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The team must aid in peaceful mediation.

Reaction: https://youtu.be/zhZvGNl7Vus

Uncut: video above


Chaos T

Chris is right. This episode is like a Star Trek episode and that's a good thing. I think why The Clone Wars is well received in the Star Wars community is because it explores the type of issues Star Trek series like Deep Space Nine tackled. For me, The Clone Wars made the Star Wars franchise more than just a space fantasy western.


This was another episode where Anakin/Obi Wan weren’t really needed for it to be good. Love episodes like this and I like how y’all notice the clone death count even for the nameless clones we aren’t supposed to care about. Just goes to show that in this war soldiers are thrown into the fire at any cost.

Etagz 3

Rex is goated


I didn't even need the tv show to understand that the jedi are suckers to the senate lol.


To clarify a detail for you guys... Pantora (where the blue people are from) is a moon orbiting Orto Plutonia (which is the planet this episode takes place on).