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PW: awakening x and x potential

Gon goes straight for it! Bro doesnt wait and goes straight for his match against the human tardigrade! What did you my fellow hunters feel about this episode when yall saw it? - Nahid


HUnter Hunter 29 intro outro

https://vimeo.com/303315974 PW: awakening x and x potential


hays collins



Man when i saw the notification on my phone, i REALLY hoped it would be Korra xD


Suraj with the dance moves 🕺


literally had the page on my tablet open without going to sleep.......keep swiping down


Intro to best anime power system 101


A lot of people watch these on mobiles so it won't be possible to copy and paste the password so just remove the X's it will be a lot easier


Change the password to hxh29

Justin Neason

I don't know that I appreciated this episode as much as I do now when i first watched it. I liked it originally, and I didn't mind as much when it cut off before the fight because i had plenty of time to binge back then. But later in the show, these explanations of Nen and how it works, and the fact that the characters actually grind to get stronger pays off!


only 119 more episodes to go :D


i was blown away by the power system. SPOILER******* It gets way better later

Alejandro Gil

Just be patient with Togashi's writing. He likes to set things up well upfront.


I can already tell this show is not for them. “I wanted to see more action” YIKES is somebody gonna tell them? LMAO


they will realise that this anime is more about planning, and being prepared for ANYTHING, more than 30 minutes of jumping spinning and punching.

Yolo Samurai

Lulz they didnt learn nen in an hour, they were introduced to nen in an hour. There is still a lot more for then to learn, as well as us the viewer to learn.


The creator of this series is married to the creator of Sailor Moon.


exactly lmaooo they dont even understand how important moments like these actually are in the grand scheme of the nen powers and scaling of the characters


You guys really have to stop thinking about this show as if its an action shonen its actually more like an adventure series with action elements like one piece

Varun Narayanswamy

Fun fact seeing that you guys are starting Naruto. A lot of early Naruto is actually based around HXH. The early arcs are very similar, i'm sure you guys will notice some parallels. Eventually the boy differ a lot but they start out similar in a good way


Micky is kind of hella annoying how is it convenient to find a master of a martial art technique (which is what nen is) in a fighting arena where there are masters of said technique? And if u were paying attention they say that the technique the wing used to open their nen pours is highly effective but dangerous because u could literally lose ur life or limbs which is why the guys who were stalking them are all disfigured however because killua and gon's physical abilities are already high and their nen mastering potential is so high they werent effected in a negative way. And if u dnt like kurapika and leorio not being in the series get used to it because they rarely are

Alejandro Gil

It’s going to be even more confusing when the genre sorta changes from arc to arc.


I need the Korra upload so I can get on with my life


You're right in some aspects but you don't have to be so rude about it.

Neil Patel

Side note, im puzzled how the ending track doesn't hype you guys up it's my favorite outro


It didn’t hype me up until THE moment of this arc a few episodes from now

Garrett Gee


Ryan H

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CHANGE IT TO HXH29 for the youtube homies. you cant copy and paste from the video title on youtube because you use caps there.

Creep Knight

Btw, the "Reject Villain Crew" are people who made it to floor 200 without knowing nen. They got their asses kicked by nen users yet managed to survive the fight, but got permanently disfigured.

Alexandre Boutin

Werent there 2 episodes a week now or, that was only for last week?


PLEASE do double drop for shows that have 100+ episodes. This is gonna take years


"I wanted to see a little more action..." Well if you guys watched 2 EPISODES A WEEK you would see more action Mickey! :P

Kamina 1

Change it to hxh29 PLEASE