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The art of flipping on the auction house in World of Warcraft involves buying undervalued items and selling them for a higher price in order to make gold. There are several methods for flipping that can be profitable, but it's important to note that there is also a risk of losing gold. If you can't afford to lose gold, it's best to avoid flipping on the auction house as a way to make gold. If you're willing to take the risk, here are some tips:

Use the 60% rule: Look for materials that are being sold for 60% or lower than their market value, and then resell them for 100% of the market value. This is a good way to start flipping and make steady gold. However, as you gain more experience with flipping, you'll start to get a feel for which items are most likely to return a profit.

Flip bind-on-equip (BOE) items: BOE items can be harder to judge when you're starting out, but using the 60% rule can help. A good time to start flipping BOE items is at the beginning of an expansion or when new content is released, as new BOEs are added to the game and are in high demand. Keep in mind that there is always a risk with any flip, and you should factor that in when deciding which items to buy. Some items that tend to sell quickly in expansions and new content include shoulders, helms, and weapons. You can also look for BOEs that are particularly useful for specific classes.

Remember, flipping on the auction house carries a risk of losing gold. If you can't afford to lose gold, it's best to avoid this method of making gold in World of Warcraft.


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