 8 is that bad if they enjoyed any of the previous volumes, seems to be consistently be on par with itself or improving idk. Like this might be an unpopular opinion since V3 is so beloved but I would genuinely say V4 has better writing, it's just the specific plot events that were happening in V3 were so hype, which makes it more exciting to watch.


As for "why" so many people like it? Well I guess it is pretty difficult to get into that without spoilers haha. For me it felt as if it was paced and thought out rather well, in addition to providing a large tonal range, good dialog, most of the characters felt like they had a distinct purpose or arc, and the events that transpired set the stage for very interesting progression in the future volumes. Past volumes often had at least a couple episodes that felt kind of stale and lacking tension, but V8 felt like it consistently had something interesting to offer each week. Visuals were the best and most modern they've ever been, of course


Volume 5 definitely has good moments that will be exciting to see your reactions to but I think once yall get to V6 it will be a nonstop wild ride

Theory of Hope

Without getting into spoilers, I'm not saying the writing is bad in Volume 8 because things didn't go how I thought they would. I consider the writing bad because of multiple reasons. Character motivates/choices make no sense, random power changes with no hinting, wasted characters potential, lack of character development, lacking good fights (that ones more opinionated), characters acting weird (that's hard to explain without spoilers). Its a lot of things from just a story and world standpoint that make no sense in Volume 8. Volume 8 is probably just as bad as Volume 5. You can take this all as my opinion as it's hard to explain anything specific without spoiling but I believe there is plenty wrong with in Volume 8 that has to do with the basic do's and don'ts of storytelling, and Volume 8 does a lot of don'ts.


Volume 5 is one of my favourites so get ready, 6,7 and 8 are the best ones yet to come for you in my opinion tho


Season 4 and 5 our slower they try to find their footing again and they do from 6 on


So vol 5 does have some pacing issues but holy shot vol 6-8 are really really great and I felt like RWBY found its footing and identity after loosing Monty and changing its style. I cant wait till you get there.


So Vol 5 is where the production issues came to a head (the Showrunner/head of production ended up quitting/being fired for basically abusing a bunch of animation interns) which means that while the story is pretty awesome the pacing, attention to detail, and fight coreography suffers. Then Vol 6 is gonna come along and its just...you can almost immediately see the benefits of them bringing two new writers on to the team and getting the production process in a place where they can actually focus on the right focii, there's a HUUUUGE lore dump along with probably two of the most emotionally wrenching episodes. Vol 7 is just, its so tight and well done everywhere and its probably top 3 volumes for me (honestly 6/7/8 all top V3 for me). The downside is that we get introduced to a lot of new characters and it means that the amount of screentime for some of the team does take a hit as the story focuses on certain journeys over others. Its great storytelling and its mostly just a limitation of only having 13 episodes instead of a 22 episode season. Vol 8 is just, its just ohhh my goodness its just an absolute bullet train, if you haven't been paying attention to the previous 2 volumes you are gonna get lost because, and I do like this actually, the show trusts that you've been watching closely and they trust you are familair enough with anime/cartoon tropes that they are just gonna drop one reference in to the storyline then go full speed ahead on the trope before twisting it at the last second and jumping in to the next. Its just so damn FAST (and timewise it takes place over only 3ish days).

Matt Ragusa

Vol 3 because it reminds me of the good ol days


A lot of times, and obviously without spoilers hard to talk about specifics the issues I've seen people bring up regarding character motivation/choices is that...they do make sense but only IF you also already know the anime trope the character is built from, and you know the anime trope their narrative foil is built from. The overall issue in V8 is that they crammed a LOT of movement into just 14 episodes, and about 4.25hrs of total run time. If instead the same Volume spanned say 20 episodes of a standard 30min tv format (so 22-24m/episode) then we are looking at almost 3 hours of additional content. This means we get the story paced a lot faster but the drawback (and its obviously one that didn't work for you and others this season) is that you have to cut corners in terms of how much screentime you can spend on motivation and process versus how much has to be plot and movement. So certain characters like Harriet (an oft cited one but not sure if she's one of your issue characters) I can see what her motivation and decision tree looks like but only because I invested the outside time to know the role she is playing in the story...which is fine for me but I do get that for some folks the shorthanded way that her process/motivation was handled means that if you don't spend time on the character outside of what the show gives you then she is going to be much flater as a character and thus much less satisfying. I'm not certain this might be your divergence from those who enjoyed the volume but its one I've seen more than once and it is a thing where this volume did reward people who dig deeper in and kinda stranded those who don't. TL;DR the volume was great for those who enjoy digging in to the characters outside of the show presented BUT it is very underdeveloped for those who don't and that means it will please some folks and not others. [Also want to stress that both styles of viewership are perfectly valid its just RT chose to reward one over the other this volume]

RJ Harris

Volume 5 is a tad bit weaker in its whole rather than its parts. There are plenty of great elements embedded into this one but it’s one of the more lackluster volumes at times in terms of scenes taking place in some episodes… . However from volume 6-8 the series moves much more quickly and the world and storytelling is much more polished! Very exciting volumes to come


True, they killed the character, revived the character and then killed the character, that's not good storytelling. And due to Rt lay off a lot of employees, the quality of the animation and the fight had been dropped down a lot in v8, Hope they do a better job next volume