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Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/312868793


Happy Wednesday yall!  Lets start this beautiful day out right with our favorite group of four!  Today we catch up with out old buddy Kurapika! Hope you are excited for next weeks double drop!!   - Nahid


HunterxHunter 39



Ayy first

Alejandro Gil

We made it bois and gurls! KURA TIME


lemme be the first to do the usual "post about another show in the thread" post: FMAB YOU FOOLS!!

Mabel Marte Taveras

It was explain previously that Kurapika is after the Spider because they killed his people to take their eyes.


One of my favs arc is here!!! Lets go gang! :D


"He's Ishvalan" BOI! What craketh have you smoketh!

Alexandre Boutin

Did he watch FMAB? I saw him post a Fmab video like months ago saying the show looked dope so I am curious if he started it on his own.


"He's Ishvalan" Lmfao I spit my drink out. He was so serious about it too.


Oh I agree that them and Mickey should watch it as well


Damn y’all be forgetting all kinds of stuff. Lol Even thought Ishvalans made an appearance XD


Yes Kurapika is of the Kurta clan. It was mentioned in episode 1 and maybe once since then.


I know that the show repeats stuff a lot and that can be annoying but considering how much you guys forget in this show, those repetitions are probably a good thing :p Excited that the Yorknew arc is starting finally!

Aadit Doshi

Can someone tell me where they got the hunter theme they play at the end of the video?


I hope the normies got their nen facts down cuz shit is about to get real!

Burooj Ahanger

<a href="https://i.stack.imgur.com/4Xz0x.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.stack.imgur.com/4Xz0x.png</a> a picture of the nen hexagon, no spoilers. you guys need to be up and up on the nen (until what they taught till where u guys have watched). the whole series hinges on it, understanding is pretty crucial


I should make a countdown to 🔥47🔥. What day are you planning to watch episode 47?


My body is ready!! Let's go YorkShin City!!


'He's from Ishval.' Yeah, i mean, there's definitely a connection there...


Casual mode is over, I recommend you to start focusing a little bit more, just because nen is a very complex power system and if you don't get the grasp of it, it will be very confusing. (I'm not complaining btw, just a suggestion). Also the hunterpedia helps, if you take long breaks to remember characters abilities or important objects.


kinda hard to see that i think, this one is better. <a href="https://i.imgur.com/ngzVNrv.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/ngzVNrv.png</a>

Alejandro Gil

Specialist ability is something you are born with or develops because of your circumstance


So true lol. Some of the normies love to make fun of anime flashbacks but they are the same ones that forget half the shit that happens in the show.


Can someone make non spoiler flash cards about Nen for the Normies. Because I felt like I watching 4 Marketa (or 4 Chris) today 😅

Yolo Samurai

You guys have it kind of wrong in the sense that Nen categories arent necessarily ranked where one category is better than the next per ce. Your category just basically tells you the easiest way to apply Nen for you. And specialists are waaayyy more uncommon than you make it seem. The odds if being a specialist are like the odds of catching a super rare desease. You also cant learn to be a specialist, but you can learn abilities from other categories that arent your own. I think this will become more clear as the show goes though.


Rifti beats fam! He lets us use a lot of his music. Check him out on YouTube <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_oKJrJsH3c-N5xixPrP3w" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_oKJrJsH3c-N5xixPrP3w</a>


It’s the type of thing, that I hope people don’t get excited for and spoil. Just because the Normies don’t exactly know what a specialist is. It will get explained later. People only need to explain for them, after the show explains it, if they still dont get it.

Chris V

Get Navi on it! I know she'd make some super informative flash cards.

Chris V

Oi man wtf?!! Don't go dropping episode numbers wtf are you doing, let them stumble upon great episodes by themselves. What in the hell.


lmao when nahid said kurapika was from Ishval i lost it

Barney Rudkins-Stow

I literally choked when those images showed up around suraj

Ryan H

Za Warudo?


Bro, that look Suraj gave Rana for not seeing any Leo Dicaprio movies killed me lol


Rana needs to watch Inception, Gangs of New York, Shutter Island, The Great Gatsby, Django Unchained, The Departed ASAP!!!


I think every human being needs to watch INCEPTION!

Neil Patel

Sidenote I hope they throw Yu Yu Hakusho on the react wheel after this show