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Thanks for your patience on this one! I truly tried to get this done as soon as possible. Our movie editor Deb was out on PTO so I decided to edit the second part myself. Hope you all enjoy it!!

PART 2 of the edited reaction keeps getting blocked on YouTube so we uploaded on Vimeo for now.

There is also an echo at some moments on the part 2 reaction as well as some audio sync issues. I don't think it deters from the enjoyment for now but we will fix this in time once the YouTube release happens.

Part 1 Reaction: https://youtu.be/rp0GGjIb2v8
Part 2 Reaction: https://vimeo.com/570043149/f2a53bdc89
youtube link for part 2: https://youtu.be/N8291UZZSyo
Uncut Watch along: https://vimeo.com/567955824/b65691bb48

Not sure when we will tackle Two Towers and Return but it will be this summer no doubt!



Liam Barnes

Because you all commented on it (and the movies never explain it), wizards were restricted by their creators on what they were allowed to do. Saruman, however, violated that in search of power for himself.


Poggers Champion


How in the world does their website work? hahaha I'm trying to sign in and see past reactions but it doesn't let me see past the home page


Strapping in

Jason Jeffory

All of Gandalf’s magic is based on Light, because he is the wielded of the Flame of Arnor. Which is the sun. So that’s why all his magic is Light based

Rishi Shukla

This movie will never get old no matter how many times you see it. Just an instant classic.


Is this extended version

Quinton Teratino

I feel like that's true only for those who saw this when it was 2000s. But for those who are barely watching it later, idk if it's the same feeling.


Suraj Were u reading my mind by dropping this today?!?


Bless you editors


YES! Finally get to pop in my 4K edition


Are you watching the theatrical or extended editions?


I gotta say, this is a great reaction. I would have never thought to rewatch extended Lord of the Rings, but I was quite excited and it really delivered. I think like a lot of Patrons I watched LOTR ages ago but it's been a minute, so rewatching it through your eyes was delightful and gave me a new appreciation for the saga. I think the crew you assembled here really works - you got some people who watched and genuinely love the movies, Dameron provides just enough additional context to build out and explain things (without being annoying), Rana brings an honestly enviable level of energy and excitement for literally everything, Pat is.... Pat, and would instantly side with Sauron and murder us all if he had the chance, and everything is rounded out really nicely. I've got nothing else to add except this was a really enjoyable experience and I'm super looking forward to the rest of the trilogy You referenced Matrix a few times during this but the Matrix Trilogy might be a good candidate for the next big movie rewatch, especially with Matrix 4 coming out soon(ish?)


(This is totally minor and unnecessary followup, but I think it'd be cool if someone e.g dameron explained to the group that the languages in this movie are essentially real languages that Tolkein invented, he was a linguist and Elvish, Dwarvish etc are actual languages with structure and rules that he invented for fun. Some people joke that he wrote Lord of the Rings and other books just to give his fictional languages context. The man literally invented entire languages for his worlds, its amazing and ridiuclous)


it's extended editions, this was confusing to me too but they explain in the intro :)


Is the audio weird or is it just my brain exploding 🤯

Jesse Collins

Apparently, the dagger was supposed to have been thrown past Aragorn and into a tree. However, the actor playing the orc had vision troubles with his mask, and accidentally threw the knife directly at Viggo Mortensen, who was forced to deflect it in desperation. The director liked it, and thus kept it in the movie.

Big Mike

That Boromir death scene still hits like a ton of bricks 20 years later ... Thank u for this uncut


YES.. ok so.. I'd like to inject some lore into this reaction... And this is purely for part 2.. * Just a general piece of trivia.. Christopher Lee (Saruman, Count Dooku) is the only person to have met JRR Tolkien. He even had the blessing of Tolkien himself to play Gandalf.. Unfortunately that wasn't meant to be. But Sir Ian McKellen based Gandalf's voice on Tolkien's voice. * It is also fitting that Christopher Lee played Saruman because Saruman's greatest strength is his voice, and Christopher Lee also had a powerful voice. * The shot of the ring in the snow is actually one of the rings in production that was super sized. There were many rings created in different sizes so that the DP could always get the perfect shot. * The side entrance to Moria (the glowing doors) was built buy a collaboration between the Dwarves and the Elves. In particular one of the greatest craftsmen Elf to ever live. It was a passage that was used for trade between the Elves and the Dwarves until their betrayal. The Elf in question (Celebrimbor) that helped build the doors is also the Elf that crafted the Rings of Power with Sauron's help. * As to the lore behing Balrogs... They are the same type of celestial beings as Gandalf, Saruman, and even Sauron. Except in more ancient times, they followed a higher Dark Lord known as "Morgoth" (originally named Melkor), and Sauron was his Lieutenant. After Morgoth was defeated, the Balrogs went into hiding in the deepest parts of the world. * This partiular Balrog is named "Durin's Bane" because centuries before, the Dwarves, of whom Durin was their King, had mined so far down into the Earth that they awoke the Balrog that was hidden there. We do not know this particular Balrog's name even though they themselves all had names. But this one is referred to only as "Durin's Bane". * Interestingly enough... There is a great debate among Tolkien scholars as to whether or not Balrogs actually had wings. * There is SOO much lore behind Galadriel so I'm gonna try and sum it up. She is one of the oldest and most powerful Elves to live in Middle Earth. She was born during the ages of the "Two Trees" which means that at the time there wasn't even a Sun and a Moon yet. All light in the world came from those two trees. * If you freeze frame the reflecion of her eyes, you can see a very many light sources. This is because since she was born during the age of the 2 trees, and thus she was witness to the lights of the 2 trees. So in essense, you're seeing the reflection of the lights of the 2 trees in her eyes. * As far as Galadriel taking the One Ring. She could have. She could have taken the One Ring right then and there. There are some theories that Galadriel was powerful enough to be able to stave off the seduction of the One Ring to do someone good. But the One Ring (made with the spirit of Sauron within it, like a horcrux) will always be able to corrupt the bearer in the end and will always try to find its way back to Sauron. So whatever good intentions Galadriel had with the One Ring, the would inevitably be corrupted. * There is a significance with her gifting Gimli 3 strands of her hair. In ages past, the greatest Elven craftsmen to ever live asked Galadriel for a single strand of her hair so that he may craft some of the most important artifacts ever created. She refused. That didn't stop him, however, as he crafted them with essence of the light of the 2 Trees themselves. * When that Orc threw that knife to Aragorn, it wasn't meant to be thrown at him directly. Viggo Mortensen, the badass that he is, deflected the dagger with his sword anyway. The person hired to train the actors in sword fighting (who was credited in movies like Zoro and The 3 Musketeers) said that he was the best sword figher he ever trained. * There was supposed to be an ambush battle in the river with the rest of the Fellowship (Aragorn, et al) with Legolas doing some badass Elven shit but before they were able to shoot, crazy rain and floods washed away the entire set and they scrapped it. * As far as why the ring doesn't affect Frodo like it does, say, Boromir... It was as someone said earlier in the reaction. The one ring corrupts people's desire for power. Men, in particular, desire power most of all and are easily corrupted. Hobbits don't give a fuck about power and would rather live their quaint little lives. So they, above all, are probably best at bearing the ring.


Gollum is the perfect example of why we don’t do crack, kids !!


ths is awesome.... and i see the hobbits too.... i saw lotr before harry potter so i like it a lot and i cant wait for it all.

Gershwin Alessandro Farao

Damn, how long will we have to wait for Two Towers Reaction? Lol this is my favorite film franchise of all time.


You can go back 100,000 years in a cave that archaeologists will later discover. What would you write on the wall? — "They have taken the bridge and the second hall. We have barred the gates but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes. Drums, drums in the deep. We cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark. We cannot get out. They are coming!"


Pat talking big but shitting himself from every orifice anytime something out of the ordinary happens

Deviant Parker

Tolkien fought at the Somme in WWI, one of the most horrific places any human could ever have been since the beginning of recorded history, maybe with the exception of a couple other WWI battles, some eastern front WWII battles, and Tokyo during the American fire bombings, and Cannae (if you were Roman). Morridor is essentially what a WWI battlefield would have looked like afterwords.

Chaos T

Broke his foot too. He definitely put in the work with this trilogy.


Please please please, this needs to be a weekly thing!! I don't know if I can take you all holding off on The Two Towers and Return of the King for very long!

Kamina 1

Great job with the edit Suraj. Just like the old days haha

Erich Bomke

Sadly, your first bit of trivia is just an urban legend. Like when people use the "Jimi Hendrix said ______ was the best guitarist he had seen". Lee met Tolkien, thats about all thats a confirmed event.

Johnny Blue

I'm surprised you didn't add a random f*** in the edited version. I remember the Avatar days where you'd insert one where the character in the scene didn't really say it but it fits. Great job man. 👍

Johnny Blue

Get that Blu-ray/4K digital copy ready, get some popcorn and drinks, strap in for the next 4 hours.


Now that you reminded me I'm gonna add this in before the YouTube release!

Rime Pendragon

It's just my opinion, but people who have seen the movie should talk less during the reaction. It detracts from the reaction of the people who see the movie for the first time.

the continent

Thanks y'all for making me rewatch the LOTR series lol this movie is so good. And I love the reaction :)

Victor Fiegel

Is this the movie reaction for this week?

Johnny Blue

It's stated in the description of the Patreon post on the 3rd paragraph.

Erich Bomke

"Thats not an octopus, its a f**kin NIGHTMARE!!!"

Jimmy Wise

I'm gonna need Two Towers before the end of this month

Jarrod Wild

I've watched these movies so much I can just picture it all in my head as I watch the Normies react to it. The film audio is just loud enough that I know exactly what they're seeing. :)

Manny D.

These reactions were so fucking good 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 I can’t wait for the reactions for TTT and ROTK!!!


Excited to see y’all watching this movie! I should note that Frodo and Pipin are cousins I don’t know if the movie makes that clear.


Marketta's right, Gollum is cute T_T


So late to the party but just an awesome reaction and honestly a fun time to remember a lot of the little things I've forgotten between the theatrical and extended cuts. Just reliving again just how much care and attention the entire team put in to making something this big and doing it so damn well. You can really see on the screen and it comes through in all the big and little moments just how much everyone on this movie was committed to making it great. Something I would highly caution going in to the next two movies is a twofold thing about Wizards & also partially Sauron: 1) They are "angelic" beings so while they do inhabit physical bodies (true for both good and bad wizards/angels) they are utlimately composed of something else, their spirit is who they are. This is why Sauron endures, his body was broken but his spirit lived. Now they can be killed but to do so you have to destory the spirit not just the body. 2) For wizards specifically a lot of folks get caught up in the colors of the wizards as a sort of ranking system...that isn't how it works. The color of a wizard is more like a job description. A Blue Wizard would be an explorer, a Brown Wizard a friends to birds and beasts, A Grey Wizard is the comforter and encourager of those who oppose evil and the White Wizard is the enemy of Sauron. So the color describes WHAT you are suppossed to be doing as a wizard it does not describe power level or anything like that.

Tj Taavao

Awesome reaction guys looking forward to 2 towers ❤

Jake Gering

Cannot wait for Two Towers! I feel like 2002 was the most hype year for movies. You had Two Towers, Chamber of Secrets, Attack of the Clones and the first Sam Raimi Spider-Man


Didn't know we were watching a commentary and not a reaction by the Tolkien white guy


Kudos to you guys for tackling such a daunting project


Shit how did I miss part two until just now when two towers went up! 😅


Yo can I say big fucking shoutouts to the editor who somehow was able to perfectly edit together the videos, despite them recording on different days. When syncd with the uncut i didnt even notice for minutes that the swap had happened and there was no desync at all with the video. Bravo


So, biggest lore bits. First, Gandalf is technically a Lesser God of wind, with the Elven Ring of Fire, and is essentially sent from "birth" to Middle Earth. Lady Galadriel however was born in Middle Earth but spent nearly half her life in heaven with literal gods. Then the entirety of her sub-race of elves was cursed to torment and death, leaving her alone. Incidentally this also makes her the oldest and most powerful mortal being in Middle Earth. Second, when Frodo climbed the ruin, then looked over the edge to the epic zoom on Baradur, he is using the enchantment of that location. The enchantment was originally to allow for more simple scouting, as it allows anyone standing there to see anything that is unobstructed, and the ring allows Sauron to then hijack that power and draw Frodo in.

Blackeyedlily (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-10 07:19:54 It wasn’t creepy of Gimli to ask Galadriel for a hair from her head, although it seems to be a common reaction from different reactors. Giving someone a lock of your hair was an important tradition in the past. And with the traditional animosity between the dwarves and the elves, it was a great honor that she bestowed it on him. In the novel he says that he is going to place her hair inside of an imperishable crystal and hand it down as an heirloom of his house. And the fact that she granted him this request was significant, as someone mentioned above, she had refused a similar request to a very vain elf, who was also one of the greatest elf craftsmen.
2021-09-20 03:48:46 It wasn’t creepy of Gimli to ask Galadriel for a hair from her head, although it seems to be a common reaction from different reactors. Giving someone a lock of your hair was an important tradition in the past. And with the traditional animosity between the dwarves and the elves, it was a great honor that she bestowed it on him. In the novel he says that he is going to place her hair inside of an imperishable crystal and hand it down as an heirloom of his house. And the fact that she granted him this request was significant, as someone mentioned above, she had refused a similar request to a very vain elf, who was also one of the greatest elf craftsmen.

It wasn’t creepy of Gimli to ask Galadriel for a hair from her head, although it seems to be a common reaction from different reactors. Giving someone a lock of your hair was an important tradition in the past. And with the traditional animosity between the dwarves and the elves, it was a great honor that she bestowed it on him. In the novel he says that he is going to place her hair inside of an imperishable crystal and hand it down as an heirloom of his house. And the fact that she granted him this request was significant, as someone mentioned above, she had refused a similar request to a very vain elf, who was also one of the greatest elf craftsmen.


You know what Gandalf told the moth, right? "Bro. Check flights to Rivendell on Travelocity for me."


On a serious note: It's probably been mentioned already, but Viggo really had to deflect that knife during filming. Between the artificial blood on the handle of the knife and the prosthetics on the actor's hands, the actor playing the Uruk-hai captain lost his grip on the knife and it went flying. Viggo Mortensen was able to actually stop a knife flying at his face. I have a feeling that take would have been in the movie even if there was a half dozen crew members standing in plain sight in the shot.