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The new arc is here and boy are we excited! - Nahid


DBS 78



Goku really f!#%ed up this time!


lmfao yo Dennis Rodman is the best comparison. I kind of wish they kept some of the seriousness of DBZ. Before Goku was a goofy, bc he was a Saiyan learning earth dynamics, but now for me he just comes off as an idiot. Even his serious moments get overshadowed in super bc his scripting is 95% wacky moments, but I think that's bc in Japan they actually enjoy this Goku more than the English DBZ version's more serious Goku. Different viewer demographics.

Justin Neason

Here we go bois! Also yeah, as far as shounen characters go, Goku really frustrates me on another level because of how absent minded he is. He's awesome but I have a very hard time connecting wih him as a character at all xD


Nah thats not true lol I went to Japan and people say Goku is to retarded