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Hey Shield crew! I know ya'll have been hoping for a double drop for this and the next ep, unfortunately this is the last episode we all saw and we're binging more this week. We will work to get you a double drop during the month of Feb for the Shield crew because all of you have been so awesome with us on this ride. For now, get some closure(?) this week by watching our reactions to 3x9!


AOS 3x9



Defending ward after he murders someone?


I haven’t watched it yet but that thumbnail hahaha 😂😂😂

Christopher simeon

Ward is a good villain and I love to hate him. I don’t think fans ever condone his actions but really admire his charisma and determination in achieving his goals.


That thumbnail though.

Linsey Morris

i gotta say out of everyone i was not expecting chris to be the biggest fitzsimmons shipper but I DON'T HATE IT! there are several episodes throughout the seasons where i think "this is where fitzsimmons were forced to grow up" and this is another one of them for me. plus just more incredible acting by iain and elizabeth ugh they're too good. rana criticizing coulson for acting too rash is just so funny to me because she's praised ward for the same thing sdkjfs girl your ward blinders are STRONG. AND MICKEY MADE THE SAME FACE I DID AT RANA'S "AW" OVER WARD ~FEELING TOO MUCH~ LMAO i love this episode for many reasons but none more than the fact that it is yet another episode where they use a character to tell the audience that ward is bad. he's BAD. there is no justifying his actions. his own brother said it. AND YET PEOPLE STILL TRIP OVER THEMSELVES TO DEFEND HIM I DON'T GET IT YOU GUYS LOVE YOUR EVIL WHITE BOYS TOO MUCH!!! AND I WOULDN'T MIND IF YOU DIDN'T JUST LET THEM BE EVIL AND STOP TRYING TO JUSTIFY IT!! anyways very excited about some future double drops but even more excited for you guys to binge and see/experience the rest of the season. it's a doozy!!


Great reaction guys it gets so much better from now on can't wait for episode 10 ahhhhhhhhhh

Christopher simeon

Love this reaction guys. Love your theories too. Mid season finale hype.

Linsey Morris

oh also wanted to add a fun fact: the actor who played ward's little brother is john ritter's son tyler!

Kim Carragher

Director Jack was one of my favourite parts of this season. Awesome reaction guys, thoroughly enjoyed you all fangirling


Chris being the biggest Fitzsimmons shipper was a surprise but its so awesome!


Awesome reaction! Cant wait for the rest of the season! Some suggestions for double drops this season would be 3x12 and 3x13, 3x17 and 3x18 and I think 3x21 and 3x22 aired together! I know you cant do all of those but IMO those ones would be the best one to double drop if you can!

Ryan of New York

Great reaction guys, I can't wait to see your reaction to the next one to see how your predictions play out. In regard to Coulson not using a parachute, it makes perfect sense. They closed the portal just as Coulson went through. If he had used a parachute he never would have made it through in time. If you have a dark sense of humor it's funny to imagine an alternate reality, with Coulson jumping from the plane a little too late, JUST missing the portal opening and going splat against the rocks, dead. And Bobbi and Hunter just look at each other like, uhm, WTF just happened? I think that would be a great skit! There are a lot of great scenes in this episode, but one of my favorites is Ward essentially teasing Fitz about not telling Simmons how he felt when he had the chance, how he told him to do it before it was too late and now it's too late. He's trying to bait him, while Fitz hears Simmons' screams. He could have just had Fitz hear Gemma's screams and know Fitz would fold eventually, but he just has to tease Fitz, to rub it in. Just pure fucking evil assholery.

Ryan of New York

Chris, I'm glad you're used to the term Inhumans now, but it's not actually just another word for mutants. The Inhumans have a decades long history in Marvel comics, with their own storylines, apart from mutants. In fact, they first appeared in a Fantastic Four comic in 1965! Marvel not having the rights to say mutant or use some of their mutant characters caused them to put a greater emphasis on the Inhumans, but they're still separate. Also, Chris, I know you've still got some issues with the show, but I'm happy you're starting to get into it and I'm positive in time you will grow to love it.


Funny story about the death of Rosalind: at the season 3 comic con I think, one fan said that she didn’t mind Rosalind dying because she ships Coulson and May together, so then Clark Gregg called Ward “the Hydra matchmaker”. 😂 Okay it’s not THAT funny but it made me laugh personally 😂 and now every time I see this scene all I can think about is Clark Gregg’s comment 😂


Inhumans are part-alien, they aren't mutants. It's not a random evolutionary genetic mutation. It's an artificial blend.

Kelly Parks

Great reaction, Normies!

Justin H'oman

Inhumans came from the Eternals making hybrids. People thinking it's all due to the Kree is funny. Terragenesis just means an Earth-Created Kree. The Eternals are much stronger than Kree. Afterall Thanos is an Eternal-Deviant.


Interesting parallel - Ward jumps out of a plane and speed skydives in season 1 to save Jemma-who thinks she's dying. Season 3, Coulson jumps out of a plane and speed skydives to get through a portal to kill Ward - after he just finished torturing Jemma. The original team sure has grown up, haven't they ;) . Great reaction!


Ward continuing to blame others for his own actions is most pronounced with Kara (Agent 33) as we know the facts, and is a symptom of his psychosis from the events of his childhood leading up to the Well. He can't blame himself because that would crumble his whole world view that everyone else causes the damage and he is the victim. It was good writing on the part of the show (together with his younger brother spelling out EXACTLY what happened with the well) to show just how deluded he is, as previous episodes have been ambiguous on the events for the sake of drama/doubt for the audience.

Jason Williams

lol, that Coulson alternate scene is basically Bruce Banner jumping down to the bridge in Thor: Ragnarok


Holy cannoli their head cannon is truly making them predict the weirdest shit


Yea, Mutants are human evolution, and Inhumans are experiments.

eric lemieux

i remember the first time seeing coulson dive thru the portal. i jumped out of my chair with my arms in the air. its got to be one of my favorite coulson moments


Don’t jump to conclusions next episode and just let the dialogue explain things fully, the way you’re thinking right now might confuse you if you miss a certain part


Mutants and Inhumans are different, and they're both from Marvel comics. They didn't make Inhumans for this show, Inhumans first appeared in Fantastic Four #45 in 1965.

Jarrod Wild

Didn't know Coulson was an Olympic diver. That was gold medal worthy, 10 out of 10.

Maria Cordova

Dang I was hoping for a double drop for this one cant wait for next week!!!

Mark Bigwood

For some reason I can't access the uncut or early access links even though I'm a Premium Normie and those are included in the tier before it.


there are uncut and early access links specific for premium normies, just look for them. There was change and a vote to make Early normie content just for them because we get it any way. As a way to reduce the notifications premiums get.


to be fair, that was much more of an issue in season 1 and midway through season 2, since then it got a lot better with their head cannon