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Oh boy Locke episodes are...emotional. This poor guy has been through the worst of life's curve balls. Check out the gals reaction to Locke's paralysis inducing incident.


Lost 3x13 The Man from Tallahasse Reaction


Heru Muharrar

Greatest show of all time. YES @ ME!

Michael Harrop

Ah the Great Benjamin Linus. He is just my favourite character ever!


And now the excruciating wait for The Brig...


There was a sad irony watching this episode with Nikki having the tooth issue and trouble speaking knowing that Rana was going to suffer a broken jaw in the not too distant future.

Tiffany Tews

LOVE this episode.. such a great show

Dwain Walmsley

Rana has broken her jaw? O.O

David Caine

Arthur C. Clarke's Third Law: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. If there were such a thing as God given an infinite amount of scientific study an advanced civilization would be able to understand it, let alone the Universe. Magic would then be the facile way of understanding it.

David Caine

They should have done a flashforward in the editing of one of their future reactions and tease us about what happened to Rana. I wonder how far ahead they are, I believe she is all better now, thankfully.

Champion Bescos

One of my absolute favorite episodes. So much.... just, ugh. The Ben and John scenes, the flashbacks, the Jack development, everything. So damn good. Loved their reaction as well.


Ahh what a great episode and reaction!


One week until RAZZLE DAZZLE

Mike Ramirez

3:16 in the thumbnail. On purpose? (Referring to Adjira Flight Number)


I remember when I first watched Lost and Locke said, "You're in the wheelchair, and I'm not." I did, like, the longest, most intense fist pump of my life. LOL. Locke and Jack were my favorite characters at that point, and I was soooo ready for Locke to start shining. My gf at the time who I was watching it with would always say that Locke was one of the most annoying characters to her, and I would just shake my head and say, "Mannn, you just don't get it. Locke's the one." lolololol. So much of this show is so freaking good.

Matthew Fortuna

The image at the beginning of rana's face is hilarious