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Accidentally shot this in a super high quality so it took longer to render. Testing out the new camera so won't happen again in the future. Goal is to get at least 1 more reaction out by tomorrow. No more promises though sorry; we will get better about updates and deadlines.

All I can say is, if there is no update. Refer to the last update and post questions there. Also, if there is no update: trust that it is still being worked on because it is.

Will do my best to get more Avatars out so we can stay 6 ahead of YT, I want to do 2 every week, but I honestly now I dread even editing these as I've found myself not enjoying myself anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still loving the show like crazy. Just not the editing so much.


Avatar 3x1 Reaction




KingKien1 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-06 17:59:31 Sex virus? 🫣🦠
2017-07-27 01:09:29 lol. Here it is

lol. Here it is

rickie woodson

its finally here!!!!!!!!!!!! book three! this is my season!

Noah Burke

i dropped everything and hauled my internet ass here




Love the thumbnail already 😂


No description. Nothing. The fuck is going on guys? Is it really that hard to keep us informed about things? I want nothing more to support you but you're making it difficult as shit to do that. I'm not trying to start shit but seriously, wtf is going on?

Jonathan baez

Hope they disable the comments for avatar for at least a couple weeks.

Burooj Ahanger

Is it just 1 ep per week for just youtube ? what about patreon people?

Kelsey Roberts

Bruv, I commiserate with you as much as anyone. But we should be happy it's here, and we can just maybe...I dunno. Do something later. Email them or tweet them or something or maybe we can make another post in the Community. I am not really for hating on the post we've been waiting for. I suppose I can't assume to know how you're feeling though.


You guys using a new camera? everything looks amazing anf smooth


YES! AVATAR! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about the toxic community sometimes! Sorry! We do love you a lot! Loving the reactions! Season 3 will be amazing!!!!!!!


SURAJ THANK YOU FOR WORKING SO HARD. And i'm sorry that the demands of the avatar fans have led you to not enjoy this show as much. That's a real shame because this show is amazing. I hope that people can start to back off and understand that you are working hard for this, but that's a lot to ask unfortunately


About to show some moves next Ep :)


Ok if you're getting tired and stressed out about editing these videos and struggling to get out 2 a week consistently. Simple solution make it one a week and move it to the $5 tier that would make EVERYONE(including yourself) happier and less stressed out and frustrated.

Shane King

Everyone needs to take a chill pull man. You attacking them isn't going to make them like this show more if anything it will drive them away. Nahid and Rana live in a different state and have to meet up to record these it's not like they walk 5 mins and sit on the couch

Kelsey Roberts

Suraj, if you want to move down to one a week, please do so! We don't want you to stress out at all, and I am sorry that the weeks of badgering has made editing less than fun for you. I can't speak for everyone, but I'd rather have one a week, and know it's going to be up sometime, than trying to yank your teeth out to keep up with a schedule that may not be working for you anymore. Please think about yourself, and what you need! Just be honest with us and keep us updated. :)


We want to keep our promises of two episodes per week and we are trying our best. We spent last few hours deleting links to our unlisted videos of Avatar on Youtube by one of the patrons, so that does create discouraging emotions but we still love the show and everyone and would like to meet all the expectations.


smh even when they post an avatar reaction people still complain, get a life people and maybe you won't have to wait around refreshing every 10 seconds hoping they post an avatar reaction



Noah Burke

Everyone calm down. Editing is bitter work. All this complaining is nonsensical, the Normies are working hard to bring us what we love. Quality takes time.


Some of y'all are taking real offense to them only posting 1 episode a week. Yes, it sucks b/c I wanna see more but it won't help to complain. If you're that upset about spending $10 a month, then just wait for the reactions to drop on YouTube. Editing sucks and it seems unrealistic for them to pop out 2 episodes a week along with the other videos they do.

Manny D.

Honestly screw everyone trying to ruin this. Avatar is my favorite show ever and I want the Normies to enjoy it, not worry about people being jerks on patreon. Suraj, Rana, Nahid, Micky, I appreciate you guys so much for the awesome content you guys put out each week, thank you guys! And Game of Thrones gets you more views anyways, if you gotta go down to one episode a week of Avatar on patreon too, then do that.

Asadullah Khan

Thank You for this Normies. Perfect timing too, was just looking for something to watch. Keep enjoying the series and release these without stressing yourselves out. The Main thing is that you guys enjoy it properly. :)


Once the avatar dies the new avatar is born immediately

Lego The Office

Yay! The Kozy 4! 😜 Suraj I'm sorry that editing this has been rough, please know that most of the community understands that editing these videos is time extensive and takes a lot of work/detail. I know there are people who don't consider the effort that you put into it and are quick to criticize to try and cut you down. But most of us do appreciate you, please don't let anyone bring you down! "You must never give in to despair. Allow yourself to slip down that road, and surrender to your lowest instincts. In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength."


Suraj, I don't watch these react because I don't care about Avatar, but I just wanted to let you know I appreciate what you and the rest of the Normies do week to week. Your editing is top tier (can't decide if I like your style or Micky's better) and I know you work tirelessly all night to get these and other reactions out. Ignore the negativity and just know we homies are always in your corner with nothing but positive vibes.

Lauren S.

Positive vibes

Lego The Office

I thought the same thing! Looks like they were playing with some HD settings!

Kanan Jarrus

Even if I have to wait two weeks, as long as I know when I'm getting it, I'll be satisfied.


Thanks again Normies, especially Suraj for editing this. I wish more of you understood how hard this man works. All of the Normies have jobs/responsibilities outside of this youtube channel. He tries his best, even pulls all-nighters just to put out content for us. I for one am very grateful for everything ❤️

Burooj Ahanger

Dont edit fr patreons then, just google drive the whole thing for patreons and take your time when editing for youtube uploads.


So sorry for all the impatience from some Patreons here (including me) but you must understand that we only get so frustrated because we love your content so much, so please try not to let it discourage you. I would much rather wait longer for reactions if it meant you guys had an easier and more enjoyable time getting them out. Despite the frequent complaints and tantrums we are still behind you 100%. Keep up the good work.

3rd Eye Phreak

I fucking can't wait for you guys to get to episode 6. You should release the full reaction on your secondary channel, it's soooo lit.


In regards to what Zuko did or didn't say, here's how I interpreted it. He didn't tell Azula about the Oasis water because Zuko did not want it to be true because he has already committed down this path last season. To admit that the Avatar could possibly be alive will mean he could lose everything. Also Zuko never actually saw the water being used so he doesn't know for sure it will bring the Avatar back. The look Azula gives him tells us she knows he's not being fully honest, which is why she told their father the lie to protect herself.


On the issue of finally being able to see the Firelord Ozai. It really subverts your expectations when you believe him to be a monster because he burned Zuko and is waging a war to control the entire world etc. So when we finally see him he looks perfectly normal, a handsome and youthful man. Contrast this with Zuko who is horribly disfigured but we've seen throughout the past two seasons that Zuko has good in him. Right now Zuko is just lost trying for so long to gain the love and approval of a man that was never a father to him, while betraying the one man that was always there, Uncle Iroh.

Julia Contreras

First of all, I want to thank you, Suraj, for the great work in the edition of each of the episodes, I believe that your work plays an important role in the identity that the Normies's reactions have and it makes them much more interesting that the ones from other channels. The full reaction to the final episodes of Season 2 compared to those edited, personally, I prefer a thousand times the ones edited. I'm sorry to read that the edition has become more of a burden than an enjoyment, especially when there is so much to discover once you finish with A:TLA and start with LoK. I hope you all still want to watch it, 'cause it's awesome in its own way. Maybe the current system needs some changes? Now that you're about to finish Book 2 on Youtube, you may find it easier to maintain the desired 6-episode distance once you get down to 1 episode per week on the channel. I think that's the most important thing tbh. The last month problem was the lack of updates regarding the episodes and "unfulfilled promises" more than anything else. I decided to become a patreon after seeing your reaction to the Book 1 finale because I thought it was great, and beautiful, and exciting, so... I think I could say that I'm here mainly because of A:TLA (although I watch your other reactions, even those of shows that I don't really follow), but I think the vast majority of us just expect to be kept abreast of what is happening. If you've problems to upload the episodes on time, if the weather played a bad trick on you, or your computers decided not to work as they should... we all have gone through similar things, so for many patreons, a simple update about the current situation of the episodes would suffice. If you want to keep the 10USD, I think that staying at a distance of 6 episodes from the Youtube channel and at least one episode per week would suffice, as long as you keep us informed. Good communication with your patreons is the basis for a loyal fanbase. I want to reiterate that your reactions make me very happy, I love to see the interpretation that each one has of what happens in the episodes and the discussions that are generated on the topics the show chooses to address. I hope you all know that despite the problems, many of us plan to continue to support your work in the future, even when you finish with the material related to the world of Avatar. About the next episodes, will Navi join you, guys? To me, her views seem very interesting and I think that she doesn't alter much the great dynamic the main four have achieved. Just... great work, Suraj and everyone.


The exact point i've been trying to make, just worded better. All we want, all anyone wants, is just to be kept informed of your progress. That's it. You don't need to stick to a schedule just tell everyone what is going on so we can understand what you're going through. Communication is key, especially to paying supporters.


one episode a week on youtube? that means more that one epidodes on patreon? :p


Maybe time you hired an outside editor Suraj? You shouldn't force yourself to edit these if you don't enjoy it. It's gonna adversely affect how you feel about the series as well. That's not fair on you.


It still won't change the amount of time we put in editing all the episodes because we believe in quality over quantity and we want to differentiate from other channels with our editing style. We still add our videos on Youtube for free. This platform is just to get these videos early


Aw thank you so much ToySouljah. All the positive comments mean a lot to us. I think Suraj just went to bed or just turned off all the social medias for time being but will pass these on to him :)


Love the quote and I know Suraj would love it. Thank you Lego The Office!! we love positive vibes - Navi


Thank you Amanda! We started our channel with Game of Thrones and that show will always have special place in our heart. We can't help but putting most of our effort into improving GOT editing and skits. We are going to try our very best until we can't before changing to one episode a week of Avatar on patreon. Once GOT ends in few weeks, then the schedule should get consistent. Fingers crossed


We tried to have someone else for the group go full-time but it hasn't worked, so we are looking into interns. That would definitely help with editing


Hey hey hey, let's be careful about spoilers. They may have reached that part already but it's better to be safe regardless.


Great Reaction Normies and Suraj especially (I see you holding dem tears back :')...) Just hope hope hope you can still provide full unedited reactions for some Episodes and Especially the FINALE, Or just Livestream it like S2 Finale. As if you weren't busy enough though..Thanks


I appreciate all your hard work with editing these episodes <3 I personally don't mind if they're a little late because I know how much effort it takes and how tiring getting these episodes out can be. Love you guys!


aren't you hiring an editor? I thought you were saying something about that


he didnt just run off with the bear u need to read the comics


and you're supposed to watch this before starting season 3 <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tORslUY699o&amp;t=4s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tORslUY699o&amp;t=4s</a>


The avatar must die for the next one to be born. The reason Aang had to complete that air nation trial was to determine whether or not HE was the avatar. They know when Roku died, the next type of bender in the cycle and the number of air nomads born after Roku's death but not specifically who it will be until later on.


Nahid....episode 4 is gonna be your episode dude lol


also I wanted to say pls take as long as you need to edit these. Your mental health and enjoyment of the show is more important. Can't believe u guys are on book 3. Not much left now, so don't forget to savor every episode. I wish I could watch avatar again for the first time, it's truly a special show :))


Awesome! I can't stress this enough tho; We patreons just want updates, and we truly do have patience and appreciation for you guys! We love the work that goes into these, and most of us don't mind video delays, we just want a clear communication. So please don't be stressed out! We got you, boo. Just a quick little text update is enough.


We probably don't say it enough, but we appreciate all the time and effort you're all putting into your channel. Keep having fun yeah.

Jay M

It's so funny always seeing such positive comments when they post an Avatar video, but as soon as the next day hits, "Where's my Avatar?!" "I pay $10 for this? WTF?" "You broke your promise" comments start rolling in 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Flameo, Normies!


lets go book 3!!!!


Well they do find out almost immediately. They give the baby all the toys and they always pick the same 4 for each element. Season 1 stuff i think? They always wait to reveal it until the child comes of age. Aang being the exception because of what the Fire Nation was up to.


Hey guys its Chris (The one you all love to hate).... Any way I had to come through and remove a few comments for being spoiler-y. So just a reminder don't spoil things. - Chris (twice)


here's a spoiler - book 3 is lit........get it ha


To what you guys were saying in the reaction about the voice acting and the animation: This level of quality is what you can expect from book 3. There was a relatively long intermission between book 2 and book 3 back when this show was airing, so they had a good amount of time to make book 3 as perfect as possible from a production standpoint. Yes, the voice acting, animation, and sound direction in this season are leagues above the other two seasons. I'm looking forward to your reactions to so many good episodes this season.

Matt Kelso

Just to make sure, I know Avatar Uploads are now once a week on Youtube, but are there still 2 Avatar Uploads per week on Patreon, or is it just one upload as well on Patreon? Just curious, either or I'm fine with. Thanks in advance!


Will you guys upload season 3 episode 2 today as well?

Keep It Zen

Yes Suraj that was the Crescent Island. Also guys, I think Zuko didn't tell his father because as Ozai was speaking, he actually sounded proud of Zuko. At least as proud as he's ever been. Maybe Zuko thought the only reason his dad accepted him back was because 'Zuko killed Aang'. He's been in horrible standing with the fire lord for 3 years. He was afraid he'd tarnish that and lose his acceptance if he said "Azula did everything, and I just helped." As for why Zuko withheld information from Azula, I'll let you guys theorize about that.

Ben Felton

It's ironic that micky of all people would speculate a character (not) being killed.


The quality is fucking fantastic