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Holden finds himself in a bit of trouble after how he decided to deal with Speck.  What do you think, agree or disagree with Holden's methods?


Mindhunter 1x9 temp



Poor little bird..

Kim Carragher

I don’t know. On the one hand, the serial killers listen to Holden. On the other hand, Holden seems to be taking this devil-may-care attitude into the workplace wayyyyy too easily. What if the killers are playing him? Goading him? Testing him? They’re not all going to respond the same way. How does it help the study by having one of the interviewers act like the serial killer? I think sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, but Holden is DEFINITELY taking it for granted and even adopting rude traits (like the “thin skinned” jab) outside of the interview. Just because it worked with Kemper (and even then that’s a stretch since day one Kemper was asserting his dominance with all those little touches on the neck like I would BOLTED from that prison). And then there’s the feeling I had at this point... is Holden a bit too comfortable? I know this is all based on real events so he isn’t some secret serial killer, but it is unnerving how readily he jumps into the mindset of a killer and come out unfazed.


How is that bag of Takis not finished yet!!!

Neil Patel

If you want truffles you gotta dig in the dirt


ok, where's Korra? 😏


Yes😭😭😭 I can already feel the tears coming lmao


See before I knew that these agents are based on real people I also thought that Holden might be suppressed serial killer. I know he won't turn out to be but maybe his personality is a parallel to the serial killers in that Holden has the potential to be the same but he was just able to keep himself in check and live in normal society? As far as his behavior in the studies, I can't see anything wrong with his methods. I will agree that he is a little too comfortable about it and too dismissive of other people's discomfort. Plus his relationship going to the fritz, you can see him kind of being short with everyone lately. I think at the base of it Holden has figured out that you can't talk to these people with 1 general questionnaire; each interview has be to taylored and each criminal has to be handled subjectively. I'm super excited for the finale! - Micky -