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Good morning all you beautiful people! So we are rolling out our raw uncut full reactions for all you 5 Dolla Holla and up Patrons!  I hope you guys enjoy our beginning and ends in all these videos!


DBS Episode 26 Full Reaction

This is fully uncut i hope you enjoy it dudes



obligatory muhh avatur


Not even any updates on avatar


wtf is wrong with Avatar?? not even a f update!!


They uploaded 18 on youtube. Still not a word here. Last month confirmed.


where is avatar





Kelsey Roberts

I really don't like complaining unless it's something morally wrong, because I try to consider peoples' lives outside of their social media and how it affects their job. But this is ridiculous. I've been a $10 Patreon since the beginning of Avatar the Last Airbender, because I love the show and you guys do a great job reacting to it. I wasn't even concerned with being so far ahead of the Youtube schedule. That was just a bonus. But now I feel like I am being taken advantage of. No updates. No posts. Nothing. And this hasn't been just this week. This has been since June. It's really frustrating to pay this much of my money for such lackluster results. And all of the update posts seem very much like putting out fires instead of providing real change or apology. It's bad viewer-relationship skills, guys. And I fear for your following.

Robyn DW

Dear Fellow Normie, It's your local White Knight here. Please consider that Patreon was created to SUPPORT artists, not receive SERVICES from artists. The Normies' following has grown exponentially in the last few months, and obviously they have many people to please, and are learning as they go. This is not a moral issue. We all get impatient at times, but we are here to support them as they grow their channel. Do not fear for their following. They have a loyal fan base, and I hope you continue to be a part of it.


I totally understand. It's just one editor I know what it's like. What I don't like is too many promises. Last week they said they were going to release season 1 episode 1 last weeks and nothing. At some point they said that were going to try and stay 6 episodes ahead of YT by the end of that week they update it. At this point it seems like we're going to be at the same spot as YT. In other words, no point of paying when we can watch it the same week as YT does. I'm sure most of the patreon followers are here for their avatar reactions. I would focus on editing those on time and delaying because that's where their followers (and money) comes from. Without it they lose followers.


And how is that that you can edit a one hour episode of game of thrones and upload it the day after it airs (not that I got a problem with seeing GoT reactions), but you can't edit a 20 min episode of avatar?

Lauren S.

You do know that they literally stayed up all night to edit game of thrones right?

Lauren S.

On a positive note: hey nahid! Thank you so much for this wonderful reaction. I really appreciate mickeys and yours reactions and conversations. I'm still in awe that you taught yourself how to edit. I could never do that. Since this post is a dragonball super post I just wanted to thank you for this dragonball video.

Robyn DW

Self-taught badassery!


Thank you for the DBS post guys, as always a pleasure to watch even ahead of editing! I do enjoy rewatching episodes along with your reaction, it's a nice change of pace. I wouldn't mind seeing more of these!

Noah Hoorn

I don't feel like getting into a debate about this again. But the "that's life." Argument is supreme bs.

Noah Hoorn

Also the whole "what you feel is promised" thing you've been doing on this post Robyn is starting to become funny, because at some point you have to acknowledge that they said they were going to do something by a certain time and then haven't followed through for almost 2 months.

Noah Hoorn

You can say well teeeechnically they're still following through on the perk for 10 dollar patrons. But they are also making additional promises, or whatever you want to call them, that they aren't following through on, or following up on.

Noah Hoorn

We aren't just making these things up, you guys realize that they posted that they would be getting a more concrete schedule and that season 3 would start to be up awhile back?

Noah Hoorn

We didn't make them say that.

Robyn DW

Hey Noah! Why don't we have an actual discussion (in one post). I feel like Kelsey and I got to a good place, and I bet we could too.

Noah Hoorn

The perk on the home page for 10 dollar patrons says select early content and doesn't specify. However, when you get the people running the channel and profiting off of it putting avatar into that 10 dollar section and saying that certain episodes will be posted by certain days/times and they consistently aren't for the past 2 months, you have to acknowledge that, no?


I'm getting pretty sick and tired of you fucking Avatar people. Just leave. Stop threatening to leave, and just leave. No one gives a shit.

Noah Hoorn

I did this like 3 weeks ago and am not super into doing a big discussion, I just got off work and I'm tired and hungry. I have no Ill will towards any of you, I just want a new and better system to be implemented and I think the people ignoring that there actually is a problem are the people most getting in the way of a solution.

Noah Hoorn

Who threatend to leave.....?

Robyn DW

Hey Matt! I'm busy annoying everyone today, so feel free to come at me, but let's be kind to one another.


Dude if you're trying to make a point make it one post stop spamming multiple separate comments. Keep it in 1 chain at least ffs.

Noah Hoorn

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm frustrated with you Robyn, honestly I'm not mad about this, I just want everyone to acknowledge there are some major problems with the current system. Would you agree with that?

Noah Hoorn

You can't respond to peoples' comments on the app. I'm on my phone. Sorry, but I'm working with what I have ffs.

Robyn DW

That's already a much more Informative comment. We don't have to discuss, but I'm happy to. Eat, sleep, have a great evening!

Noah Hoorn

Would you agree that there are some major problems with the current system? Once you answer I will leave so I don't clutter up this awesome video with my avatar comments anymore. I wish I could respond to comments on the app, but I can't and I'm not able to get on my computer right now.

Manny D.

You all say you paid for Avatar, and are mad that they don't focus on it. But what happens when they finish Avatar? How many of you will stay? Why would they focus on a show you openly admitted to is the only reason you became a Patron. How do they grow their channel that way? I'd rather they focus on shows that get them more viewers, like Game of Thrones tbh


But can we take a moment and step back to look at this from alternate angles? The Normies are a group of people who all have full time jobs off the couch and while they may have had some private take over the internets aspirations, I doubt they expected their channel's views and support to multiple so quickly. They are also trying to man several social media outlets to stay connected to their fan base, increase production quality of their content, and somehow make everyone happy while also having lives of their own and staying sane. Does that mean if they say "hey guys, 'X Show's Reaction' will be posted on such and such day!" and then it's not there for whatever reason doesn't make that OK or any less upsetting; patience is hard especially when all you're wanting to do at the core of it all is share an experience with people you view as your buddies and I'm guessing you feel some sort of way because yes Patreon promises and whatnot but also because your buddy let you down and you're upset. It's a hard juggle on both sides, but if we can support each other, content creators and content lovers, this bump will pass and we can all move forward together to enjoy stuff together, then look back all "In the beginning" and knowingly nod at each other like "dann that was some shit right there but look at us now!". And if that's not your cup o'tea, that's cool, do what works for you and if that means you find an alternate place to chill on Patreon, if it outs you in a better place, rock on. Otherwise can we just agree life happens and growing pains happen and stay civil with each other to keep our community strong? Also, private messages tend to work a lot better for direct questions then getting them inserted into threads on various vids. 🖖

Noah Hoorn

And yet they can't give a 5 minute update saying that what they said before is not doable currently and they will keep us posted.

Robyn DW

Hey Noah! I would agree that the Normies are going through a learning curve, and are still trying to figure this all out. And I don't mind that you directed your comment to me. I just wish that we would all be more thoughtful in the way we speak on here. Your last few comments are very thoughtful and concise. Let's keep that up. Let's create a space where we can agree, disagree, praise, and confront without it becoming so catty or negative. You know what I mean?