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As we can see, the opinions are strong on this one. We roll our bellies towards you, decide our fate!



This is honestly a debate that should be going for My Hero Academia. Who else agrees?


I usually prefer subs. But for naruto, both are fine.


naruto's voice in the dub is FUCKING PAINFUL. please sub win


samurai champloo dubs sounds better


This is one of those where it’s a win either way so I have no problem with whatever’s chosen

Matthew Cronin

I vote Dubs just because the dialogue is generally the same sounding either way, and it just makes it easier to watch


No Please do dub for My hero because sub is always going to win the polls but Idgaf about Nautro Love both version


Damn y’all really gone be watching Naruto forever, that’s why I never started it because it’s so long but I guess I’ll be watching it with you guys


It to much to read

Ruben Lopez



Oh gawd. Please don't have us have to read subs too. I can see if it's not available, but it makes a better reaction....than watching your reading faces. Either way Ima watch, but mouth readers are 🙄

Matthew Smith

I grew up with the Dub, so I’m partial to it, but it definitely isn’t the greatest, It gets old quick hearing “BELIEVE IT” every other sentence, lol


Y'all really out here trying to start World War 3...


sub always displays more emotion

Heru Muharrar

I’ve watched both all the way through and I can safely say the Sub is better. I won’t say why because of spoilers but some characters voices just aren’t up to snuff in the dub. Naruto doesn’t have the WORST dub so it’s not like it’s a deal breaker. But... Do you really want to hear believe it 1000x in your nightmares every night? Make the right decision dattebayo.


Please do Dub. It would be much easier to follow to your reactions and comments if I didn’t have to read the sub at the same time.


For naruto dub is good but for naruto shippuden definitely sub


Oh my god... NARUTO?! You guys really spoil us .


Sub all the way

Mike Drop

Naruto has the most annoying voice in English. don't torture us for a million episodes, go sub and watch how it was intended.


I feel One Piece would draw all of you in to it's world. Either way, you guys might want to get a chart/list of what Naruto episodes to skip. There is a MASSIVE AMOUNT of fillers.


Damn it will be a massacre. Sub vs Dub is a holy war with no mercy xD. But I'm on the sub side. SUB FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dub for naruto is fine but shippuden needs to be sub


Dub is really good for this one actually


Part 1 dub is good, part 2(shippuden) dub is a no no. So go sub all the way I guess.


"Believe it!" for about 15 episodes or "Dattebayo" for the whole series lol


Naruto in dubbed, shippuuden in subbed. Like AOT..theyre both good but dubbed will give you a feel of this show alot better ive seen it in both


I’ve never heard the dub in my life but I voted for it only because I’m thinking it’ll be hard to read and react




Yeaaahhhhhhh.... if they do dub that's gonna be a no for me dawg.

Wilson Gonzalez

Please do dub, I want to be able to follow your commentary while not missing what's being said on the show.


I've watched both and can honestly say that stub is better. I'm not trying to be funny or anything. It gets you pumped up a lot more. And it brings the true experience of watching the show. I'm also not sure why people are saying things like "I don't want to have to read the subtitles and miss your reactions". Maybe they can watch the episodes? Pretty sure most of the people who are gonna watch those Naruto reactions would have already watch it.


I actually prefer the dub for original Naruto, but the subs sound better for Shippuden imo


The subtitles for naruto part 1 is horriable. The font colors are weird.

Chris Skalicky

While I probably won't be following along with Naruto, my thoughts on this for reactuon channels is to always do dubs. I feel like if you're reading everything that's being said the reaction may not really be there. Plus, with dubs everyone hears at the same time and you don't have different people catching what's being said at different times.

Lego The Office

I voted dub! I’ve always been a dub guy with very few exceptions. I tend to miss things if I am focusing too much on reading. However I sincerely tried the subs with Naruto at my friends’ suggestion! But there are so many episodes of Naruto with so much dialogue and action that I couldn’t keep up with it and often found myself missing things. I switched to dubs and didn’t regret it, it was easier and more entertaining for me personally. Some things don’t translate the same, but the spirit of the character and show are there.


I think the dub version is ok but Naruto voice is so annoying that it turns me off


dub for original naruto. and where is fmab 53?


first season with dub and shippuden with subs


I like both versions honestly but if your doing a reaction channel dub is best cause in sub you can’t pay attention to everything on the screen cause your talking to other people


I enjoy both equally


If they do sub they might as well skip 25% of the show cause thats how much they will miss

Steven Merced

You won’t please everyone. Watch it how you want to watch it.

nefi uzumaki

both are really good

Varun Narayanswamy

Yeah both are actually pretty good. Of course subbed is done with Naruto Shippuden but by the time you get there I assume dubbed should be done too

Jackie Green

Most of the time I prefer sub but with certain shows I like dub. Such as Naruto, Bleach, Soul Eater, Dragon Ball, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Honey and Clover etc. Most of those were shounens but you get the point it depends on the show.


Dub for the first part of naruto then sub for naruto shippuden but thats not for like 200 episodes so


For Naruto dub is best and for Naruto Shippuden sub is best


Dub is best for reactions. People who vote sub are just here to watch the show.

Jules Eris

wait what? you guys are going to watch naruto`? why would you do that? I mean it's decent and all but there are so many much better anime. Watch My Hero Academia instead lol sorry no hate but Naruto is kind of just an outdated HxH ripoff if you ask me

Neil Patel

If you grew up watching toonami, then watch the dub, it'll bring back nostalgia. I highly recommend the dub for the regular naruto series, but both are fine


They are watching both. Naruto won the wheel spin. None of them wanted to watch it.

Michael Simpson

Guys there are shows where the dub is equal to the sub and this is definitely one of them. It's not even really a comparison in this case. You're just going to make yourself miss out on a lot if you watch the sub for THIS particular show.


Yo wtf how are subs winning? Naruto dub is iconic.


Dub honestly isn’t that bad. I could see for other anime but Shonen Dub is usually A1 like dbz this will be a great dub. I recommend 💪🏾👍🏾


I will just say look up RDCworld1 how to watch and pick anime and what he says about dub vs sub.

Heru Muharrar

Oh god dub heathens STAY BACK! STAY BACK I SAY!


All the people saying the dub is good probably watched it on Toonami and have nostalgia for it. Otherwise the dub is pretty fucking shit lol

Heru Muharrar

No it's not think about how much the normies miss in your average reaction. With the sub they'll literally be forced to look at the screen they can't talk over stuff they don't understand...


They are both amazing either way. :D


Sub, normally i always go dubs but the japanese voice actors for naruto are wayy better imo


Believe It!


I think if they are guna sit thru so many episodes, they might as well do dub. Makes it a much easier watch


sub is just way better quality. if you go for this reaction why pick the lesser experience


Japanese just sound more emotional - wether it's supposed to be beautiful or intense, it just feels more fitting. Then we have voice acting, which is more character-appropriate more often than English. Jutsu sounds much cooler in Japanese as well.


they're not doing shippudent. they'll probably do naruto then do another vote

Zerras Lo

Subs please! Naruto and Sakura will anger you in english this is no where near as good as FMA brotherhood dubbing


Both are fine but later on i suggest sub.


Oh god no, It's bad enough you are starting a hardcore shonen show, don't make it harder then it needs to be. Go sub or prepare to wanna rip your ears off. :P (Are they seriously gonna spend 200 (?) weeks worth of show reaction slots on a shonen...:P?)


The move call-outs in and of them self are so damn cringe, let alone the silly pronunciations of names...

Neil Patel

If you don't watch the dub, you'll miss out on iconic lines like "BELIEVE IT" . Dub definitely


go sub! english voices suck for naruto

Mike Strider

Definitely subs but I can understand if you guys need to do it otherwise. I’m not going to yell at you either way.


Early Naruto Dub is fine, but the quality drops once you get to shippuden imo. Go for subs


For the sake of reacting, it will be much easier on you guys to watch the dub. You're going to miss a lot by focusing on the whole reading aspect and trying to react at the same time. Logically, it makes no sense to make this harder on yourselves, especially if you're not jumping for joy to react to it anyway. Better yet, why not just watch a few of each subbed and dubbed, then YOU decide what works best for your format? I get you want to please the majority of us, but it's really supposed to be about your engagement with the show.


Coming from a guy who likes the show, it really doesnt matter. Naruto is trash anyway. Its lovable, but its still trash. You don't watch Naruto. you read it and then go back and watch the parts you wanted to see animated.


It harder to watch you guys react to subs


I would do dub since steven blum (cowboy bebop, korra) does quite a few major roles in this show


Every other episode should be dubbed. It’s also funny that they’re going to be watching Naruto which badly copies ideas from hunter x hunter.


sub forever. Original is always best

Alex sh

Duck fubbed


Omg. This is a problem guys. I've watched both, and after a lengthy conversation in Discord, I've found out that many people that vote for the sub never even watched the dub. Listen, I love both guys, but the dub is good, and you're going to miss so much if watch the sub. It's impossible to catch all the details when reacting to the sub. I've watched multiple reactions to it now too, and it's inevitable. You can't possibly read all the details, see all the visuals, and still be able to react to it normally. Plus, you don't have the luxury of pausing and rewinding every time you miss something like we do. I was really worried you were going to choose between sub and dub this way. Too many people see the question and automatically click sub without thinking about what it would do to the reaction. I would have never even asked.


Even if that is the case, think about what subs would do to the reaction.


Do what you think is best for y'all to react to people going be mad what ever u pick


Exactly. Sub is probably gonna win cause of all the elitists, but none of them are considering how much you miss in the sub, especially for people that aren't used to subs, are watching on a tv, AND are reacting to it.


Yes, 100%. When there is a sub reaction, the viewers are forced to read the subtitles instead of watching the reactions, assuming they don't speak Japanese.

Ellis hayes

The voice acting is cringeeeeeee. Kakashi, one of the coolest characters in anime history sounds like a cornball


i’m sorry if this has already been said, but are they doing naruto AND my hero academia? or was my hero just a rumor? i totally fine with them doing just naruto because i love both anime, just wanted to be sure .)


I originally watched the dub all the way till I got to Shippuden. I think is actually on par with sub to that point at least.

Alexander A

I vote sub only because Naruto and his "BELIEVE IT!" are annoying.


I’ve never watched the dub except for a few clips here and there so i cannot give a fair objective opinion so i would prefer sub and also the voice acting in subbed naruto is just phenomenal and adds a lot of emotion for certain elements in the anime and it’s very consistent from the original to shippuden


They already gotta watch 400+ episodes, at least let them watch it in english

Conner Simpkins

DUB!!! They shouldn't be forced to listen to 400+ episodes of Japanese.


This reaction is gonna be messed up now. Hope the sub elitist enjoy and get annoyed haveing the normies confused half the time. You brought this upon yourselves.


Lol your uniformed that only last a partial way in part 1.

Silver Bard Games

I'm voting for sub because trying to do a reaction to a show without subtitles is a terrible idea. You'd miss way too much dialogue. However, I'm not planning to watch it anyway, so I don't really care which side wins.


to be fair, they are always confused, dubs or subs lol (just kidding, don't go at me) but yeah it would be easier to catch information with dubs will see how it goes, maybe it wont be that bad

Joe Mags

I prefer cartoons in dub format

Kanan Jarrus

It has one of the best anime dubs out there. Better than Dragon Ball imho.

Carson elliott

Naruto fma b mha are the three best dubs out there you can really here the emotion in there voice


You really should watch this one dubbed. I'm sure the vast majority of people originally saw it dubbed on tv (at least until shippuden). My general rule of thumb: If it's a new anime (My Hero Academia) I'll watch it subbed, but if I originally saw it on tv, it was almost certainly dubbed and I prefer to re-watch it that way.


I mean, i voted sub just cuz I'm mad naruto won 😂🤣🤣🤣 but i did watch most of it subbed so 😞

Varun Narayanswamy

I can agree with this. It's all based off of what you started with. If you start with dub you tend to prefer dub and same with sub


This particular show came out at a time when anime still wasn’t taken seriously in the West and was seen as childish. As such, the dub has a lot of localization changes where they skew the dialogue to a target audience even younger than the show was originally meant to target and they didn’t focus as heavily on having good voicework on the dub, again because they were targeting very young children who don’t particularly care about emotional impact. So, for this show, I think the Sub would be better.

Carson elliott

I think Naruto was one of the shows that broke the mold on this, kishimoto actually got in trouble from american studios for his show being to violent for young adiances for the zabuza and chunin exam arcs, all of which had plenty of deaths. it may not be as good as some of the eng dubs today, but it was a major step up in voice acting quality from whatever show 4kids was trying to butcher at the time.

Liam Brown

All dubs are trash, fight me


Its gotta be dub. Dubs help reaction video since you dont have to be 100% focused on the screen


How about not picking up a 200+ episode series (even without the filers) that will totally cannibalise your channel 🙃


Holy shit they're gonna watch Naruto and it's gonna be in subbed. y'all fucked up putting it on the poll lol.

Derek Garrard

Voted for both because fuck everyone with a strong opinion on this. Get over it on both sides and pull your heads out of your asses.

J Flores

Most of the time i rather do dubs just because its easier and some are much better to watch like DBS. HOWEVER, there is only one way to watch Naruto and that is SUBS all the way. Voice actors are soo much better in the subs, alot more feeling in every line delivered. The dubs for this show sounds weird.


especially with a bunch of people voting but commenting that they dont even care since they wont watch

Theo McClain

personally subs BUTTTT with this many people it would be a lot more simple to use dubs. Mainly for slower readers since they miss out on the actual show focusing on trying to read everything. Sure they can pause but then they might as well just be reading the manga. Subs are better but not by a landslide the dubs for naruto aren't bad at all. Ive watched it twice all the way through weaving in and out of subs/dubs and dubs are definitely better for a group. Like the "subs purist" need to chill for real.


Since everyone is voicing their thoughts, I'll place mine! I voted dub so they wouldn't have to worry about missing action sequences while trying to read text at the same time. Done. Take care everyone! :D

Joe Mags

Is it possible to watch dubs in English but also have subs in the original language?

Keep It Zen

Yes, if they watch in Netflix I believe. They have it in English with many sub options

Keep It Zen

First watched Naruto in 2017. Dub is quality, right up there with DB & DBZ status

Keep It Zen

Not to mention Troy Baker (Joel, Last of Us) Laura Bailey (Lust, FMAB / Trunks, DBZ) Stephanie Sheh (Zhu Li, LOK) Yuri Lowenthal (Spider-Man, New Spider-Man game) ... it’s stacked with talent

Keep It Zen

You can watch dub and have subtitles at the same time, at least on Netflix and quite a few other sites

Keep It Zen

DUB 100%. TROY BAKER (Joel - Last of Us / Sam - Uncharted 4) LAURA BAILEY ( Trunks - DBZ / LUST - FMAB) STEVE BLUM (Spike - Cowboy Bebop / Amon - LOK) Yuri Lowenthal (Spider-Man in PS4 game) STEPHANIE SHEH (Zhu Li - LOK) .... The list of talent goes on and on... Naruto and it’s sequel are right up with DBZ in terms of Dubbing. Even with amazing Voice Cast of this caliber, Sub Elitists will still say “it’s shit.” .......... Subs will always win out VOTES because of how many elitists there are out there, but with long running shows like this, where even without fillers you’re looking at 400+ episodes. That’s 4 years or potentially more, of reading dialogue and unavoidably missing a lot of things if your eyes aren’t permantly glued to the bottom of the TV. Miss what’s happening on the screen or miss the text, it’s a double edged sword............. Jokes hit home much better when heard, and when you understand the inflection behind the characters voice......... Theres a character who likes to rap, and his slick rhymes are infinitely better in English.......... 95% of anime reactions are already Subbed, and dub fans (who there’s a lot of) always get the short end of the stick. Throw us a bone here.


Speaking truth. Elitist will say the sub is better regardless of whether it is or not. They just default to that choice without any consideration of the actual quality of either.


people love sub just because it's sub, dub will be way easier for them to react and understand AND the dub for naruto is actually good


have you ever even listened to the dub? the voice for sasuke is literally spiderman


My final thoughts: There are pros and cons to both. Choose what you like but you made this poll to decide what more people want. I dont think its fair to the voters if you decide otherwise. Both the dub and sub for the show is good. Also, to everyone else, they have watched other anime in sub and dub. Dont assume.


I voted dubs simply cause it's hard for me to watch the reactors when i can't just listen and know what's going on and being said on the episode. I can't read subtitles, watch normies reacting, AND watch the episode along with you guys if i don't know japanese lmao


so no my hero academia? just naruto? or both :O


Funny seeing so many comments in favor of dub but for poll sub has the majority, similarly so many comments in favor of AOS but for poll FMAB has the majority (Double Drop) haha


The minority tends to be more vocal. What you're seeing, is the vocal minority. Roll credits.

Albert venegas

Both of them are good so doesn’t matter to me


They should take into account that this is the vocal minority screaming DUB. The poll says it all.


Wow, the poll is split almost evenly on this. I think that says a lot. No matter what they choose, about half the community will be (un)happy. If that's the case, you guys just need to pick what works best for your format. Try out both if you need to. In my opinion, both are fine, quality-wise. But you need to go with whatever makes you feel more engaged to the show.


Dub plz

COREY Ervin Scott-Johnson

The reason I picked the dub is because I think it will be easier to sync our videos up with theirs.

Omar Guerrero

Hell yes! I had no idea you guys would be reacting to naruto