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Well well well I hope you're up for another early access Normies movie night! Tonight we get to witness THE FORCE AWAKENS! Join us and grab your popcorn. Below you will find the reaction as well as the uncut link!

Uncut - https://vimeo.com/483779732/be2102206f

Reaction - https://youtu.be/ZCGBPsluSSQ



Richard A



Late night gift


Well, hello there


Hurray Star Wars and the Normies


The only thing this new trilogy gave us that I think it’s any good is kylo ren. Disney needs to recon this movies like dragon ball gt. Without getting into the other movies. This is basically a new hope and it’s only somewhat good because of the nostalgia. If they didn’t have the old school actors it wouldn’t be considered as high as it is.

Kamina 1

You guys are the best. Always giving the best presents. You know what we like :)

Randy Cooper

Hey, I loved Heroes Suraj.😄


I would have really enjoyed this movie even more with Rana.. she best reactor all day

Tina L

I've never been happier to have access to Uncut.

Luis Rodriguez

I still wish Finn was the Jedi honestly

Chaos T

I don't give a damn this film was A New Hope 2.0. It was fun af. It's a shame the next movies didn't capture that "fun" factor for me.

Daniel Gonzalez

Except that Disney didnt even really give us that they combined 2 Expanded Universe characters and then butchered them both i rather wouldve had Ben and the Twins + Anakin


Imagine a trilogy inspired by the Yuuzhan Vong War. Seeing them on screen would have been so fucking cool and creepy at the same time. Unfortunately, Disney wasn't willing to try something different, so we got same thing again. TFA is a good movie - it's fun, intense and reminded us all that Star Wars was cool and great. But it wasn't something new.

Jules Eris

At this point, all I want is Clone Wars reactions....

Matthew Cronin

This movie is good don’t @me

Carlos Hurtado

This was my 2nd viewing. i still think its good movie. not great or anything but its def a good movie.

Andre Ransom

They’re doing the movies in release order so Rogue One will be next month’s movie reaction


It's a fine movie. entertaining...unlike the next two


Might want to hold off on watching Solo because of a certain Clone Wars spoiler which is quite a huge reveal....

Frankie H

By the time of A New Hope, most if not all stormtroopers are regular people, not clones. That's why they're called stormtroopers and not clone troopers. Well that, and George Lucas hadn't thought up the idea of "clone troopers" when he first wrote the movies.


Well idk about that he must have some kind of idea, mentioning the clone wars in first hope


Watch rogue one next that movie is amazing

Dusty Glover

R.I.P David Prowse. If you don't know while James Earl Jones was the voice of Darth Vader the actor who actually wore the suit and appeared onscreen was David Prowse and he passed this saturday.


The fact this movie is the best of the new ones is.....not great lol. I mean this is a good movie, it's fun, but as you said it's not great or anything. And yet despite that, it's still the best of the new ones (the main ones anyway, i'm not counting Rouge One here).


Cant wait for TLJ!

Ricardo Obregon

wait whaaaaattt? so we are going full star wars now, this is going to be a deep rabbit hole of entertainment lol


Isn't the point of Jedi to be calm and collected? Why would they freak out and panic when they realize someone is a sith Lord


It is not about feelings, it is how you deal with them and to not become overwhelmed by feelings such as panic , but let it momentarily pass. If they did not feel anything they would not have sith it is about the balance I believe.

Rashad Winters

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one!


The island that luke was on is a real island called skellig Michael just off the coast of Ireland. The stone huts that ray was looking at are real too, monks used to live in them hundreds of years ago there's also a ruined church there


this is the best one out of the new trilogy dont @ me


Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. It says a lotabout a trilogy when the best one is a rehash of a previous movie. A good movie (TFA that is) but a rehash all the same.


Even though this movie has its flaws, it was a good setup for me.. The story could've gone anywhere from here! Unfortunately, that was also the case for the next 2 movies, they literally were going different places LOL


The Last Jedi (And Empire Strikes Back) had the most depth. I liked this one, but very simple. TROS was also fun but even worse than this one. Should have just given Rian Johnson the entire trilogy. Even if it would have made the fandom divided, at least it would be more coherent and interesting to talk about. Not simple stuff J.J. Abrams does. He's a good director, but not a very good writer. Rian Johnson might need to get more experience a director, but he's one hell of a thoughtful writer.

David Dotting

It's funny, because I think if they would have just given the entire trilogy to either of them it would have been fine, or been willing to hash out a story instead of having it winged. Instead, we got a very disjointed trilogy. A shame, really, considering how good the rest of the Star Wars content has been. Mandalorian and Rogue One especially.

William Pahau

kylos light saber was so jittery because he never finished his jedi training, which is at the end of your training you make a lightsaber. his one wasnt made the same way a traditional lightsaber is.


They make the light sabers when they begin training. He modified his original blue light saber by cracking the Kyber Crystal when he went to the dark side and that made it unstable, meaning it put out too much heat which is why he has crossguards . There's no other way to make a lightsaber

The Anime Man

The vimeo isn't good anymore