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Uncut: https://vimeo.com/506289850/de34ade804


The Expanse - 5x9 Winnipesaukee - Uncut

This is "The Expanse - 5x9 Winnipesaukee - Uncut" by The Normies on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Wheres the edited version?


Sorry for the proceeding wall 'o text This season has left me feeling a bit underwhelmed. I don't think it's bad at all but in my opinion it's the weakest season, even with Gaugamela. Visually it's stunning and as always the cast is fantastic but there are a couple things that have taken me out of the show every now and then. Naomi's story line being one of them. After everything what Naomi, James and the crew have been through for her to pull out another "This is something I have to do on my own" card actually left me kind of peeved. She's done it so many times already and it always backfires, so to see she hasn't learned from past experiences was frustrating. Also the stuff between Naomi, Marco and her son to me has fell kinda flat. I get she loves her son and hasn't seen him in a VERY long time but come on dude, he just helped murder hundreds of millions of innocent civilians and will most likely be partially responsible for billions more. Their scenes together of her feeling overly remorseful for leaving him and him being the borderline angsty "You were never there for me Mooom!" teen type character didn't fit with the severity that was happening with the rest of the show. On a bit of a nit pick, while I do like Owens in the role of Filip, the actors doing a fine job and he's the spitting image of Tipper. Everytime I see them together though I can't help ask "geez did Naomi give birth when she was 12 or something?" He just looks a little old to play her son or she looks a little to young to be his mother. They look more like brother and sister to me, again totally just a nit pick lol. Another draw back has been how they've treated Baby Mao and her "Mao Smash!" mode. I preferred the style and strength of it back in season 3. The few times we saw her use it, sure she became more aggressive with heightened strength but it didn't appear to be anything like this season. That first scene she used it in S3 did a fantastic job of showing how powerful and brutal she can be, or in the finale when she essentially saves the day was another great display her abilities. This season we don't see her doing anything with it. She uses it, but we don't see it. That one shot of her when she attacks the dude in the woods it cuts to like a weird shaky cam POV that looks like it was taken straight out of an X-Files episode and by that I just mean it looked kinda cheap and dated (by todays standards). The next time she uses it it just cuts away and when it comes back, it's already over, she killed like 20 dudes with assault rifles off screen, a little disappointing. Plus how strong and fast does she get when she takes it now? Not only does she go Mao Smash but she's like a hybrid Hulk/Wolverine now. I like the actress and Mao's character and was glad to see her come back this season, they just haven't really done anything with her other then she's there and has a get out of jail free card. My 2 biggest issues with this season are Marco and no real gate travel. Marco I don't find interesting in the slightest. I find him way to generic and forgettable. Mostly everyone has such a unique look and personality to them but Marco for me just doesn't have anything to offer (other then being a super handsome dude). I know this is already way to long so as far as the Gates i'll just say I was hoping for a little something from them. I understand after last season you can't keep going back, turning the show into another star trek or stargate. But something would've been nice. On a closing positive note I'm loving pretty much everything else. Amos and Mao, Drummer, Alex, James all their stuff has been very enjoyable and some of the best. Again, I don't hate or dislike this season. If you're enjoying the stuff I'm not that's awesome. This was just my opinion and wondered if anyone else was feeling the same. Looking forward to the finale and can't wait for six.

Infinite Ree

I guess I only disagree on the casting for Filip. I think Dominique just looks really young but I do believe she had him as a teenager and also he's *really* tall, so maybe he looks older than he's supposed to be? Anyway this has been my least favorite season for different reasons but still a great show. ☺️


horrible opinions

Alexis Cardarella

I think there are aspects of this season that are going to split the fandom. Namely, a lot of people aren’t having the Roci crew be abruptly be separated the entire season. I want to say, I love this season, but I do have mixed feelings. I love the Amos and Naomi storylines, but Holden’s, and Alex and Bobby’s felt underwhelming this second half of the season.

Alexis Cardarella

That was one of the best one shots and fight scenes in general i’ve ever seen