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Here we are with our uncut version to Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 8, Assassin's Bullet. What did you all think of this emotional punch? Do you find you are able to watch the story without necessarily choosing a side?

Chrisketa Uncut: https://vimeo.com/506879341/18a2a7f9ef

Studio Uncut: https://vimeo.com/506878188/0b4dd122fa




Fun/sad Fact: Sasha was planned to be killed back in S2 in the second episode named "I'm Home" by the transformed Connie's dad but as a result of the fans liking her and Isayama's editor begging, it was postponed to later...

Kamina 1

Navi rockin the TIM'S. Oh shit!


Sasha's death aside, Eren has been weirdly calm these last few episodes. Hopefully he's a bit wiser now and doesn't lose his head...


This episode showed how war leads to nothing but pain and suffering on both sides. It isn’t something to be cheered at. The people that were enjoying the devastation in the past two episodes definitely aren’t having fun now. Not even Eren, the person behind it all, enjoyed wreaking havoc on Marley.

K Vonnegut

It's easier to stay away from covid than AOT spoiler


If you watched the earlier episodes you will see Zeke say time for the Eldians on Marley is limited with Warriors becoming obsolete against modern weapons.


but you can only have peace if the other side wants peace


On this day anime watchers eat potatoes

Rando calrissian

I feel for both sides I don't condone either sides action I just feel gutted for all the innocent people who have to suffer for the sake of war

Kamina 1

Yes. I am able to watch this story unfold without having to choose a side. It's just one big fucked up situation, and both sides are justified to feel the way they feel. The story Isayama is telling is so theme filled that "feeling the need to root for someone" no longer crosses my mind anymore. I'm just enjoying the ride. Can't wait to listen to your post reaction discussion Normies! SN: Sorry about the off funimation subtitles House of Black and White. This can easily take you out of an entire episode. Hopefully your enjoyment wasn't impacted too much.


Was bummed after seeing that in the manga.


I can’t pick either side in good conscience so I’m just enjoying the show lol


Fuck Gabi. All my homies hate Gabi 😊


True. The 2nd episode of the season. Warrior meeting. But they're obviously gonna flush this out more. Not surprising Normies were confused. That scene helps explain Zeke's justification, but it's hardly something that they should have caught immediately and figured out his role in all of this. Not sure how pacing compares to the manga, but it certainly feels a bit rushed in the anime. Final season after all. I only read the manga up to the pivotal moment in this episode, so I really don't recall any details. Just waiting for the story to unfold as it's meant to.


Couple things: 1. The door was left open for the scout Lobov that had yet to reboard the airship. He was watching their rear. Pretty standard. Just a super unfortunate chain of events :( 2. When Gabi asked Falco "Did you see it happen?" (the Paradis massacre) and Falco said "No" -- then Gabi said, "Me neither" -- this had nothing to do with memories. It's about empathy and burying the hatchet. Falco's trying to explain that this attack in Marley is revenge for what happened on Paradis. But Gabi refuses to acknowledge the cycle of death. Moreso she can't comprehend it. All she knows is her own pain. Unlike Reiner who witnessed their suffering and humanity, Gabi cannot fathom them as anything more than island devils who came to her home and massacred her family and friends. Their "revenge" is not justified, but hers is, in her mind. So she can't stop.


I knew this was a long time coming, but that doesn't make it hurt any less


When Gabi picked up that rifle I instantly knew someone important was gonna die. It was a literal Chekhov’s Gun.


One thing to take note of: No one outside the walls knew that the people inside had their memories wiped. They thought the "devils" went to the island and abandoned the rest of the Eldians, and are just living up the high life with their king. Everyone hates them. So while the scouts and them feel like they received an unprovoked attack and are doing this for revenge, the rest of the world are seeing it as "We finally got to heal and rebuild after the terrible Eldians left for their paradise. Who knows when they will end the world with their Millions of Colossal Titan Nukes. It took us 100 years to heal, now lets fuck them up!!!!"




hence why I can't pick a side either. both sides believe themselves to be the injured party and the righteous avengers. neither is wrong or at fault. yet both are. so the war can never end. Bless you Isayama


JEAN DID NOT HESITATE, also its not confusing at all...


Eren did know that the war was going to declare war against them... from this episode we know that eren was plotting with zeke, and zeke is the one that proposed the atack on the island, and the one that proposed that willy should do it... so he was behind all of that shit


Chrisketa is a cool portmanteau.


yea. he literally shot at her. their shots went off at the same time. two lucky mofos.


Nahid can't wrap his head around Zeke being in cahoots because he slaughtered the scouts and Erwin. Okay. We were just talking about how Reiner and Eren didn't have a choice in what they did because their circumstances drove them to it. He was the War Chief. He didn't enjoy it. He was angry. He pitied the scouts because their memories were taken and so he saw them as having to die meaningless deaths. His people. Eldians. But we have very limited insight on Zeke as a character or his motivations in S3 or now. Just like we don't know what's going through Eren's head. There was a 4 year time skip. Lots could have happened. I'm eager to find out what did. My last 2 cents I promise lol T.T RIP Potato girl. May you have all the potatoes. Amen.


Shhh -- don't spoil that Gabi is searching for nuclear wessels...

Garrett Gee

it sucks that I have to pick a video for the uncut because it will only let me play one at a time... I tried so many times... has to be suraj and nahid, chris marketa next time. Love you all

Merlo Ivess

Can someone help me? How do i watch full reactions for season 1 AOT. Patreon wont let me go that far back for some reason.


I don't give a shit about Gabi. Kill her for all I care. It's fiction so I have the luxury of picking sides. And I'm team Paradis all the way. RIP Sasha 😢


Is it me or is Eren basically the same archetype as Sasuke with minor variation? Just for fun... 1. Death of family/community as child...grows up traumatized orphan 2. Starts off as naive/team-player/cares for others....some semblance of innocence 3. Has 2 friends that care deeply, neglects the girl, singular goal being revenge 4. Obtains rare power becoming sought after by just about everyone for various reasons 5. Taken under wing by the badass becoming strong/smart, matures to better control power 6. Continued trauma leads to inner struggles, gradually succumbs to rage/hate, pushed over precipice via reality-shattering truths 7. Drastic personality shift going cold, abandoning values, neglecting friends/comrades and seeks revenge at any cost upon a group of people that unjustly oppressed his own. Adopts an eye for an eye mentality while in pursuit of restoring once proud Eldia/Uchiha. We'll just end it there...seem familiar at all? Just seemed interesting because, coincidentally, they're at the same juncture in Shippuden where Sasuke adopts the fuck everything perspective and just noticed how there seems to be sympathy for one character but not the other...curious how one justifies that. So it's cool for Eren to commit terrorism, slaughter innocent people and initiate a world war that threatens everyone that "raised him" just because it was his decision and I respect free-thinkers, but I don't like Sasuke because he can be manipulated and despite he's not a terrorist....I sometimes find his aloof and arrogant demeanor unacceptable even for a traumatized kid. Did I get that about right? Such interesting logic some of you have...


The score played at the end (not the outro) is called "Call Your Name". This is part of the song's lyrics: We dreamt a new house Some place to be at peace But things changed... Suddenly I lost my dreams in this disaster We don't know what is wrong tonight Everybody's got no place to hide No one's left and there's no one to go on All I know is my life is gone.


So AoT is basically what happens when you don't have a Naruto Archetype


Man I know I’m late to this but poor Sasha😔. I think Eren only laughed because he also laughed when Hannes died on season 2 because he couldn’t have done anything to save his family or friends and he blames himself just sad😔


So Zeke about to turn all these scouts and fight and lose to Levi in these woods. Of course he can't do it alone, he gonna get some help from Niccolo after he helps serve wine to everyone with Zeke's spinal fluid in it....so basically everyone is fucked once Zeke screams


Gabi and Falco escape and find shelter with Sasha's parents who run some orphanage ranch and is befriended by the girl that Sasha saved in S2, Of course we only find that out when she turns on Gabi after discovering she killed Sasha :)


Zeke gonna kill Levi though by self-detonating the thunder spear Levi puts in him as a safety measure to transport Zeke back after defeating him. Eren's faction have Hange lead them to where they keeping Zeke and they find Zeke and dead Levi. A mysterious titan appears and saves Zeke from death while Hange escapes jumping into the river with Levi's corpse


Eren going rogue with his followers spearheading his own faction and run a coup on Paradis. He beats up Armin and it's revealed Ackermann are basically hard-wired to "protect the king" which in Mikasa's case is Eren which explains her unyielding devotion to him


Pieck gonna infiltrate the island and pretend to join Paradis to save Gabi, then last minute fuck them over when the Marley invasion begins by airdrop. Marley gains the upperhand then Zeke shows up and screams turning everyone that drank the wine into pure titans including all the side characters, Pixis and co. Pure titans start fucking shit up and Eren tries to make contact with Zeke to start the rumbling and Gabi shoots his fucking head off XD