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This will be updated For Every Episode adding extra information until this Gold Farming Method is complete. 

The Goal of this Series is to Min Max different Gold Farms and find a tested way of Farming for specific items for Reliable Gold Each and Every Day. 

Week 1: Information is provided here, 

Poseidus - 1 mount - None Sold - 3 Minutes

Sealed Tome - 1 - Sold 1 - 7 Minutes

Garn Nighthowl - 6 - Sold 3 - Bags 3 - 1 Minutes

Battered Hilt - 1 - Bag 1 - 17 Minutes

Timeless Isle - Nil - 5 Minutes 

Nagrand Rares - 2 Bags - 40 Secounds

Tannan Rares - 1 Sold - 2 Bags - 50 Secounds

Blasted Rares - Multiple Sold and Bags - 4 Minutes

Total Time: 26 Minutes and 10 Secounds

Total Value: 127K

Total Gold: 40k 

Overall Total: 167k

Spreadsheet Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Fzyj6d7Pm-BpE-3lPkO5-smta5fNXhRXrs6uynajXlc/edit?usp=sharing


Britt Malka

Battered hilt in 17 minutes? Was that sheer luck or did I do something wrong?